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B.L. Davenport

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Everything posted by B.L. Davenport

  1. "We're not going anywhere Bo, we's gonna stay right here with ya so don't you worry 'bout it." Luke reassured deciding that even when it was Cooter's and B.L.'s turn to stay with Bo he wasn't going home again. Bo needed at least one of them to stay with him at all times and it would be ok as long as he (Luke) wasn't left on his own with Bo he could still get some rest. Jesse frowned as he saw something pass over Luke's face he knew he was going to be in for an argument next time he tried to get Luke to go home with himself and Daisy.
  2. Jesse held Bo rocking gently while he cried himself out. Looking over at Daisy and Luke Jesse smiled reassuringly seeing the worry on both their faces for their youngest cousin. Luke ran his fingers through the back of Bo's hair as Jesse held him and rocked while Daisy rubbed the younger cousin's back all of them giving comfort in anyway they could. It looked as if it was going to be some time before Bo was over his ordeal but they'd work through it as a family just like they always had. B.L. pulled Cooter from the room letting the family be alone for a while, the two of them walking down the hall arms around each other.
  3. Jesse wrapped his arms tighter around Bo rocking gently stroking the distraught young man's hair soothingly. "Easy Bo....calm down ya gonna do yerself more harm gettin' all upset like ya are."
  4. "s'alright boy ya safe now and we's here....shhh s'alright" Jesse soothed as Luke stood on the other side of the bed with a hand on Bo's shoulder.
  5. " S'ok Bo" B.L. frowned worriedly as she played with Bo's hair as they waited for the rest of the Duke family to arrive.
  6. B.L. picks up the phone dialing the number to the Duke farm. Speaking briefly she hands up looking at Bo shaking her head. "No he's not back yet but he's on his way darlin'. I just called th' farm and talked ta Uncle Jesse they'll be here before ya can say jimminy cricket."
  7. Cooter gives Bo's hand a sympathetic squeeze. Ruffling his hair with a deep sigh. "I know Bo,ya gonna feel rough for a day or two but ya gonna be ok. So don't you worry 'bout a thing ya just relax best ya can."
  8. "How ya feelin' buddyroe?" Cooter asked as he made Bo more comfortable on the pillows while B.L. wiped the sweat off his forehead. "I'm gonna call Uncle Jesse,Luke and Daisy now tell 'em yer awake." B.L. said as she wiped Bo's forehead and face wishing there was more she could do to erase the bruises that stood out against the start paleness of his face.
  9. B.L. leans over rubbing circles on Bo's back as he's sick, doing the only thing she can to comfort him. Cooter continued to support Bo as he got sick looking to B.L. with a helpless expression wishing there was more they could do to ease Bo's discomfort. "Coot we gotta call Uncle Jesse we told him we would" Cooter nodded not speaking, neither one of them could stop tending to Bo at the moment to make the call.
  10. Cooter picks up the trashcan next to the bed while supporting Bo with the other arm. "Just get it out ya'll feel better then Bo." B.L. watched worriedly as Bo became ill from the pain medication. She had forgotten just how sick the stuff made the youngest Duke cousin.
  11. B.L. and Cooter jump slightly as Bo speaks not having expected to hear anything in the silent room. B.L. crosses over to the bed looking down at Bo smiling as she pushed hair from his forehead. "Uncle Jesse took 'em home to rest for a spell, Luke was plumb wore out with all the excitement. So yer stuck with my pretty face and his ugly mugg for now *points at Cooter with a sassy grin as he's giving her a playful scowl* How ya feelin'?" Cooter steps up the other side of the bed speaking softly. "Hey buddyroe"
  12. B.L. and Cooter gave their reassurances that if anything should change good or bad they would call immediately. B.L. giving Daisy a quick hug and Uncle Jesse a peck on the cheek before they all left leaving the two Davneport cousin's watching over the youngest Duke.
  13. Luke nodded and let Jesse help him to his feet. He still thought it would be better if he was with Bo but knowing Cooter and B.L. were gonna be there when the family wasn't helped a little.
  14. Luke nods begrudgingly he didn't want to go home but he knew better than to argue with Jesse too. "Ok I'll go home for a while but I don't have to like it" He said somewhat irritably he was worried, tired and his hand hurt all of it put together made him irritable.
  15. Luke sits up shaking his head winces instantly regretting it "No! I ain't leavin' till Bo can go home. If he wakes up and I ain't around he's gonna want to know why. I can rest just fine here till he's ready to go home which shouldn't be more than a coupla days." His jaw set stubbornly as he spoke.
  16. "Yeah...I'm glad I was able ta help him that much even if I couldn't totally protect him" He said leaning his head on Jesse's shoulder not usually one for public displays of affection especially never instigating them but this felt good and he didn't care who saw.
  17. Luke pulls back looking Jesse in the eye. "I guess ya right....and that woulda been so much worse for Bo ta see me bein' hurt and not able ta do nothin about it. I'm not sure that kinda hurt would heal at least physical hurts will." He agreed having not thought of things in that prospective. Relieved that it hadn't come to that for either of them because he didn't know if he himself could have recovered from the mental hurt caused by watching Bo be hurt anymore than Bo could if it'd happened the other way around.
  18. "I guess....but Uncle Jesse he's hurt so much worse now than when I left and it's cos I left that he was hurt more." Luke said despondantly he just couldn't completely dismiss that he could have done something to spare Bo all that pain.
  19. Propping his now pounding head in his hands Luke shook it before explaining. "There was only one between the two of us we could have easily over powered him. I'd already got loose when he came to check on us and was hidin' behind the door. That's when I made my escape. He shot at me but I kept goin' and then I could hear him screamin' at me I'd better come back or Bo was a dead man. All the while Bo tellin' me ta keep going, get help so I lay low in the woods till it was safe ta move. Walked home and saw Daisy, an' B.L. goin' down the road they saw me and stopped,then they's both came runnin' across the field ta meet me half way told 'em what happened we's waited for Cooter then took off to find Bo. The guy was movin' him when we got there but we managed to keep up and stop him but he'd already beat Bo up pretty bad." Luke finished leaning his head back against the wall and closing his eyes.
  20. Luke sighed a part of him knew it wasn't but another part of him still blamed himself for leaving Bo alone with the guy. "I know I guess, but he wouldn't have got beat up so bad if I hadn't left him alone. I shoulda tried to free him and take him with me."
  21. "Yeah they told us the same thing. It's just gonna take some time and he'd be sore for a while." Luke smiled fondly without even pulling away from the gesture of affection.
  22. Luke looks down at his hand flexing his fingers looking back at Jesse. "yes sir, it's ok though just a few stitches, some bruises and a bump on the head." *smiles slightly* "I got the Duke hard head so there's no major damage"
  23. Luke runs a hand over his head and down the back of his neck wearily. "well no real trouble to speak of...he got a bit restless but Daisy soon discovered that he was tied ta the bed. She took off the restraints and he settled back down ta sleep."
  24. Cooter and B.L. follow Uncle Jesse into the room going over to the bed looking at Bo. B.L. asking "How is he?" Luke shook his head still angry about the restraints "he woke up for a few minutes and was panicking, Daisy found out why they had him restrained to the bed." Cooter frowns deeply he saw no reason they should have done that to Bo. Luke leaves the two with Bo and steps over to where Uncle Jesse and Daisy are.
  25. Pulls her close with his good arm as they watched Bo sleep. He was more glad than he could say that they had gotten back to Bo in time to keep Jerry from doing any worse to him than what had already been done. Now if Uncle Jesse was just there things would be really good at least as much as they could be till Bo got well.
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