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B.L. Davenport

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Everything posted by B.L. Davenport

  1. mean me?.....never *innocent smile*...aww I'm loved lol now what're you suckin up for?
  2. who cares what flavor serve it up! *grins*
  3. *glares* Might be wise cousin might be wise
  4. I only had two slices this mornin' *grumbles looking at hips*
  5. *laughs* Lori there's very little possibility that you WON'T see it from behind bars. I on the other hand am on no road at all so could go anywhere the wind blows me.
  6. I agree with DaisyMae thanks Roger......LOL no pressure there in that last statement huh.
  7. Fork (ya'll are making me hungry lol)
  8. Oooh I'm so scared I'm shaking in my boots. *mock look of fear*
  9. Keep you sane? Who's been doing it cos it sure ain't been me but whoever it is aint' doing a very good job. *smirks*
  10. This quote comes from A boy's best friend. Okay next quote, this one should be easy y\'all!! Bo: That sure brings back some memories... Luke: yeah...I don;t ever remember being so sad...but then I had you and Daisy.
  11. Faith (ok i fibbed before my music knowledge isn't very good beyond country music lol)
  12. LOL ok thanks for clearing that up my music knowledge isn't very good
  13. I have to ask what is clapton? I've never heard of it before.
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