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B.L. Davenport

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Everything posted by B.L. Davenport

  1. "Bo yer dead.......Doc Appleby said so" Luke is still unable to wrap his head around all of it. First coming home from the race to find Bo was dead now here he was big as life right in front of him. It was all just too much Luke reached out to touch Bo before passing out slumping to the ground the shock being too much for his system.
  2. scowls now thinking that someone was playing a cruel joke on him. Or that he really had lost his mind completely. Luke knew he wasn't dreaming he hadn't been to sleep,rubs his eyes again sinking down to the ground his unsteady legs unable to hold him anymore with the shock he was experiencing. "h.......how?....your.....*still unable to say the word*.....I'm losin' it I'm I done gone crazy....unless...." Luke's face clouds with anger as he spat "This better not be a joke cos it ain't funny"
  3. Luke heard his name spoken in an all to familiar voice and it startled him whirling around he almost fell over the edge, stepping away from the edge just in time going pale as a sheet at the sight before him. Moving his mouth to speak nothing came out it was more like a fish out of water than someone trying to speak. Shaking his head to dislodge the mirage but it was still there but how.
  4. Luke slowly pulls himself together again all his tears spent,both emotionally and physically exhausted. Wearily he gets to his feet a deep haunted look in his eyes. It just wasn't fair none of it. If one of them was going to die leaving the other behind it should have been him in Vietnam at least that would have made more sense to the family,the Viet Cong had been shooting real bullets,throwing grenades and the like over there. This with Bo being injected with milaria was just senseless. Luke began walking again a slow defeated walk toward Widow's peak he couldn't live without Bo by his side he knew without even trying it hurt too bad already. Wanting to end all the hurt and fear Luke walked and walked closer to widows peak stopping at the edge looking down into the ravine. He just stood there wondering if he could get the courage to really do it,everyone had always thought he was a brave man but was he brave enough to put an end to it all? Jesse had always taught them that suicide was a sin same as any other and anyone who committed suicide didn't get to heaven, he knew Bo was in heaven waiting for them if he jumped he'd never see Bo again but it would still be so easy to end it all here and now.
  5. B.L. sank back against the couch bringing Daisy with her the two of them sat there and cried together. B.L. kept wondering how Luke and Uncle Jesse were but knew Cooter would take care of them. Luke's screams of why finally turned into just blood curdling screams of frustration and grief. He screamed until he became hoarse and could scream no more due to the raw burning in his throat. But the tears didn't stop as he covered his face and the silent sobs of before replaced the outburst. He was scared of living his life without Bo by his side;upset that Bo'd died but more than anything he was angry. Angry at himself for leaving that morning,angry at the men who's given Bo that god awful disease and angry at God for taking Bo from them.
  6. B.L. held Daisy just letting her cry listening as each sentence came tumbling out. It was hard to believe he was gone stroking Daisy's hair she murmured. "shhhhh I know darlin'....it hurts I know it does I'd be lyin right now if I said I was ok if asked it's hurtin' me too. I didn't get ta say goodbye at all. We'll all make it though we just have to stick tagehter now more than ever. You, n' Bo n' Luke's like mine and Cooter's cousin's and we're more like brother and sister." Pulls Daisy back a little to look into her face sniffing "I'm gonna be here for ya night and day all you got to do is call me and I'll be there quick as a duck on a june bug." Luke always having been a private person sat down on a fallen tree bowing his head asking God why he'd let this happen to Bo the boy with the heart as golden as his hair. It just wasn't fair that those bastards had destroyed Bo in the end even after they'd been locked away and he intended to make sure they got the ultimate penalty of execution by the electric chair. Finally alone on the log his tears started to fall first softly until it was gut wrenching sobs that escalated into strangled screams asking why Bo had to be the one.
  7. B.L. gulped back the lump in her throat hearing Daisy's words. It couldn't be so Bo couldn't be gone she'd just seen him yesterday. Rocking Daisy gently she let her own tears fall silently. "I....it's ok Daisy let it all out.....I'm here" Looks to the door as Cooter runs out it wanting to go with him but she could take Daisy home later and ride back with Cooter although they'd probably both be staying for the next few days and taking care of the shattered family.
  8. B.L. jumps out of the bed having still been asleep the exhaustion finally catching up with her. Running through the house she skidded to a stop at the door flinging it open Daisy sounded panicked so something was wrong. Almost afraid to ask as she opened the door to see a distraught Daisy standing there pulling her inside guides the other girl to the couch sitting them both down. "Daisy.....what's wrong?.....I..is it B...BBo?" Luke kept walking aimlessly through the woods not really paying attention to where he was going nor caring just wanting to get away from it all for a while and think. Daisy's earlier question of whether Bo might have held on til they were gone still plauged him.
  9. Luke yelled as Daisy sped from the yard afraid she'd have an accident in her state. "Daisy be careful." Looking around the yard he didn't hardly know what to do with himself,couldn't go back in the house the walls were closing in on him. Walks across the yard crossing the fence and heading off through the field into the woods. A long walk would maybe clear his head and it would give each of them some alone time.
  10. Luke whirled round taking off after Daisy she shouldn't be alone and besides taking care of her was the only thing keeping him from losing it at the moment. He didn't know where he'd sleep from now own but he just couldn't go back in that room not knowing that Bo had spent his last days not only in his own bed but in Luke's as well. "Daisy wait.........." Catches up and wraps an arm around her shoulders leaning his head on hers as she puts it on his shoulder and they exit the house. Looking around the yard he tries to find somewhere they could go to be alone but there was nowhere,they'd been all over the place with Bo the night before so the barn,swing and even a drive in the General were out Luke couldn't bring himself to do any of that.
  11. Luke had been trying not to think along those lines it was just more than he wanted to contemplate right now. Bo had been flip flopping between fighting for his life and wanting to give up that the thought he would hang on until the others were out of the house so as not to have to watch him die was just too much to bear. "I.....I don't know Daisy not for sure......I think wantin' to do all them things last night was maybe his way of sayin' goodbye. He hung on till he knew we wasn't here to see him die knowin' that'd kill us right along with 'im was probly his thinkin." "Alright Jesse I'll see ya'll later and I'll spread the word." Amos lets himself out the house quietly going to his car and pulling away from the Duke farm.
  12. Opens the door softly,standing behind Daisy looking over her shoulder at the pictures wrapping his arms around her shoulders. It was still like a horrible nightmare that Bo was gone and Luke expected him to come bouncing into the room with his boyish grin any minute laughing and telling them not to look so miserable he'd only been out chasing girls,but that wasn't going to happen. Luke smiles gently as Daisy comes across a picture of the three of them, Daisy was getting a piggyback ride from Bo after having jumped on him for telling one of their friends that Daisy liked him when she didn't. Bo was spinning in circles to make her dizzy so she'd get off while Luke had stood to the side doubled at the waist laughing because it had been him who'd done the telling then pointed an accusing finger at Bo when Daisy found herself trapped in a date. Doc lays a hand briefly on Jesse's shoulder patting it gently before taking the other man's hand in his own shaking it. "Think nothin' of it Jesse....I just wish I could have done more to prevent this tragedy. This county just won't be the same without the Duke boys tearin' around,they've always been a pair and it's so strange to think that from now on it'll just be the duke boy instead of the two of them.......He was a good boy and will be missed by many."
  13. Luke watches Jesse go to the kitchen to call and make the arrangements and then Daisy get up taking the photo albums to her room. It was all like a dream a bad dream. Leaning his head against the back of the couch he tried to decide whether to go check on Daisy or just let her be for now. Ultimately he gets to his feet and starts toward Daisy's room,Bo'd want them to take care of each other. Knocking softly "Daisy it's Luke can I come in honey?" Doc goes out to the kitchen patting Jesse on the back as he sat at the table preparing to make the arrangements. "Jesse if ya can handle things here fer a bit I'm gonna run into town and check my messages."
  14. Doc watched silently as the family grieved it was going to be rough days ahead but he was sure they could and would make it through with the love they had for each other and the belief they had in the Lord Almighty. Luke looked to the Doc eyes dry as when he'd left that morning for the race. Swallowing a few times to moisten his suddenly dry throat Luke looked at Daisy and then Uncle Jesse both of them had tears running down their faces but he felt strangely detached from the things going on around him unable to cry mostly for fear if he ever started he might not stop.
  15. Amos sighed fidgeting nervously with his hands he hoped his next words would bring some comfort to the grieving family. Clearing his throat Doc said "First let me assure ya'll Bo wasn't in any pain when he passed I had given him something for it just after you and Daisy left for the race Jesse. He wanted me to tell ya that he loved ya all but ya already know that. Luke he said to let you know he was proud of ya fer winnin' the race." Doc takes a deep breath letting it out slowly he hoped his next words would help ease the pain in the dark haired young man's eyes. Luke seemed to have shut himself away behind a wall,he'd not showed one ounce of emotion since entering the house after the initial outburst trying to get to Bo and this worried Doc far more than if he'd been ranting. "Luke his dying thoughts were of you and his last words were, love ya Luke. Then he peacefully closed his eyes and slipped away. Jesse I want you to know I never left that boy's side for a minute I was holdin his hand when he went wanted him ta feel that somebody was there ta help him in his final journey."
  16. Doc nodded to Jesse confirming his suspicion before gently taking Luke by the arm and trying to steer him toward the livingroom. "I think ya'll better come sit down for a minute" Luke jerks his arm from the doctor's gentle grasp shaking his head "No I left him once today I won't do it again" Doc again takes Luke by the arm this time successfully getting him turned toward the livingroom "C'mon Luke just for a few minutes I have some things to tell ya'll and there's nothing you can do for Bo now." Luke listlessly lets himself be led to the livingroom sinking onto the couch he knew this was coming had seen it in Bo's eyes but it was still hard to absorb that he was actually gone.
  17. Luke had switched back to their frequency as soon as the race was over,hearing the Doc's request he snatched up the mic his voice rough and hard with emotions he was trying to keep in check as his heart beat wildly in his chest. He just knew something had happened to Bo he just knew it the connection they'd always had that most people didn't understand wasn't there he had felt Bo all through the race right up until the announcer announced he'd won and it was like he'd had a chest pain then it was gone. "Doc what's wrong.....is Bo alright?" Amos gulps before replying not wanting to give the news over the air. "Just come on home Luke" Luke speeds away from the track leaving dozens of congradulating well wishers as he sped toward home praying he wouldn't be too late. Driving faster than he'd ever drove before that included the race track Luke made it home in 10 minutes sliding into the driveway bursting into the house. Doc met the frightened young man at the end of the hallway barring his progress down it seeing in his eyes that he already knew what had happened.
  18. Doc nodded gripping Bo's hand a little tighter having to fight his own emotions at losing a patient for the first time in a long time. "Yes Bo I'll tell 'em" strokes Bo's hair again as he closes his eyes for the final time. Picks up the cb mic clearing the roughness from his voice switching back to the frequency that all the Duke's used. "This is Doc Appleby callin' Jesse Duke.....Jesse do ya read me? I think ya'll best come home."
  19. Luke began inching his way into first on the 4th to last round. Slowly inching forward getting ready to make his final move and as he came out of the third to last lap and started on the second he geared the General up and slammed hard on the gas surging into first with a classic Bo whoop and another blast of the 'dixie' horn.
  20. Luke was so surprised to hear Bo's voice come over the cb he almost slipped back into third but did as Bo instructed and pulled into the 'ol Duke skid slidding back into second. Picking up the cb the hint of the smile that was on his face also in his voice as he responded. "That's a big 10-4 cousin" The race continued with Luke holding steadily to second place biding his time till he pulled into first.
  21. Doc pats Bo's hand smiling "your welcome Bo" Luke blasted the 'dixie' horn as the race started jossling for position quickly making it to third and trying to move on up into second place
  22. sits in the chair beside the bed holding Bo's hand and stroking his hair in the same way he'd seen Jesse,Daisy and Luke do a million times over the past days. "Alright Bo I won't leave ya......you just rest easy son"
  23. Doc rushes to the boys room as Bo calls "What is it Bo?" instantly able to tell Bo is in pain draws up a small dose of painkiller hoping it would be enough to keep the young man comfortable withtout putting him to sleep.
  24. Waves them off calling "Ok Jesse....don't worry we'll make it fine till ya get back" He'd nearly said Bo'd be fine but that might give them false hope Bo wasn't looking too good this morning but it was hard to tell how the rest of the day would be he had so many ups and downs.
  25. "You know I will Jesse.....don't worry he'll be fine while your gone. You,Daisy and Luke all need this day to get out and relax a little." Amos smiled kindly at Jesse his eyes saying more than words ever could that he would take care of the youngest Duke until the rest returned from the race.
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