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Everything posted by RogerDuke

  1. I've caught the cold bug that's been going around. I don't know if I'll be able to stay up long enough to see Georgia beat Alabama. Speaking of Alabama football here's a little Dukes trivia. It was Sonny Shroyer who played Coach Bear Bryant in Forrest Gump.
  2. bodybuilders
  3. Georgia is in the Division I national championship football game on Monday night and now the Atlanta Falcons have advanced to the NFC title game with a chance to play in the Super Bowl. I always root for teams from Georgia because I live the Dukes so much. The only time I won't is if they're playing Pittsburgh teams.
  4. We have one more day of single digit temperatures to go then it's a week of warm weather. My wife has a pretty severe case of pink eye. I've never had it but it's pretty contagious so we'll see what happens. I have to work all day tomorrow so I won't get to watch any NFL playoffs.
  5. treasure (one person's trash is another's treasure)
  6. electronic
  7. Today was all work and no play. Tomorrow's looking better though.
  8. fly
  9. Happy birthday on Thursday to our two favorite Bosses.
  10. Had a nice lazy day today before heading back to the old grind tomorrow. Just trying to keep warm in these arctic conditions. 2017 was good to me. I am one lucky redneck who is very appreciative.
  11. 0018 more minutes until 2018 in Hazzard County. Happy New Year everybody!
  12. Most folks get excited about Jan 1 because it's New Year's Day but folks around here don't care about that as much as we care that it's a certain bumbling deputy's birthday. Happy birthday Cletus!
  13. It's also amazing that Uncle Jesse was only 15 years older than Enos in real life. I'm already half way through my Charlie Daniels book. He made a few mistakes when he was younger but today he is definitely worthy of respect. What an amazing life!
  14. Just looked it up. Sonny was born Aug 28, 1935 and Charlie was born Oct 28, 1936. I'm not sure if they had kindergarten then but it's neat to learn two of my favorite celebrities in the world might have played on the same playground as little tikes. I'm pretty sure Sonny was there then. As far as I know he's a lifelong Valdosta resident.
  15. I got Charlie Daniels autobiography for Christmas and started to read it today and can't put it down. I was delighted to see he went to school in Valdosta Georgia for a little while....not very long though since his family traveled a lot. I need to look into these dates a little more. Let's see Charlie was born in 1936 and was in first grade in Valdosta. Sonny Shroyer must be pretty close to that age.....even though he doesn't look it. It would be cool If they knew each other.....long shot I'm sure.
  16. Am I correct in assuming all the terminology is the same over there? Strike? Spare? Split? If you get three strikes in a row is it called a turkey? How many pins do they use in metric bowling? (just kidding about that last one)
  17. The last 24 hours have been crazy here in Erie County Pennsylvania. The city of Erie got 55 inches of snow in 24 hours and was the #1 story on every national news network. Here in the rural southern part of the county we only got 15 inches. That is the opposite of how it usually goes. A typical bad storm here sees us getting 30 inches and the city (north of Interstate 90) getting less than 10. This is called "lake effect" snow. Hey Meadowmfn doesn't Interstate 90 head into your neck of the woods? I think it goes from Seattle to Boston.
  18. Belated happy BD MM! Yes Hoss I saw that story on the national news. Erie County also made the national news yesterday. I'll post that on the 24 hour thread.
  19. I've had a great Christmas so far (still over 3 hours until the 26th). After midnight I'll start my annual post Christmas blues routine and I'll be fine by February 1. Seriousely though, my post Christmas blues won't really start until Jan 2 when my wife starts taking the decorations down. I have my season three sitting right here. As soon as my wife goes to bed I'm popping in "The Great Santa Claus Chase."
  20. One hour into Christmas and it sure is a white one here in NW Pennsylvania up on Lake Erie. We might get 2 feet of snow in 3 days. Merry Christmas Day to all my friends here and all Dukes fans worldwide. I see you got a present with a Seahawks win today MM. You must have been good.
  21. If you think about it every day is a holiday because every day is unique. That's why I tip a glass of buttermilk every evening just like Enos.
  22. Rudolph (beer? That surprises me. I figured you'd be leaving old Saint Nick a bit of Hobie's Finest.)
  23. We just had a friend stay with us on Tuesday night from Tennessee. He was traveling to the other side of Pennsylvania....which reminds me of that song "There's no place like home for the holidays". Part of the lyrics are "I met a man who lives in Tennessee and he was heading home to Pennsylvania and some homemade pumpkin pie."
  24. Yes but on the days that we're not having a holiday you need a sip to cheer you up. I see a trend here...LOL
  25. I wish I could help you but have never been west of the Mississippi River except for 4 trips in the USMC Reserves. 3 of those were in the desert in southern California. One of them was mountain warfare training near Yosemite. That was the second most beatiful place I've ever seen in my life (the first is my humble home here in the woods). I highly recommend Yosemite.
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