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B.L. Davenport

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Everything posted by B.L. Davenport

  1. "BO!" Luke said sharply as he grabbed for Bo's arm to keep him from falling out into the floor.
  2. "Beauregard Duke,he's been badly beaten." Luke answered seeing that Bo wasn't going to, purposely using Bo's full name to try and get some reaction out of him besides his insistance he needed to sleep.
  3. B.L. moved to sit in the floor indian style directly in front of Bo so that Daisy could scoot closer into the vacant chair. "C'mon Bo tell us about your latest female endeavor the little red head you was talkin' to last weekend at the Boar's Nest? I ain't never seen her in Hazzard before." B.L. knew this was the best chance of a topic that would keep Bo talking until the doctor took care of him. Cooter came in the doors frowning as he saw Bo sitting in the chair looking ready to fall over with Luke and Daisy flanking him on either side as B.L. sat in the floor in front of him. "Hey ya'll how's Bo?" Luke looked up shaking his head grimly. "We ain't seen hide nor hair of a doctor yet to know how he is but he's tryin' ta go to sleep on us so figure he has a concussion." Cooter nodded and sat down on the other side of Luke to join the vigil.
  4. "Bo yer tired cos of gettin' hit in the head so ya can't go to sleep that won't be good for ya. Just try 'n think about somethin' else. But ya got to stay awake for now." Luke spoke calmly but inside he was a mess cursing the doctor's slowness.
  5. Luke shifts when Daisy called to Bo instantly sitting his youngest cousin up straight. "Ya got to stay awake Bo ya prolly got a concussion....talk to us cuz but don't go to sleep Bo do not go to sleep." Luke spoke frantically afraid if Bo went to sleep he might not wakeup. Quickly letting go of Daisy from the embrace, B.L. jumped from her chair going into the ladies bathroom coming back a few minutes later with a wet paper towel wiping Bo's face in an attempt to keep him awake with the cool water.
  6. Luke put his own arm around Bo's shoulders to see if he could get Bo to lean over on him and rest his head on Luke's shoulder while they waited. Bo was spacing out but still looked as if he was going to fall out of the chair if B.L. let go of his waist without someone else there to catch him. B.L. smiled at Daisy and gently shook her head that there was no need for thanks. The Dukes was just as much her family as Cooter was.
  7. Luke gives his own sigh knowing Daisy was right "I know he is Daisy......yer right I'd be just as against it as he is but right now it don't matter who helps him as long as he lets one of us and he's accepting B.L.'s help willingly although I can tell he still don't like it but at least he's not being so stubborn he won't even let her help." They got into the hospital and Luke took the clipboard with the papers on it that needed filling out, sitting in the chair on the opposite side of Bo so that he was between Luke and B.L.
  8. B.L. helped Bo make his way slowly across the parking lot only to be told they'd have to wait to see someone and in the meantime fill out some paperwork. So there they sat B.L. with her arm still around Bo protectively as they waited for a doctor to see him and for Luke to fill out the paperwork. Luke sighed pinching the bridge of his nose wearily "Daisy ain't nothin' got into me Bo's not in the mood to accept my help right now B.L.'s the best one ta help 'im at least with her it's just walkin' into the hospital with a prety girl with either one of us it's goin' in against his will with his two older over protective cousins."
  9. B.L. pushed Bo's cheek slightly so he had to look at her speaking tenderly "Bo there's no shame in needin' help ya been hurt real bad stands ta reason ya can't make it without some help." took Bo by the arm slipping it around her shoulders,wrapping her own securely around his waist it wasn't that far of a walk and maybe with help he could make it and still retain his dignity. "Just lean on me."
  10. "You ready to concede defeat and let us help ya or ya just lean against the car until ya eventually slide all the way to the ground?" B.L. asked him with a worried glance Luke wasn't being much help he was still just standing there watching Bo struggle.
  11. Smiling at Daisy Luke explained, while keeping an eye on Bo. "Let 'im see for hisself that he ain't gonna make it then when he falls flat on his face we'll pick 'im up." B.L. watched just as anxiously as Daisy, it was taking all her own will power not to argue with Bo or to try and help him. Back in town Cooter was telling Enos all Luke had relayed to them and what had happened once they had found Bo. Enos booked and locked up the thug telling Cooter that he'd fill Rosco in when he came back from his lunch hour.
  12. Luke raises an eyebrow at Bo shaking his head in wonder. It was amazing how Bo could be so injured but still protesting what was best for him. "Sure Bo, ya just go around passing out for the fun of it." Luke said sarcastically as B.L. came back to the car leaning against the side listening to Bo protest, while they waited for help.
  13. B.L. cringed when Bo yelled slowing the car down considerably. "Sorry Bo" Luke reached back taking Bo's hand as they drove. "It's ok Bo we'll be there soon." Five minutes later B.L. pulled into the hospital parking lot and right upto the emergency doors stopping the car gets out and goes inside telling a nurse about Bo and that they needed a gurrney.
  14. At the end of the path,back on the road Cooter turned for town while the other two vehicles turned in the direction of Tri County Hospital. B.L. glanced back at Bo in the rearview mirror then sideways over at Luke who was turned in the seat so that he could keep an eye on Bo. Not a word spoken between them as they made their journey to the hospital.
  15. Luke sighed half with relief and half with worry as Bo lost consciousness. "He's out let's get 'im in the car before he wakes up again." Reaching hte car Cooter took both Bo's feet in one hand opening the car door and leaning the front seat up and the four of them gently guided Bo's limp body into the car making sure he was as comfortable as possible in such a cramped space. B.L. leaned back the seat and prepared to climb behind the wheel. Cooter looked at them and said. "I'm gonna go drop this varmit off with Rosco, I'll catch up with ya'll later gimme a holler if ya need me." Luke shook Cooter's hand giving him a friendly hug and slap on the back. "Thanks for the help Coot." Cooter smiled returning the friendly pat on the back "No problem Lucas" turning he climbed behind the wheel of the tow truck alllowing B.L. to lead out the procession this time.
  16. Luke felt sick hearing Bo cry if he hadn't left Bo might not be so hurt. "Sorry Bo." He whispered in Bo's ear as they slowly made their way to B.L.'s car deciding Bo'd be more comfortable than in the Jeep, with Cooter taking both Bo's feet leaving B.L. and Luke each supporting his back and Daisy supporting his head." B.L. wanted to wipe the tears running down her side of Bo's face but knew she couldn't move either hand from supporting his back so settled for kissing his cheek gently. "Almost there Bo hang on just a little longer ok."
  17. "Bo!" Luke and B.L. both yelled at the same time as Bo crumpled to the ground. Kneeling beside Bo Luke looked back up at the two girls staring on in horror. "You two've gotta help me move 'im I can't do it bymyself right now." B.L. nodded as did Cooter when he came over after making sure Jerry was tied securely then chained with an old log chain he had on the tow truck. "We should all 4 be able ta carry him without hurtin' him too bad" Cooter said.
  18. "Ya got to Bo if not now then when we getcha to the Doc's but ya gonna hafta move sooner or later." Luke felt sorry for Bo but he didn't know any other way. "C'mon Bo we'll help ya and it'll be over before ya know it." B.L. coaxed quietly.
  19. Luke tiring out slams his fist once more into Jerry's face sending him to la la land. Cooter helped pick the man up off the ground and drag him over to the wrecker tying him in the back. Luke walked over looking worriedly at Daisy and B.L. for an explanation as to why Bo was leaning his head against the dashboard. B.L. looked back at him and mouthed 'he hurts bad...needs a doctor soon." Luke nodded placing a hand on Bo's shoulder. "Hey Bo let's get ya into Dixie or the Judge so's we can getcha to the doctor ok."
  20. "Great day to mergatroy Bo yer wrist barely have any hide left on 'em" B.L. slipped her pocket knife out of her pocket quickly slicing through the ropes.
  21. B.L. frowned worriedly Bo looked terrible with all the bruises and scrapes. "Just sit there don't hurt yaself more....can ya lean up a littl though and I'll cut the rope off yer hands." Luke and Cooter were still teaching Jerry a lesson as the girls tended to Bo.
  22. "Not happenin' plow boy" Jerry said as he slammed on the brakes and jumped from the pickup skirting around the vehicles and running for clear ground. Luke jumped from Dixie and tore after him with Cooter quick on his heels. The two of them overtaking the ex-reserve marine easily. B.L. jumped from her car running over to the now parked pickup slinging open the door . "Bo are you ok?"
  23. "Never!" Jerry shouted gunning the pickup crashing through the trees and the brush trying to outrun the white Jeep that was hanging close onto his tail. Swerves sideways trying to fake them off. Luke picks up the CB again calling back to B.L. and Cooter "How about a little squre dancin' ya'll? I'll do the callin" B.L. grinned and whooped they were about to show this dude driving Hazzard style. Again Luke came over the C.B. "Crazy C you swing left and Rapunzel you swing right and doe se doe with all yer might" With those words B.L. and Cooter came up on either side of the pickup boxing it in with Luke and Daisy blocking the path behind.
  24. "Dang he's tryin' to give us the slip Daisy." Picking up the CB Luke called back to B.L. and Cooter behind them in the Judge and tow truck. "Lost Sheep 1 callin' Crazy C and Rapunzel stay close Jerry's tryin' to relocate Bo." Cooter picked up the CB answering "10-4 Lucas we'll be on yer bumper just point the way." Jerry snatched the CB out of it's holder yanking the cord loose pointing the gun at Bo's nose "I wouldn't try anymore funny business if I was you."
  25. Jerry jerks his head toward the open truck door the gun not wavering one bit as he tried to stare Bo down. "get in NOW!" Once Bo was in Jerry slammed the pickup door shut before going around and climbing in behind the wheel starting the vehicle and moving through the woods on the old moonshine trail in search of another hideout.
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