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B.L. Davenport

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Everything posted by B.L. Davenport

  1. Jim McDougal ran out of his store when the police arrived ranting and shaking his fist at the fleeing figure. B.L was at the right place at the right time to see Chet fleeing across the back of the Davenport property. She waved to him trying to get his attention so he'd stop. "Hey! what're you doing? This is private property."
  2. As Chet entered the store minding his own he was being watched by others in the store. The owner of the dry goods store came from the store room and saw him. "You filthy murderer I got ya know and your going to jail where you belong." The man growled as he picked up a nearby shovel and commenced to beat the living snot out of Chet as the younger man tried in vain to back away only succeeding in knocking over things as he backed into them in his flight. Once Chet was beaten to the point he couldn't run the store owner tied him up securely and picked up the phone to call and report to Rosco that he had Chet there in the store. Rosco answered the phone in his office with his usual greeting. "Sheriff Roscooo P. Coltrane here what can I do for ya?" "Rosco this Jim McDougal over at the dry goods store I got that murdering polecat!" Jim said. Rosco laughed with glee "I'm a comin' I'm a comin'" He hung up and went out to his patrol car sirens blasting as he took off to the dry good's store. In the meantime Jim stood over Chet ready to clobber him again if he so much as wiggled a finger or toe.
  3. B.L was wiping down the bar at the Boar's Nest when Enos came in with some of the wanted posters putting one on the outside of the building and one taped to each door. He sat down at the bar laying one of the posters down. "Howdy B.L can I get a buttermilk?" "Sure Enos" B.L said then sat a frosted mug on the bar filling it with buttermilk. She picked up the poster looking at it her eyes going wide at the amount printed on it with the words 'Dead or Alive' below it. "Enos ya'll are lookin' fer the wrong man Chet didn't commit that robbery or those murders. I ain't denyin' he's a thief but it's just petty theft food and things like that. I saw the leader of the robbers up close. He had black hair like Chet but his eyes was brown and not mismatched like Chet's. Chet looked hungry and in pain the other day when I saw him this guy didn't. And Chet's got a certain amount of innocence in him this guy was pure mean looking almost demon like you could say."
  4. The State Police told Rosco they would be there as soon as possible to help him investigate the robbery and murders. While Rosco was back at the police station talking to the State Police Enos stayed behind at the bank outlining the dead bodies with chalk so they could be moved to the funeral parlor and talking to the bank customers writing down the information they gave him all things he'd learned in his time with the Los Angeles Police. B.L knelt on the floor next to the weeping mother trying to calm the distraught woman as best she could. Enos came up beside the distraught mother and asked her. "Can you describe the man that shot your son?" "It was that, rougue of a cowboy Chet that slinks around town like a snake in the grass. I've warned Timmy many times to stay away from him that he was a monster and this proves it!" Some of the less shaken people in the bank had gathered around and was nodding their agreement that it had been Chet who had robbed the bank and shot the two guards and the little boy. B.L however knew it wasn't Chet who had done it she had looked into the robber's eyes there had been no hunger or pain there or that glimmer of innocence that she had seen in Chet the two days ago at the butcher shop. The guy had also had two brown eyes Chet's were mismatched.
  5. B.L stood nearby quaking a little until she saw the boy cut down as he tried to get to his mother. Wether it boldness or stupidity she wouldn't remember later. "Takes a big man to shoot little boys" She growled only to have the gun leveled at her chest the guy staring hat her cold and evilly. "Shut up lady or your next!" The mother sat on the floor weeping holding her son as his lifes blood ran from the wound if he didn't get the help he needed soon he'd surely die. Everyone was emptying out their pockets and purses as one of the other men came round holding a sack open for the items to be dropped inside. The goods gathered from the customers and the bank drawers cleaned out one of the robbers pointed with his gun to a room off to the left it was where some of the bank records was kept it was filled with filing cabinets. "Get in there all of ya!" The customers started filing in like sheep all except B.L who stubbornly stood her ground. The robber who had come from under the cloth on the cart pushed her toward the room. "GET IN THERE!" Gun to her back B.L had no choice to go while the boy that had been shot was left on the floor to die. Locking the door after all were inside then one of the robbers propped a chair under the door knob adding extra security that they couldn't escape from the inside before they all made their way out the door again casually leaving no hint to anything having happened inside the bank.
  6. Darcy Kinkaid Big Jim Mathers of Hatchapee County Money to Burn
  7. B.L like all the other customers in the bank didn't pay the four men that walked into the bank any mind. She was on her lunch break from the Boar's Nest and didn't have much time to complete her banking business before time to go back to work. The four men continued to look busy each one though was quietly looking around the establishment at the amount of money flow being transacted in and out of the establishment on this busy day. They had been watching the outside of the bank for a few days and knew there was supposed to be a shipment today and they were just waiting for it to arrive. B.L stepped upto the teller behind the counter with a smile she greeted the other woman. "Howdy Vera, business sure is booming today ain't it?" Vera a young woman with sand colored hair and green eyes nodded "Hi B.L, yes it's really hopping today. What can I do for ya?" "I'm here to pay the mortgage on the garage for Cooter he's awful busy today too and asked me if I could do it for him." B.L said as she handed the money for the payment over to the other woman behind the counter looking out the window as she waited she saw the armored truck with the shipment pull up out front and stop. The four men also saw it and jumped up pulling out guns one of them saying "Nobody move and ya won't get hurt." The bank door opened the guards from the armored truck coming in pulling a cart with a long handle on it and something covered under a cloth. (CUE CHET)
  8. B.L had took the liberty of restacking the boxes of crackers in the midst of all the chaos. She gave Ron a small smile placing her order once the young man had fled. " It's ok Ron....Maybe he's just hungry is why he was stealing he looked like a scarecrow to me." Ron frowned but had to nod in agreement the thief was painfully thin anyone could see that. "Yeah.....anyway what can I get ya today?" B.L pointed to some pork chops in the display and then to the meat that still needed wrapping. "Give me six of those and 2lbs of stew meat please." Ron nodded and weighed out the correct amount of stew meat then wrapped it along with the pork chops putting it all in a bag handing it over to her. "Thanks Ron I'll see ya later." "Bye BL" Ron raised his hand to her in farewell as she went out the front door.
  9. "Right Boss" Jack said as he went to call Rosco to come get the theif. B.L stood in the aisle cracker boxes scattered on the floor all around her feet watching the scene as it played out before her eyes. The young cowboy was in bad shape she noticed, looking like a scarecrow half starved his clothes were dirty and ragged. She also noted his shoulder was bleeding profusely from what looked like a gun shot wound. She sort of felt sorry for the state he was in but that didn't mean she didn't think he ought to be sent to jail for his crime. Despite all this though she had seen something in the look when he'd looked at her, she just couldn't place what was in that look other than the obvious signs of hunger and pain from the wound but there was something more. Maybe it was just a glimmer of innocence she thought as she watched the two remaining men keep him cornered while the other had went to call the Sheriff.
  10. "G'morning Ron, alright" B.L greeted the friendly owner of the butcher store they had went to school together. B.L continued browsing while she waited for one of the others to help her with her order. She looked toward the back when she heard Ron shout at someone. Jack one of the other two men was just coming to assist in filling her order when the young man came through the back and into the store the meat clutched in his hand as he made his attempt to get away. B.L jumped out of her skin with a startled yelp as the cracker boxes crashed to the floor beside her. Ron advanced on the young man in a menacing manner intent on getting the stolen meat back.
  11. B.L Davenport was out early running errands she had a busy schedule today so wanted to get started. She pulled up at the butcher's getting out of her car her warm breath steaming in the cold temperatures as she trudged toward the door. She however didn't see the cowboy hiding and eyeing the meat walking in the shop she greets the two men that work there with a smile and nod. Looking into the display counter she wondered what would be a good choice for supper tonight. She also wanted to make some stew for tomorrow or the next day and there was a special on stew meat lots of people would make big pots to last two or three days in the cold weather to warm them after being out in the frigid temperatures. (CUE CHET)
  12. I agree with BoJames, DaisyMae and Double X
  13. I admit defeat I don't know this one
  14. It's either April 2nd or April 3rd my research sounded like it was at night on April 2nd but could have been after midnight technically making it April 3rd
  15. Cy Cummings Fruit Stand Meadow Road Baa Baa Black Sheep
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