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B.L. Davenport

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Everything posted by B.L. Davenport

  1. Luke feels Bo move but doesn't bother to look and see why figuring he was just shifting to be more comfortable. Caught up in his own thoughts of what was going on and trying to get his head around it all and cope without completely losing his mind.
  2. Lays an arm across his eyes the silence was scaring the living daylights out of him. At least if Bo was ranting there was no question about what he might be thinking or planning to do. The silence was just about the most unnerving thing Luke had ever experienced.
  3. "Bo please don't pull away 'n shut me out cousin......talk ta me what's goin' through that head of yours it's got ta be a million different things" Luke pleads but not really holding much hope that Bo would respond this time either.
  4. Doc leaves the room,leaving Bo and Luke alone hoping Luke could pull Bo back from wherever it was he was slipping the blank stare worried him greatly. Once the Doc is gone Luke stretches himself out on the bed next to Bo just holding him close. He could feel Bo slipping away but not physically as in dying but into his own private world. "Bo ya ok?......talk ta me cuz" worried trying to keep his voice steady
  5. Biting his lip Luke found himself wishing it would all end one way or another Bo couldn't take anymore and the dull look in his eyes over the feeding tube instead of the fire that would have normally been there crushed Luke's heart.
  6. Luke continues to hold Bo comfortingly reassuring him it was going to be ok. Looking back to Doc asks "Jis how's this tube s'posed to help Bo?" Doc clears his throat putting things away in the bag "Well Luke, instead of having to swallow the food it'll be a high nutrition and calorie liquid died that will be put into the end of the tube here *indicates the part in question* and it will go straight to Bo's stomach bypassing the need to swallow and the pain from his sore throat" Luke grimaces it didn't sound pretty but that didn't matter all that mattered was helping Bo anyway they could.
  7. Luke wraps his arm around Bo but still giving the doc room ta work while giving Bo a sense of being protected from another sneaky maneuver,knowing just what Bo was thinking it made himself a little wary everytime Doc took out a syringe wondering if it was for him or Bo. "S'ok Bo I'm right here"
  8. Doc goes to the boys room smiling to see Bo awake and looking alert. "well hello there young man.........lets see how your doing" checks all Bo's vital signs pleased that nothing had changed for the worse. "Everything appears to be fine" Luke sighs relieved to at least know nothing had gotten worse from the proceedure. "Hey Doc is this thing gonna hamper Bo's speech and all like the breathing tube did maybe make his throat sore?" Doc shakes his head "No it shouldnt"
  9. Turns Bo's head back to face them knowing he wasn't liking the feeding tube already,seeing the fear in his eyes also knew he was afraid this tube would be like the breathing tube and hurt his throat. Smiles again. "ya don't gotta try to talk Bo s'ok." Looks up at Daisy "Why doncha go tell Doc that Bo's back with the land of the living" Bites his tounge thinking what a stupid thing that was to say considering the circumstances...mumbles "sorry....stupid thing ta say"
  10. Luke wiped away his own tears not wanting Bo to see him crying it would only make Bo feel more depressed. Smiles slightly "welcome back kiddo"
  11. Luke placed his hand around both Daisy's and Bo's making it a three way hold,as they listened to the song. Stroking Daisy's hair as she cried into his chest. "I know Dais......we'll make it somehow and always keep Bo with us." Sniffs thinking about what Uncle Jesse had always told them that the Lord Almighty didn't put more on a person than they could bear but this ordeal was sure testing all their limits.
  12. I just finished the story......Great I loved it! as all of them I have read to date.
  13. Luke cries broken heartedly for the first time he knew Daisy was right he had to find a way to let Bo go and come to terms with it. It would be the hardest thing he'd ever done but he had to for Bo's sake. "I'll try Daisy" In the background the song [iHow can I help you to say goodbye] plays softly. [/iThrough the back window of a '59 wagon I watched my best friend Jamie slippin' further away I kept on waving 'till I couldn't see her And through my tears, I asked again why we couldn't stay Mama whispered softly, Time will ease your pain Life's about changing, nothing ever stays the same And she said, How can I help you to say goodbye? It's OK to hurt, and it's OK to cry Come, let me hold you and I will try How can I help you to say goodbye? I sat on our bed, he packed his suitcase I held a picture of our wedding day His hands were trembling, we both were crying He kissed me gently and then he quickly walked away I called up Mama, she said, Time will ease your pain Life's about changing, nothing ever stays the same And she said, How can I help you to say goodbye? It's OK to hurt, and it's OK to cry Come, let me hold you and I will try How can I help you to say goodbye? Sitting with Mama alone in her bedroom She opened her eyes, and then squeezed my hand She said, I have to go now, my time here is over And with her final word, she tried to help me understand Mama whispered softly, Time will ease your pain Life's about changing, nothing ever stays the same And she said, How can I help you to say goodbye? It's OK to hurt, and it's OK to cry Come, let me hold you and I will try How can I help you to say goodbye? How can I help you to say goodbye?] the end of the song making Luke cry that much harder a song had never done that to him and it was unnerving but this time it was as if it were being played to help him make the decision to let Bo go.
  14. I'm Okra! I ain't considered older yet (gettin' close) but I can see some of my seeds of influence already.
  15. Ducks his head as his shoulders begin to shake with silent sobs he'd been thinking about these same things before Cooter found him in the barn part of him wanted to just tell Bo it was ok so it would all end and he wouldn't hurt or be so weak but the part of him that was scared to lose Bo wouldn't let go. "I can't help it Daisy......... I don't wanna lose him........ even if there's the smallest .......chance he'd get better. I know it's sounds selfish ta wanna keep him when......... he's hurtin' so bad and so sick but I jus' can't give up on him."
  16. Luke gasps the tears he'd been fighting so hard to hold back slipping silently from his eyes as he looks at her.....tries to swallow past the lump in his throat to answer finally manages to say in a hoarse voice that doesn't even sound like his to his own ears. "Lord I hope not Daisy.....ain't sure I can ever say those words....."
  17. Luke pulled Daisy onto his lap holding her close as they waited for Bo to regain conscienceness. It was as much for his own comfort as hers. Gulping once again seeing the tubing he looks at the ceiling willing the tears away and trying to not look at the tube now in Bo's nose it really made it hit home that Bo was dying and now the only thing keeping him alive would be that feeding tube. It all seemed so cruel but yet Luke couldn't stand the thought of losing Bo some part of him deep down still believed Bo would get better.
  18. Doc gets the supplies from his bag looking at Luke and Daisy. "Alright you two out......ya seen enough of this kinda stuff going on lately I can handle it from here." Luke shakes his head stubbornly he'd promised Bo he'd stay and he was going to do just that, crossing over to the other bed taking Daisy with him one arm wrapped protectively around her shoulders. Sitting down he turned his back on what the Doc was doing to Bo unable to watch. Doc gently started feeding the tube into Bo's nose not having given Bo much of the drug he wouldn't sleep for hours after the procedure like before when given a sedative. Finishing the task in about 15 minutes he sighed softly turning to the others on the opposite bed. "Alright it's done,he shouldnt sleep too long I only gave him a small dose." Luke nods crossing back over to sit beside Bo willing himself not to be sick at the sight of the tubing.
  19. Luke looked at the Doc pleadingly for him to tell them what to do. He'd help Bo anyway he could. Doc patted Daisy on the shoulder and gave both cousins as reassuring a smile as he could. Silently he draws something into a syringe inserting it into the IV line not having the heart to stick Bo again. Holding Bo, Luke closed his eyes he didnt want to see this happen but he'd keep his promise to Bo and stay close.
  20. Luke squeezes Bo slightly sighing before gently pulling his hands away from his ears so he can hear what Luke was saying. "ooooh Bo I had no idea.....it's ok them guys are in prison and noone's going to hurt you or anyone else in the family I promise. Just let the doc give ya enough anestesia to get the job done I'll be here when ya come out from under it. On my word as a Duke Bo I'll be right here. There's no dreams with the drugs anyay I promise." B.L. drifts off to sleep comforted but clutching Cooter's arm around her middle as if it were her own lifeline.
  21. Luke had been letting the Doc try and convince Bo but seeing he wasn't getting anywhere either asks Daisy deciding it can't wait till they were alone looked like he wouldn't be leaving Bo. "Daisy why don't he want to sleep?" Doc was getting ready to give Bo a sedative to calm him down being so upset wasn't going to help the situation but he was hoping against hope the other two cousins could calm him down without the need to drug him. B.L. huddled into Cooter glad to let somebody hold and comfort her for a while. It felt good to have Cooter there rocking and soothing her like when she was little which is how she felt at this moment a scared little girl that was losing one of her best friends.
  22. Luke continued to hold Bo in a tight hug hushing him soothingly he looked over at the Doc eyes pleading he couldn't hold Bo still again he just couldn't. Amos clears his throat knowing none of them wanted to hear the alternative to not putting Bo to sleep anymore than he wanted to use it. "Bo ya got ta listen......ya either got ta let me put ya ta sleep just fer a little while I won't give ya enough medicine ta keep you asleep any longer than necessary.....Or I can do the tube without puttin' ya to sleep but thats gonna be mighty uncomfortable and you'd have to be still and not fight me it would be the hardest thing ya ever done most likely but that's teh only other option." Luke closes his eyes silently pleading that Bo chose being put to sleep the alternative was somebody would have to hold him still and he wasn't going to be that person. B.L. shook her head hiccupping "I ain't b...brave.....w...was...wasn't so bad....at first.......but couldn't....b...b.....back out.......once.....I.....started...but....I.....don't think.....I can....anymore......Luke.....acts ok b....but he's not.....it's killin' 'im sure as it's killin' Bo.......he has.......moments where he can't take anymore and he breaks like taday when Uncle Jesse tole him 'bout we's losin' Bo no matter what's being done and then 'bout tha feedin' tube he lost it. He did in tha hospital couple times too but it's cos he hadn't slept then......he's been given stuff ta make him sleep a few times but it's not enough rest."
  23. Luke raises a quizzical eyebrow in Daisy's direction but doesn't ask too concerned with getting Bo calmed down again. Let's go of Bo's hands finally satisfied he wouldn't strike out settles for just holding him in a comforting embrace. "Shhhhh alright Bo shhhhh......why don't you want to sleep Bo?" B.L. sobs her body shaking as she leans against Cooter without obstructing his driving. Hiccups as she cries "H......he c......ccan't dd.....d...die.....not .........B..BBB.....Bo. I can't stand it Cooter.......he hurts all the time.....weak......the the crying and the hysterics at the thought of a needle......I can't stand seein' him like that"
  24. Luke's heart constricts at Bo's pitiful tone,leaning Bo up carefully he positions himself behind Bo pulling the young blonde against his chest holding him tightly,smoothing back his hair with one hand "I know ya don't Bo......but the doc thinks tha feedin' tube will help ya get stronger and if ya get stronger ya got a better chance of gettin' better." B.L. leans against the seat of the wrecker,bringing her hands to her face bursting into tears crying out everything she'd kept surpressed taking care of the Dukes and not allowing herself to deal with her own emotions.
  25. Shaking his head tears slipping down his face Luke gulps back the lump in his throat before speaking. "Bo I can't help ya not this time I'd like nothin' more than ta stop all this the pain the drugs all of it but I have ta let Doc Appleby put in that feedin' tube it's fer yer own good." begging as he sniffs once "Please don't be mad at me becuz of it. I love ya is the only reason I'm lettin' him" B.L. leans into Cooter's side protesting weakly "I can't go home som.....somebody hasta.........take care of Luke,Daisy n' Uncle Jesse"
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