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B.L. Davenport

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Everything posted by B.L. Davenport

  1. lol not yours, Kelly's..... I'm not sure you ever had one to begin with. Mine on the otherhand sit's a little crooked dang thing just won't stay upright unless it's propped.
  2. lol true....yer halo's just a little tarnished is all
  3. lol she wouldn't be a davenport if she was an angel
  4. Luke looks at Jesse then back at Bo shrugging "I think he's gonna make ya sweat looks like he's willin' to drop it fer now"
  5. Luke thought for a few moments then looked at Bo shaking his head, he had some cards in his pocket he'd bought in the gift shop but now might not be the best time to play cards with Jesse being in the mood he was in. He whispered "I got some cards from the gift shop thought me, you, Daisy and B.L. might play but better wait till Uncle Jesse looks in a better mood."
  6. *pulls Daisy to her feet putting an arm around the other girl's waist as they walked to the elevators and rode down to the cafeteria*
  7. B.L. nods "Yeah...Jesse won't know a thing though as long as we can keep him from asking questions. I sure as heck ain't gonna tell him. Ya ready to go see if the fellas are still in the land of the livin' after we deserted 'em." Stands brushing off the seat of her jeans hand extended down to Daisy still sittting in the floor. Jesse moved over to the window and sat down leaving the boys to wonder if he was still upset. Luke looked at Bo and wiped a hand surpetitiously across his forehead whispering. "phew that was close I thought we were in for it big time"
  8. B.L. nods remembering some of those instances "yeah...I hope Uncle Jesse's not too hard on him. It's not like it's every weekend he gets drunk just once in a while." Jesse relaxed his features giving a nod satisfied he'd made his point. Wondering just where the girls had got to and what their hurry to leave had been.
  9. B.L. shakes her head now fully recovered. "No we shouldn't I don't even know why it was so funny. Guess it was just one of those things that strikes ya funny and then later you have no idea why you found it so funny." Jesse reguarded the two now sobered young men taking a deep breath he spoke in an even calm voice. "I don't know what you've been upto exactly young man but it's going to stop! I don't mind you kids drinkin' a little now and then but I ain't gonna have none of ya becomin' drunks! Is that understood?" Jesse stared at both of them waiting for an answer. Luke nodded contritely looking Jesse straight in the eye "yes sir"
  10. Jesse continued to glare at the two remaining 'kids' he really couldn't be mad at them as long as the behavior wasn't a habit, they were young and entitled to a little fun but he didn't want any of them to know he wasn't really and truly mad about it or they'd think he was condoning the behavior which he wasn't. B.L. leaned against the wall weak with laughter, finally able to control it with just a few giggles escaping. Chest heaving as she tried to get her breath back. "P....poor Bo.........he's gonna be in......so much trouble....I didn't mean for that to slip out."
  11. B.L.'s eyes watered as she watched Daisy make a hasty exit. No idea why any of them were about to fall apart laughing it wasn't funny, Jesse looked really mad and Bo'd probably be in alot of trouble when he got better but that thought didn't stop her funny bone from being tickled. Begging Bo and Luke not to laugh under her breath she made her own hasty retreat going down the hall to the girls restroom hearing Daisy laughing hysterically from outside the door going in B.L. sinks to the floor next to Daisy her own laughter ringing throughout the bathroom. Luke shook his head clearing his throat getting himself under control. Jesse didn't look any happier and he didn't dare leave Bo to face the wrath alone now the girls had ducked out on them.
  12. "Is somethin' wrong Uncle Jesse........Is somethin' wrong? no not at all *sarcastically* this conversation is very enlightening and you four look like a cat that swallowed a canary. " Luke pressed his lips together tightly as Bo snorted it was taking everything in him not to laugh. Looking at B.L. she wasn't fairing much better from the way she was biting her bottom lip if she bit any harder it was going to bleed. A brief smile flitted across his lips none of them could ever look properly contrite when Jesse was scolding one or all of them and they were all four standing before him.
  13. B.L. flicks her eyes up at Bo without raising her head praying he didn't giggle or she was gonna loose it. The fact that Daisy and Luke both looked like they were gonna giggle too didn't help her any either. Jesse just watched them all holding the stern look on his features. What he really wanted to do was laugh too they all looked like a bunch of little kids at the moment.
  14. B.L. grins shaking her head with a snort "never....you can't even make a quiet entrance into a room, especially if ya drunk" Luke shot her a look flicking his eyes to Jesse who was frowning at her and Bo. She gulped and looked at the floor a blush creeping up her face as she tried not to look at any of them she'd not meant to let that out of the bag.
  15. Luke frowned shaking a mock scolding finger at Bo scolding slightly "Now lookit whatcha got started" Sighs giving up the pretense of the scolding positioning Bo in a more upright position so that he could catch his breath easier. Rubbing soothing circles also in an attempt to relieve the coughing. Jesse and Daisy came in with B.L. in tow all of them frowning as they entered the room and saw Luke holding a coughing Bo as he struggled to breathe. Jesse crossed to the bed quickly and picking up a magazine laying on the bedside table began to fan Bo in an attempt to circulate more air around him. "Easy Bo slow deep breaths as deep as ya can" Jesse spoke soothingly as he and Luke worked with the younger man to get his breathing back under control.
  16. Ya not worried about more cousins and daughters coming out of the woodworks are ya?
  17. I loved the story. Bo chaperoning a houseful of teenage girls lol. And how he came to the rescue when the girls were kidnapped all wonderful reading. B.L.
  18. Sitting back down in the chair by the bed that had become Luke's personal seat over the last week he nodded pleased. "That's great!......you'll be up and causin' trouble before long,ya just take it easy till ya can breathe properly without the oxygen ya hear!" He ordered gently so very glad Bo was doing better but still worried about the fact his breathing wasn't upto par.
  19. Luke smiled when he walked back into the room Bo looked so much better than he had just a few days ago. He had been asleep when Luke had stepped out of the room for a few minutes. B.L. and Cooter had continued to drop by the hospital everyday giving Jesse and Daisy both a chance to go home and freshen up and get some decent rest while the Davenport cousins were there at the hospital to keep an eye on Luke and make sure he got some rest and took care of Bo during that time so the eldest Duke cousin could rest more peacefully. "Hey cuz, how ya feelin? ya look lots better."
  20. Luke leaned his head over ontop of Daisy's on his shoulder and leaned into Jesse as he joined them. Feeling comforted as much as he was giving comfort with his family's arms around him and Bo protecting them.
  21. Luke smiled fondly, it was a picture the other Dukes had seen many times over the years, Bo asleep with a death grip on Luke's shirt after a bad dream or some other thing had scared him. Looking up he saw Daisy and Uncle Jesse watching the scene with smiles of their own.
  22. Luke wrapped his arms tighter around Bo as if holding on afraid Bo might disappear if he didn't. Talking soothingly as Bo trembled in the hold. "it's ok Bo I'm here now....it's ok" He kept reassuing over and over again feeling helpless to help Bo in any other way at the moment but he would do what he could to comfort and reassure Bo that he was safe.
  23. "I know it hurts.....try not ta think about it ok. Ya can't go home as long as they's givin' ya pain medicine which is why you's feel sick. Doc says ya can go home in a couple o' days as soon as ya can be took off the pain medication." Luke explained as he rubbed a hand up and down Bo's arm praying desperately Bo wouldn't be sick again that would only aggrevate his ribs more. Jesse watched the two boys giving thanks that Bo was as well as he was but praying he would soon be well enough to come home. He knew that with Bo in the state he was in there would be no getting Luke home to rest and they both so desperately needed it.
  24. Jesse moved out of the way allowing Luke to take his place with Bo, holding Bo comfortingly in his arms rocking gently. Luke used his free hand to wipe the beads of sweat from Bo's forehead that had appeared when he shifted in their Uncle's arms causing pain to his ribs Luke suspected. "It's alright now Bo I'm here. Just take it easy and rest I ain't gonna leave ya, m'gonna be right here till ya get to go back home. Ya just need to lay still so's ya don't pull them ribs and get yer strength back." Luke spoke softly into Bo's hair as the younger man clung to him as if his life depended on that touch.
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