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Everything posted by morgan

  1. It seems to me there is just another topic equal to this. In any case, the episode is "along came a Duke" and it's on season 3, just in dvd
  2. I'll surely see it, too, 'cause John is John. It's only that is strange to see him in a show like that.
  3. Nip/Tuck? Bleeaah! I don't like that serie, I saw some episode but I found them...poor and dirty! And he left a good serie like Smallville to stay with his family to do this..thing???
  4. Oooh, sooo bad!
  5. For me, the new is the 6th season, i think in U.S. it's just out, or not?
  6. Anyone that has just seen the new season of Smallville can tell me if John will do some appearence?
  7. I can't register in Myspace: I tried losts of times but it doesn't accept anyone of mine 3 mail addresses! Help!
  8. Cooter for me, too!
  9. Well, just take a look to my avatar and you'll have the answer
  10. Welcome!!
  11. Happy birhtday!!
  12. I read there were 150 Chargers
  13. Welcome! I understand you: I lost my mum last year for the same reason. Hope you can be better staying around here
  14. Yeah, Jeb, I like that episode!
  15. Welcome! Good you had so great time to the Dukefest!
  16. Yeah, that was so fun and, I have to say, this time the italian translation was litterally!
  17. morgan

    Over my head (?)

  18. My favourite is the extra of the 7th season, the video of "good ol'boys"
  19. I've got the 2nd Reunion, too! Very good even I liked more the 1st, but it worth to see. It's strange to see them in Hollywood. Good the love story between Bo and a singer
  20. No problem, Roger Duke, it's ok! It seems you in America have lots of cities with italian names: Venice, Milan, Parma, Lodi (Tom born there). Yes, Milan is called the city of the fashion but, actually, if you go in via Montenapoleone (maybe the most famous street for fashion) you'll find a little street with normal clothes at very high prices
  21. morgan

    Barely Famous

    What is it?
  22. morgan

    Over my head (?)

    It means about "sono fuori di me" or "sono matto" or even "non ragiono"
  23. Actually, I live in Italy
  24. I don't think John had the intention to do a sad film or put in it danger scene: even the reason why the "bad guy" wanted his car back was to have the ashes of his wife's cat, if I didn't understand bad. So, it's a commedy, and he tried to put it to be funny, as in Hazzard: they had problems, troubles, etc, but always with a smile on their faces.
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