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B.L. Davenport

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Everything posted by B.L. Davenport

  1. Luke smiled and hugged her back kissing her temple. "Thanks Daisy I'll take ya up on that advice, you know us both so well and ya the best 'little sister a guy could have." Jesse called back gruffly "watch the sass girl" B.L.,Cooter and Luke all snickered knowing Jesse wasn't really upset with Daisy. B.L. nudges Cooter's shoulder playfully with a grin "Ya 'bout ready ta go, I got to get to work in a couple of hours." Cooter pushed her back with a cheeky grin nodding "Yup whenever you are."
  2. "Daisy's right" B.L. agreed quietly while Cooter nodded his agreement. Luke sighed and nodded he knew they were right. "Yeah I know."
  3. C'mon I'll fix us some hot chocolate and snacks and we'll have us a Dukeathon!
  4. Just a little bit of christmas nonsense. _____________________________________________________________ Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house not a creature was stirring except B.L.’s mouse. The stockings were hung by the chimney with care in hopes that Saint Nicholas soon would be there. Kelly and the new baby were nestled all snug in their beds while visions of candy danced in their heads. Daisy in her kerchief and Cooter in his cap had just settled down for a night cap. When out in the yard there was such a clatter Cooter sprang from the bed to see what was the matter. Away to the window he flew unlike flash tore open the shutters and threw up the sash. The moon on the breast of the new fallen snow gave the luster of midday to objects below. When what to his wandering Eyes should appear but the General Lee coming near with Bo at the wheel and Luke shifting gears. Uncle Jesse there in the back shouting and yelling Bo slow down before ya have a wreck! Dry leaves did fly as they met with a road block, they mount to the sky with a loud thump they land on the roof. As Cooter drew in his head and was turning around down the chimney Boss Hogg came with a bound. He was dressed in his white all covered in dirt oh what a sight! With the help of Rosco and Enos he filled the kids stockings high with delight. When he was done Enos giggled, while Rosco shushed hush dipstick. They all turned with a jerk, and laying their fingers aside of their nose up the chimney they rose. They climbed back in the General and I heard as they drove out of sight the sounds of Dixie blare through the night.
  5. Luke sighed and nodded Daisy was right she usually was he thought. "I know and I'm tryin' not ta worry guess I'll just hafta try harder. 'Fore Bo gets wound up about and starts yellin' at me to stop it that I'm drivin' him crazy."
  6. Jesse excused himself to let the 'kids' talk while he got started on supper. B.L. and Cooter both shaking their heads at Luke's over protectiveness of Bo and the fact that it was ten times worse when Bo was sick or hurt. Luke just shrugged at them all looking sheepish. "I can't help it ever'time he starts coughing like that it takes his breath away. Sounds awful, worse than any cough I's ever heard before. I'm tryin' not to be a mother hen but it ain't easy." B.L. nodded smiling having sympathy with both points of view but more so with Bo because Cooter did her the same way Luke was doing Bo and it drove her nuts.
  7. "Don't mind at all Bo ya just get well darlin'" B.L. leaned over and kissed the top of his head before Jesse and Luke both stood helping Bo to his feet and then guiding him down the hall to his and Luke's room. Cooter called down the hall to him, grinning. "Take it easy greasy" A few minutes later they both returned to the livingroom Jesse taking a seat in his favorite chair while Luke perched on the couch once again. "He ok?" B.L. asked worriedly "Yeah he's ok just tired like he said is all don't worry he'll be fine. Luke answered and smiled sheepishly as the two Davenports gave him identical raised eyebrow looks that said your tellin' us not to worry and your worried out of your mind.
  8. "no problem" They answered in unison, B.L. giving Luke a questioning look about Bo's apparent shortness of breath still only to get a headshake in reply saying he'd tell her later. B.L. nodded as Cooter gave them an bewildered look not catching onto the meaning of the silent exchange between them.
  9. Cooter readjusted his greasy cap with a grin "workin', somebody in this town's got to" B.L. rolls her eyes at Cooter "Nothin' much workin' double shifts at the Boar's Nest and keepin' Rosco on his toes so he didn't miss ya too bad."
  10. "Aww we'll think of somethin' else Bo doncha worry I'll break ya out" B.L. said giving him a look of sympathy with an impish grin.
  11. B.L. winks grinning it was so good to see Bo so much better than he'd been the last time she'd saw him, not having had a chance to get back to the hospital because she'd been working her shift as well as Daisy's at the Boar's Nest. "I'll have Cooter park the getaway vehicle close to the door" Cooter looked at Jesse and Luke then back at the two schemers shaking his head with a look of mock fear. "Nuh uh I ain't gettin' in the middle of ya'lls scheme Uncle Jesse won't be inclined ta feed me nomore." Luke laughed then smirked at Bo and B.L. "Looks like ya'll are gonna hafta get another accomplice unless ya can win over Cooter's stomach."
  12. The two Davenports laughed B.L. nodding "sure thing Bo it's been a while since we stanged an escape" Luke smiled at their banter he knew Bo was already feeling crowded and over protected. He'd have a word with Jesse later about giving Bo room to breathe, but he'd have to watch himself too so that he didn't over crowd Bo.
  13. Luke sat the cup down on the coffee table when Bo was finished with the water. Still watching carefully to reassure himself that Bo was ok again after the coughing fit. Jesse sat on the other side of Bo anxiously only relaxing when the coughing fit subsided and his breathing returned to normal. Luke got to his feet looking out the window hearing a vehicle pull up into the yard, smiling as the Davenport cousin's Cooter and B.L. exited the tow truck and made their way toward the house. "Who is it Luke?" Jesse asked from his place next to Bo on the couch. "It's Cooter n' B.L." B.L. being the first in the door grinned seeing Bo looking almost back to normal the bruises still visible but not a strange sight because the boys were always getting into fights at the Boar's Nest. "Hey, how ya feelin' Bo?"
  14. Luke sat the cup down on the coffee table when Bo was finished with the water. Still watching carefully to reassure himself that Bo was ok again after the coughing fit. Jesse sat on the other side of Bo anxiously only relaxing when the coughing fit subsided and his breathing returned to normal. Luke got to his feet looking out the window hearing a vehicle pull up into the yard, smiling as the Davenport cousin's Cooter and B.L. exited the tow truck and made their way toward the house. "Who is it Luke?" Jesse asked from his place next to Bo on the couch. "It's Cooter n' B.L." B.L. being the first in the door grinned seeing Bo looking almost back to normal the bruises still visible but not a strange sight because the boys were always getting into fights at the Boar's Nest. "Hey, how ya feelin' Bo?"
  15. Luke reflexively moved closer rubbing Bo's back when he started to cough. That cough was worrying even though the doctor had said it wasn't serious it sounded as if it came straight from Bo's toes it was so harsh and deep. "Easy Bo, slow deep breaths" Jesse frowned as Bo coughed all thoughts of punishing Luke for anything banished from him in his concern for Bo. He really couldn't be mad at Luke anyway he hadn't been driving that fast because Daisy had been going so slow herself it didn't take much speed to catch up and pass the General. Sighing relieved when the coughing fit started to subside a bit. "Daisy would you get Bo a glass of water please?"
  16. Luke hopped out of the Jeep jogging around to the passenger side,taking Bo's arm to steady him. Once out of the Jeep they carefully made their way inside where Luke deposited Bo on the couch thinking he really should be in bed but knowing he'd want to stay up and just enjoy being home for a little bit probably. Jesse and Daisy came inside a few minutes later with Jesse giving Luke a hard look that made the younger man look down sheepishly.
  17. Luke looked at Bo sitting beside him eyes closed with a contented look on his face and smiled. Turning back to the road it wasn't long before they were pulling onto Mill Pond road headed for home. A few minutes later they pulled into the yard with the General close behind Jesse having stopped ranting but he still looked displeased as he squeezed himself out of the window grumbling as his overall's got caught. "It beats me why they welded perfectly working doors shut" Luke reached over nudging Bo slightly "Hey Bo we're home"
  18. Luke looks back in the rearview mirror seeing Daisy patiently talking to Jesse but it looked like Jesse was having none of it. "Don't look like she's having much luck at calming him down, and even if he calms down don't mean I ain't in for a switchin'." Shrugging Luke continues to drive on there was no use worrying about it Jesse would either switch him regardless or let it pass with a warning he'd just have to wait till they got home to find out. Either way it was worth it to see Bo smile the first real smile they'd seen in days.
  19. "Yeah poor General we'll make it up to him though." Luke grins as they pass the other two Dukes in the General Lee, waving to Daisy as they passed. Gulping a little at the glare Jesse was sending his direction. But he didn't slow down and drop back only picked up the speed a little until they were in front then moved back onto his side of the road. Jesse glared as Luke passed "I'm gonna tan his hide when we get home" he threatened gruffly.
  20. "s'ok Bo I just over-reacted. That's a pretty rough cough ya got there, it's one of those deep down cough up a lung things. You'll be right as rain though before we know it." Luke continues on catching up with the General then looks at Bo with a mischevious grin and a twinkle in his eye. "Hey Bo wanna pass 'em?" He'd probably get yelled at for driving too fast by Uncle Jesse when they got home but it'd be worth it to see Bo enjoy himself even if only just the few minutes it took to pass the orange stock car.
  21. I certainly agree with Lukas it was great thanks for sharing. B.L.
  22. I've just got to add my two cents worth to this one. I don't know yet if I will see the new movie but am thinking about doing so. It's not that I am not a die hard Dukes Fan because I am like many others are. I grew up on this show being born when it first aired so ya might say I cut my teeth on it and was in LUVE as cooter says in 'Limo One is Missing' when I was actually old enough to know what I was watching. I agree that the new movie last year was a poor imitation of Dukes as we know it and love it. But although this one will probably have the vulgar language in it same as the other along with nudity it's sort of an insight to what the Dukes were before we met them in 1979. We also have to be realistic about the foul launguage it was a little rougher in the first season that it was in the last because they toned things down after that first season upon finding out so many kids across america were watching the show. Ok I'm done now just wanted to voice my own opinion. B.L. Davenport
  23. I read this thread some time ago when I first joined but didn't add anything because I couldn't make up my mind who my favorite really was these days. As a child it was Bo all the way no questions asked with Luke coming in a close second. Now though it's Cooter at the top and all the Dukes coming in second. As a kid I watched and Bo was the hot blonde one and Luke the hot brunette and with the General Lee they were the heroes of the show so were automatically my favorites. Now though I can appreciate what each character brings to the show but have really come to appreciate what Cooter brings to the show. I know he's not a regular character but I like L.B. too he runs a close race for 3rd with Hazzard's finest .
  24. My collection is now complete as soon as my season 7 arrives in the mail which should be sometime this week . I can't wait to see Happy b'day General Lee and Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Duke. B.L. Davenport
  25. Luke sighed loosening his tight grip on the steering wheel. "I didn't mean ta overreact Bo, *smiles* now is not the best time for a long pause before that particular punch line. *seriously* I just can't shake how hurt ya've been and I know yer lots better than before but that cough ya still got is a little disconcerting though." Pulls back onto the road again heading for home this time going a little faster to catch back up with the General Lee before Uncle Jesse can worry about them lagging behind.
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