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B.L. Davenport

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Everything posted by B.L. Davenport

  1. Jesse went back to bed once he knew Lori was home safe and sound. Cooter never even twitched on his place on the couch when she came in the door. A bulldozer coming through the livingroom wouldn't have woke him up. Lori sat down in the recliner to think taking advantage of the silent house to mull all this over in her own mind.....
  2. Rapaho County Rev. J.P. Frawley Hogg's Heavenly Buffet
  3. Lori sighed and climbed in Midnight, heading to town. She saw just how many law men were around and she began to tensen up in her seat. She pulled up to the courthouse and climbed out going in to see Boss.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When Jesse had asked their opinons everyone had agreed with Lori that he should take the deal and plead guilty to making moonshine if it would keep the Bo, Luke and Jeb out of jail. Now though with supper over and Lori had went somewhere but none of them new where she'd just said she had to do something and she'd be back in a little while. Now the rest of the 'kids' set on the porch discussing what Jesse had told them. Vance: "I don't want the fellas and Uncle Jesse to go to jail but Uncle Jesse's gonna hafta give up a part of his family traditions of 200 years if he makes that deal." B.L: "Vance that ain't what's important you know Uncle Jesse will do whatever it takes to keep ya'll out of trouble." Cooter: "B.L's right" Daisy and Coy nodded their agreement. The group of young people continued to sit on the porch and talk until it was really late. B.L and Cooter not in the mood to go home wanting to be there for their friends decided to stay the night B.L would sleep in Daisy's room on a pallet in the floor since she now had a twin bed instead of the big bed. Cooter would sleep on the couch, soon the house was bathed in darkness and silence as they all slept. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At the jail and courthouse......
  4. B.L had him chasing him, Cooter heard her and kept right on running calling back over his shoulder "NUH UH CUZ I AIN'T FALLIN' FER THAT....I STOP AND YOU TWO'S GONNA KILL MEEEE!!!!" B.L was almost on him swinging that club hammer more like an axe than a hammer and replied "Don't matter if you stop I'M GONNA KILL YA ANYWAY!!!!!" Well Lori seen he wasn't gonna stop so she.....
  5. Cooter got brave though and looked to his two cousins saying "What's ya'lls problem ya ain't never acted this way before when you wasn't gettin' any action." The two glared at Cooter with killer looks the demon that he was sure was their souls shining in their eyes. He gulped briefly but continued with his bravery or it might be thought of more as stupidity once he'd finished. "Well ladies I'm sorry about ya'll but I am gettin' it got me a date tonight as a matter of fact." The instant the words 'i am gettin' it' left his mouth Lori was out from under the car she was working on just as B.L took a threatening step toward him. Cooter for once having the sense god gave a goose turned tail and ran for all he was worth. Both B.L and Lori hot on his heels, Lori brandishing the wrench she'd been using to work on the car but B.L had been a little more drastic and was brandishing a club hammer and both were running after him at top speed screaming threats of "I'M GONNA KILL YOU COOTER DAVENPORT". "JUST YOU WAIT TILL I GET MY HANDS ON YOU GONNA KNOCK YOU UPSIDE THE HEAD WITH THIS CLUB HAMMER!" Cooter looked back over his shoulder to see how close they were on his tail and almost tripped but only stumbled briefly and kept right on running!
  6. When Lori got the garage what she saw shocked her Cooter and Luther..... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dixie finally made it out of bed and stumbled to the bathroom she needed a hot bath for her aching muscles but needed a cold shower for other things. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Back at the jail Luke and Jeb were dying almost literally Bo on the other hand was a happy camper the lady officer had done him wonders..... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ B.L pulled up at the garage shortly after Lori and stepped in seeing the same thing Lori was seeing but didn't pay it much mind she looked at Lori dressed in a summer dress even though it was only 50 degrees outside and the temperature was dropping. Smirking she asked indicating the fact it was a summer dress. "A little hot and bothered are we cousin?" Lori shot B.L and dirty look and said "Shut up Brandy Lou afore I knock yer teeth out!" B.L folded her arms and leant to the side a little with attitude "ooh I'm shakin' in my boots NOT" Lori took a swing at B.L but missed when B.L ducked, now ordinarily the fight would be on and the two would go rolling around the garage punching and cussing a blue streak but B.L didn't want to risk hurting the unborn child Lori was carrying so just held her ground but Lori was 'frustrated' and wasn't gonna back down. "What's a matter cousin you chicken?" Lori taunted taking another swing at B.L connecting with her lip this time. B.L stared a whole right through Lori and said lethally "do that again and I'm gonna slap you silly!" Well Lori took the challenge and went to do it again only to have her hand grabbed in a vice like grip by B.L and her jaws rang good for her. Cooter and Luther saw a fight coming on and quickly seperated the two. B.L jerked free of Luther and stomped off around the side of the garage leaning her forehead on the wall breathing hard she was mad along with being 'frustrated' and hot. Looking over at the jail house she could see Luke looking out the window and thought him and Bo and Jeb must be about to die over there without 'company' of the female persuasion little did she know Bo was happy as a clam at the moment. This only made her own perdicament seem worse and she turned back to the wall banging her head on it repeatedly whimpering in frustration and pain of her own. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Back at the Duke Farm.....
  7. B.L was sitting on the couch talking to Luther, after Lori had gone to bed and Cooter was out on a wrecker call. "Uncle Luther we gotta do somethin' about Dixie she's driving us all nuts with her cleanin" Luther nodded the garage had been the last straw. He liked to come home to a clean house but a man's garage was his castle. "I agree darlin' I just don't know what to do, she's not herself after the Duke boys got arrested." B.L thought 'if you only knew the half of it' yawning and stretching she got up and said... "Think I'll go to bed..g'nite Uncle Luther" She kissed his cheek and went upstairs crawling in bed wondering what Dixie would find to clean tomorrow. A few hours later after Cooter had returned from the wrecker call he and Luther went to bed for the night too.
  8. At the garage Luther pulled up and saw the dumster piled high with stuff. He went into the garage and found just what he thought he'd find Dixie CLEANING she was down on the floor now scrubbing it with a toothbrush! B.L was sitting on the desk her feet in the chair staying cler out of Dixie's way but watching her like she was supposed to. Luther tapped his foot and folded his arms staring at her perched on the desk not bothering to stop Dixie. "YOU were supposed to KEEP her out of here!" B.L looked up and leaned away from Luther replying "I let her come to the jail to see Jeb....then uh she and Lori apparently were both there and got into it.When she didn't come home after an hour or so I came to see if she was still at the jail. Cooter was there and he turned on me and started ranting about her being over here destroying everything so I came to get her but she wasn't doing any harm looks kinda nice so I been settin' here watchin' her." Luther glared at B.L then looked at Dixie who looked up and..........
  9. Mary Lou Pringle Hazzard Lane Green River Mary Lou Pringle is the only one I'm absolutely sure about
  10. Jeb on the other hand could reach him and proceeded to strangle Bo then and there despite Rosco being present. Bo's head was rattling you could almost hear his brain moving in it, Luke just watched smirking as Jeb taught Bo a lesson he'd probably stop Jeb just short of actually killing Bo but for now he'd leave them alone Bo deserved it! Finally Luke decided Bo'd had enough and called Jeb off. "Jeb that's enough don't kill him!" Jeb let go of Bo and went over to the bunk flopping down on it, killing Bo had been just what he had in mind but Luke's authoritative tone as the oldest had compelled him to stop from years of listening to it. Rosco was still muttering and babbling trying to find out more about the CRAZY person over at the garage but he was being ignored by all the boys..... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Meanwhile the CRAZY person known better as Dixie Davenport, was still over at the garage cleaning. Everything that didn't look important was being thrown in the trash the tools were being scrubbed free of grease and motor oil. Old part magazines were being tossed out along with some other stuff that wasn't bolted down.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Back at the Davenport farm B.L was wondering why Dixie wasn't back yet then it hit her like a ton of bricks that she was supposed to keep her from cleaning the garage. B.L ran out the door jumping in the Judge heading for town she hoped Dixie wasn't at the garage but still at the jail. Pulling up at the courthouse she ran inside and downstairs to see if Dixie was there, Cooter turned as did the others hearing the pounding footsteps on the stairs when he saw B.L he turned blue in the face and yelled "YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO WATCH HER!!!!!" Gulping B.L backed up as Cooter came threateningly closer she turned tail and ran back up the stairs calling as she went. "Hi GUYS....BYE GUYS GOTTA GET DIXIE" Running out of the courthouse at top speed she crossed the street almost getting hit by Mr. Peters not watching where she was going. "Sorry Mr. Peters" B.L apologized and continued to make a mad dash for the garage when she got there Dixie was........
  11. At the Davenport farm Dixie had only stopped her mad cleaning frenzy briefly while she told B.L about everything now she was up cleaning again. She came though the livingroom with a trash bag layed over her shoulder heading upstairs, B.L saw her and asked "What're you cleaning now?" Dixie looked at B.L and smirked as she put her foot on the bottom step "Lori's room" B.L jumped up from her spot in the recliner and followed Dixie upstairs she was gonna help with this room. The way they were grinning as they walked up the stairs it'd make a person wonder if they were going to clean or go on a treasure hunt. They walked in Lori's room each taking a side they were gonna pick this room clean with a fine tooth comb. Dixie was looking on the side of the room with the bed and night stand while B.L was going through the closet and chest of drawers. Dixie was under the bed just her feet sticking out she'd found a box of notes and letters to Lori from various boys they sat down and read a few gagging and rolling their eyes at the mushy stuff wrote in them. After they got bored with that box Dixie went back under the bed and pulled out a stack of year books and said with an evil grin. "hey B look at this it's Lori's year books I bet Luke'd be interested in these" B.L came over thumbing through one of them smirking wickedly. Then she went back to her task of looking in the chest of drawers and to her delight she found a little black book of guys phone numbers something a married woman should have gotten rid of! "HEY DIXIE LOOK! it's Lori's little black book!!" Dixie came over and looked through the book with B.L there was Andy Jeffersons number which made B.L see red she was gonna kill Lori next chance she got. It had 100 other boys phone numbers in it too. B.L told Dixie "Bet Luke will be interested in this too" Dixie nodded and bounced back across the room opening the drawer to the night stand with a gasp and an evil laugh, B.L turned to see what it was all about and Dixie was waving around a prescription of birth control pills only half taken. Looking in Lori's closet B.L found an outfit that nearly made her eyes pop out if Luther had ever laid eyes on this he'd have whipped Lori's butt it was so low cut it woulda barely covered her nipples and skin tight to the point she couldn't wear any underwear under it. and strapless! B.L knew she dressed questionable sometimes herself but she didn't own anything like this! After finding all the good stuff Dixie and B.L left Lori's room to go downstairs and scatter the year books and letters on the floor to read what people had wrote in the year books and what the rest of the letters said....
  12. Cooter and Luther went back to the garage and left B.L there with Dixie still cleaning like a woman possessed. Dixie was taking had so far scrubbed the kitchen floor, vaccumed all the carpet in the house and had cleaned her room throwing a bunch of junk out. Now she was coming toward the couch with a purposeful stride. B.L was setting on it looking at a magazine. Dixie walks up and grabs the end and starts trying to move the couch. B.L put down her magazine and looked up asking. "what are you doing?" "moving the couch it's time for a change around here." Dixie replied Dixie continued to wrestle with moving the couch and B.L on it. Watching a few minutes B.L finally patted the spot beside her and said "Set down Dix tell me what's going on you've cleaned this house from top to bottom places we aint even seen in years. Now your trying to move the couch by yourself." Dixie sat down beside B.L and told B.L the whole story about writing Luke and him writing her back. How she really felt about him it was like somebody opened the flood gates and the words just came tumbling out of Dixie's mouth as she sat there on the couch and told B.L the whole story. B.L listened and then told Dixie, "there's nothin' wrong with you writing Luke I'm sure he appreciates it we've all been friends for years and if you or me can't write him a letter while he's in jail because of Lori then there's something seriously wrong." Dixie nodded there was something seriously wrong alright firs off it was Luke and Lori being married. The two talked a while longer about it all which kept Dixie from scrubbing anything or moving the furniture around so that the rest of them would fall on their butts of faces when it wasn't where it was normally.
  13. Luke had recieved Vances letter, and couldnt lie to him so he wrote, Vance it's true I have been writing to Dixie in all fairness Lori hasn't bothered to write me. I've just been replying to Dixie's notes she wanted to tell me some things is all and I replied. WHAT is your problem with that? WHY don't YOU just stay out of my business cousin!!!!. He then gave the note to Rosco to mail for him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Vance got Luke's note and shook his head he knew Luke would try and find a way to say he was meddling but he loved Lori even if Luke didn't. Lori came in from the class that B.L had signed her and Luke up for and cussing and muttering dark threats about her cousin, she had found out they'd be given a doll that would do most everything a real baby did and they had to take care of it and treat it like a real baby. Lori took her groceries into the kitchen to put them away seeing Vance at the table reading a letter which he quickly hid. She didn't give it much thought though she was too busy grumbling about B.L and the class. "Dang her hide I oughta make her go with me for payback!" Vance glanced up at her and asked "how was that class?" Lori turned a look on him that would scare the ugly right off Frankenstein. This caused Vance to recoil back from her sorry he'd asked......
  14. Cooter went back over to the garage his head hung like a whipped pup deep in thought about what was to become of his friends and Lori and the baby. B.L went over to Lori's car before she could leave and leaned on the window. Looking solemn even though she fought with Lori after the doctor's visit this morning she didn't want this to happen to Luke. She reached in the window and patted Lori's shoulder consolingly saying sincerely. "I'm sorry Lori really sorry." Lori nodded and leaned her head against the steering wheel so B.L wouldn't see her cry but it was a futile attempt B.L still saw her shoulder's shaking and leaned into the car hugging Lori as best she could rubbing her opposite shoulder whispering quietly and consolingly. "It'll be ok cuz" Lori nodded and sat up straight again wiping her eyes. Dixie had saw them and came over to tell Lori how sorry she was too and to commiserate with their cousin. After Dixie had talked to Lori she too leaned in the window and hugged Lori. After a few more minutes of talking Lori left headed back for the Duke farm. B.L then turned to Dixie and put her arms around the younger girl hugging her too she was almost as upset over this as Lori, Dixie buried her face in B.L's shoulder and cried the tears she had been holding back. B.L stood there in the middle of the street just holding Dixie while she cried when she was finished they went over to the garage........
  15. At the Davenport farm B.L ran in the door letting it bang as she ran up the stairs screaming like a banshee with the news and what she and Dixie surmised. "UNCLE LUUUUUUUTHERRRRRR LOOOR" B.L rounded the corner into Luther's room to find him setting up in bed giving her a look and he said calmly" "I ain't deaf girl ya don't hafta scream like a banshee, now what has Lori done that's got you so wound up?" B.L. took a couple deep breaths catching her breath after her mad dash into the house and up the stairs then told Luther. "Lori's pregnant already!!!" Luther shrugged there wasn't anything about that he could see that would get B.L in an uproar alot of women got pregnant soon after marriage. He looked at her and again spoke calmly. " That's not unsual B.L for a woman to get pregnant right after getting married." B.L shook her head he wasn't understanding she plopped down on the bed and looked Luther in the eye and said. "She got pregnant WAAY before the wedding is what Dixie said she told Luke. Don't you see Uncle Luther it's not Luke's, Lori's pregnant by ANOTHER man!" Luther sighed and shook his head he knew Lori had a reputation and was a little on the wild side but he didn't think she'd marry one man while being pregnant by another. B.L continued with her story. "Of course she denied it and told me and Dixie if we didn't believe it was Luke's we could go to the doctor with her tomorrow and she'd prove it. Well I don't believe her one iota and neither does Dixie so we're going with her to the doctor." After telling the NEWS B.L then told Luther about the Duke boys getting caught running shine and what Jesse had learned from the ATF then she went downstairs and her and Dixie worked together to clean the house and plan supper. After supper was cooked,eat and the dishes cleaned up everyone went to bed B.L had the night off. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lori fell asleep in the recliner....that next morning she got up and got dressed to go to the doctor's and then she went by the Davenport farm she went upstairs and spoke to Luther from outside his bedroom door she didn't want to take a chance of getting sick. She told him she hoped he felt better soon then she, B.L and Dixie left for the doctor's office..... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At the Duke farm and jail....
  16. Meanwhile Dixie and Lori were just pulling up at the courthouse and walking up the steps. Cooter just happened to be standing at the garage door looking out over the town when he spotted them. He turned looking over his shoulder at B.L's feet sticking out from under a car Luther had come down with the flu so B.L was helping Cooter out that way the newly married Duke couple could spend the extra time together. Even though it was way past closing time the two had wanted to finish up some things. Cooter said to B.L "C'mon B somethin's goin on over at the jail house and whatever it is I betcha Luke's involved both Lori and Dixie just walked in." B.L was out from under the car on the creeper quicker'n you can say jack rabbit hitting her head on the back bumper as she sat up... "Oww" was all she said as she rubbed her head and grabbed Cooter by the hand literally dragging him toward the court house saying. "C'mon hurry up we don't wanna miss the fire works." Cooter did his best to keep up with B.L his legs may have been longer and he could out run her but she was like a woman possessed as she dragged him across the square and up the courthouse steps and inside where they saw both Lori and Dixie......
  17. Don't know these for sure but I'm gonna take a crack at it Jeb Tomkins Indian Creek Hazzard County Armored Car Company
  18. B.L looked at Dixie she knew deep down this was more about Luke and Lori than married couples in general. Thinking she looked out the window at the early morning light then back to Dixie and said.... "Well I imagine they talked about all their hopes and dreams for you and Cooter. Stuff like that is what most parents talk about I think." Picking at a thread on the blanket they were covered with B.L continued not exactly sure what a married couple without children might talk about late at night but she'd do her best to answer Dixie's question. "I guess a married couple without children talks about their plans for maybe a new house and starting a family some day." Dixie nodded listening she wondered if Luke and Lori would be talking about starting a family soon. Or maybe they already had she had noticed Lori hadn't drank any shine at the reception. The room fell quiet again as the two sat under the blanket, B.L sighed in a way she was going to miss Lori being around there wouldn't be anybody to fight with but Cooter and Dixie chuckling she thought to herself that she and Lori sure had some good rounds but when the chips were down one would always be there to help the other out of trouble. Dixie..........
  19. That next morning everything was buzzing at both farms. Lori was stomping around the house in a tizzy yelling. "BRANDY LOU IF YOU GOT MY HOT ROLLERS I'M GONNA KNOCK YOU INTO NEXT WEEK!!!" B.L nearly jumped out of her skin trailing a line of liquid eyeliner up her temple she screamed back "I AIN'T GOT YER ROLLERS I GOT MY OWN!!!!!!" Lori could still be heard cussing every breath she drew, opening and slamming drawers and cabinets looking for her hot rollers. When she finally found them they wouldn't work the heating element was burned out and that set off another round of cussing. She stomped to Dixie's room looking for the shoes she was going to wear to the church house she wasn't going to put on her wedding dress until she got there. Dixie was having a ball listening to Lori she followed her out of the room and went to BL's they were gonna give Lori a good scare. BL had put another line of eyeliner leading from her eye to her temple just like the one where Lori had scared her. She was wearing bright red lipstick that looked like a clowns mouth and had on a flannel shirt and ole overalls. Going out into the hall she announced "Ok Lori I'm ready". Dixie was about to die laughing and Lori was about to have a heart attack at the sight.......
  20. B.L looked at Lori about asleep on the couch and stood up announcing "I think it's time to open the gifts." She knew part of what Dixie had gotten Lori but not all of it. First she handed Lori a box from Miss Lulu it had a nice set of dishes in it. Next Lori opened what Mabel Wooster-Potery had sent she couldn't stay for the shower her and Emery were going out of town. It was a set of cookware, Miz Tizdale's gift was next it like all the others so far had been just something that Lori would need to set up housekeeping. And so it went until all the gifts were open except for the ones from Dixie,B.L and Daisy. B.L knew those were likely to be the most interesting ones so she'd saved them for last and hoped none of the older ladies had coronary's when they saw them. Lori took Dixie's first box and smiled she untied the bow carefully and removed the paper opening the box. Inside was a bath set and perfume of Lori's favorite perfume. Next gift was one of the smaller boxes from Dixie it was a blue teddy with stockings,garter the whole shebang!. Lori turned red but that was nothing compared to the next box when she opened it she almost stopped breathing and turned purple it had condoms in it she was going to kill Dixie later. The last box had booties and a bottle in it by now Lori was ready to crawl under the couch but she smiled at Dixie and said "thank you". Dixie had inched her way behind B.L she had seen the killer looks behind Lori's smile and thanks. B.L then handed Lori her own gift it was black satin sheet set with little red hearts on them. Lori again smiled and said 'thank you' BL unlike Dixie wasn't worried about the daggers being shot her way out of Lori's eyes and smirked saying "glad ya like 'em cousin". Lastly was Daisy's gift she'd went along the same theme as B.L and Dixie but she'd kept her a little less risque. Lori untied the neatly tied bow and opened the box it was some tea candles and some bigger ones with glass holders to 'set the mood' is what the card had said. Lori again smiled sweetly and thanked Daisy each of the cards she'd gotten from the other three girls had implied something naughty getting gasps from the older ladies as they were passed around with the gifts.
  21. oh that explains why I didn't know about the moblie home park I ain't too familiar with the coy and vance episodes. Maybe I'll have better luck this time. Ira Grant Seminole Road Hanleyville
  22. When Luke came home he saw Daisy's note on the bedroom door. Removing the note he opened the door and turned on the light the room looked totally different than it had ever since he could remember. Now the curtains were a little more femanine and the big bed stood in place of the three twin size beds and it was in a different position too. He was glad Daisy had left him the note otherwise he might have completely missed the bed. He went to bed that night with thoughts of his and Lori's time alone at the Davenport farm. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At the Davenport farm everything was quiet with all asleep except for B.L sneaking in she'd had to work a late shift at the Boar's Nest after helping Lori at the church house all day. She'd stayed a little while after closing to start decorating for the reception that would be there after the wedding. Taking off her shoes B.L slipped upstairs careful to avoid the creaky ones and went to her room collapsing into bed hoping the next day wasn't as busy as this day had been. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The next morning.....
  23. Luke got finished and went to the garage where he saw Luther and Cooter there. He looked at them and said "Hey ya'll how's it going?" They both shrugged it had been a typical day so far. Cooter looked at Luke and grinned Luke looked like a cross between giddy with glee and like a man going to his own funeral which was no doubt because he knew Lori would be dragging him to the church house sooner or later to get his opinion on things. "It's goin' alright Luke, Lori was way too cheerful for her own good this mornin' she and B.L had one of their typical chases through the house cussing and screaming like banshee's when Lori threw water in B.L's face." Luke chuckled he had been witness to those early morning chases when all the Davenport cousins would spend the night at the Duke farm. He asked "where are they now?" Luther was the one to answer this time "All three girls went off to chickmahoney this morning to decorate and what not for the wedding. Lori's all wound up about this thing." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At the church house Lori was walking around pointing at this and that giving B.L and Dixie orders. Well she gave one too many and B.L lit in on her "stop bein' so danged bossy Loren afore I knock the livin' daylights outta ya. That'll look real purty fer the bride to have a black eye on her weddin' day" Lori glared at B.L she was in a good mood and refused to get into a fight with B.L that day. Dixie was wishing they'd get done all this wedding planning was makin' her sick. What she really wanted to do was sabatoge the whole thing, if she could get B.L to help her and if Lori kept bossing it wouldn't be hard to convince B.L they needed to teach her a lesson.
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