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B.L. Davenport

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Everything posted by B.L. Davenport

  1. Once getting his breathing under control again Jerry raises the gun firing a shot just in front of Bo's feet. "Come on back here boy or the next one goes in yer back."
  2. Jerry ignored Bo's protests tying his hands behind his back and jabbing a gun into the blonde man's backbone. Pushing him roughly toward the door. "I don't care get going blondie." Pushes Bo out the door and over to the pickup passenger door opening it. "get in"
  3. Luke absently rubbed the back of his head feeling the large bump there and nods. "We got to get to Bo lord only knows what that psycho has done to him after I escaped." Jerry in the meantime was preparing to move Bo. He knew Luke would come back with help and there was only one of him and no desire to tangle with a bunch of country bumpkin friends of the Duke's. "C'mon Duke we're gonna play a little game of hide an' go seek with yer cousin." Jerks Bo to his feet roughly
  4. Jerry tired of the incessant requests to be turned loose raises a stick of wood and slugs Bo over the head. Luke struggled harder the instant he saw the stick screaming out , "NOOOOOOOOOO" Only succeeding in getting tangled in the net Luke didn't see the stick coming his way suddenly black creeped into his vision as a sharp blow hit the back of his head. Both men now out cold Jerry pulled a beat up green pickup out of the bushes and lowered them net and all into the back driving off deeper into the woods.
  5. Jerry looked up at Bo snarling as he pulled another rope and a big net dropped down over the two. "Oh I'll let ya down all right." Luke fought to get the net off of them sure this guy was going to kill them given half a chance and that was something Luke wasn't going to do.
  6. "Shut up Bo!" Jerry shouted looking derranged ever since his dishonorable discharge he'd been thinking of nothing but getting back at Bo for helping to get him dishonorably discharged. Luke shook his head at Bo it was obvious Jerry was a few bricks short of a load and he didn't want the man doing anything to them because Bo'd got him riled.
  7. Jerry smiled evilly as he glared at Bo and glanced at Luke. "I know Bo but what better way to take my revenge on you than to get ya where it hurts you the most? Your family!" Luke struggled to get free seeing the horrified look on Bo's face but it was just no use the rope was holding too well. Jerry laughed meliciously at the two cousins strung up like meat in a smoke house.
  8. Jerry stepped out into the open so they could both see him,walking over he patted Bo on the cheek lightly. "Hello Bo longtime no see, how ya been?" His voice dripped with false cordiality he'd always hated Bo Duke. Luke looked over at Bo and mouthed the question "who was this man?" slipping his knife back into it's own pouch while the attention of the man was on Bo.
  9. Luke froze listening for rustling leaves that would tell them where the sniper was hidden. But hearing nothing he shrugged. "Dunno Bo maybe just a hunter with a bad aim" He went back to sawing his rope and another shot whizzed past his ear this time. And yet another ricocheted off a tree about 6ft to Bo's left. "Uh on second thought maybe that ain't no hunter."
  10. "Best idea I heard all day" Luke pulled his own knife from his pouch swinging himself up sawing at the rope that surrounded his feet.
  11. Luke swayed ever so slightly on the end of his rope a scowl marring his handsome features. His own arms folded he stared at Bo for a few minutes before replying. "One.......... I think Jesse would forgive me considering the current situation we find ourselves in and two....we fell for this cos we's careless now that we ain't runnin' 'shine ta keep our skills sharp."
  12. *****Flashback****** Luke crept along off to one side of Bo going in another direction but still close enough they could talk. Scouts there area seeing somtheing points whispering "Bo There" Takes another step and is yanked off his feet into mid air upside down along with Bo and a net settles over them. Luke letting out a string of swear words that Jesse would still take him to the woodshed for if he'd heard them.
  13. B.L. raised her eyebrows it wasn't often that Cooter felt the need to use swear words and even more rare did he use a string like he'd just let loose. Luke sighed settling into the seat and taking a deep breath launched into the tale. "We was walking through the woods cos we'd seen a bob cat and knew it'd get into somebody's chickens if we didn't go after it and kill it. So we was creeping along and all the sudden we found ourselves upside down by our ankles and a net throwed over us. I can't believe we got caught in a trap like that now with bein' ex-moonshiners and me havin' been in 'nam. I have ta say it was one of my more humilatin' moments. He stepped out from behind a tree and lowered the net into the back of a pickup and took us to the ole Perkin's place and slugged us over tha head so's we'd be easier to handle when we woke up we was tied to some posts in this little dark room." Luke finished his tale with a flush of crimson at his own carelessness gettin' caught like they did.
  14. "One a Bo's ex-marine corps reserve 'friends' kidnapped us........I managed ta get the ropes off and get out but had ta leave Bo behind he's at the Perkin's old place. We gotta get to him before that jackass kills him." As he finished speaking Luke climbed in the passenger side of Dixie
  15. Luke wraps his arms around Daisy's waist hugging her tightly "I'm alright Daisy but we gotta get to Bo before somethin' bad happens to him." B.L. wraps both her friends in a hug then pulls away heading back to the vehicles. "I'll CB Cooter and tell him to get back here so we can go get Bo." Runs back to the vehicles jumping up in the passenger seat of Dixie picking up the CB. "Crazy C you got yer ears on" *no response pushes the button again* "Cooter ya out there we found Luke ya got to get back to the end of Mill Pond Road."
  16. B.L. slams on her own brakes as Daisy comes to an abrupt stop the Judge coming within inches of Dixie's bumper. Looks puzzled as Daisy takes off running toward the woods not seeing anything at first but then sees a figure running to meet Daisy. Jumps out of the car walking across both bumpers before jumping to the ground taking off in the direction Luke was coming from right behind Daisy. Luke picks up speed his energy suddenly renewed at seeing Daisy and B.L. running in his direction. "Daisy!.........B.L. am I glad to see ya'll"
  17. B.L. follows Daisy also scanning the area around hoping to catch something that maybe Daisy and Cooter had missed.
  18. B.L. also hugs and kisses Jesse's cheek before following Daisy out and getting in the Judge to follow Daisy to the boars nest. Luke trudged along looking at his surrounding judging how close to home he was. Smiling as he realized he was only about 5 miles away and for an ex-marine that was an easy walk especially without a full pack on their back.
  19. "Yeah at least it'll keep us busy though so we don't worry about the boys." B.L. pushes herself to her feet wearily the last thing she really wanted to do was go to work but she couldn't stand sitting there on the couch worrying either. Jerry raised the board again but decided against beating Bo some more and just threw it against the wall as hard as he could splintering the board before stalking out slamming the door and locking it.
  20. B.L. sighs leaning back against the couch resting her head on the back of it. "Yeah that's about all we can do at the moment anyways." Jerry stormed back into the room with a 2X4 board in hand and starts beating Bo with it. "Ya take that back Duke ya hear me take it back or ya ain't gonna live to see sunset much less another sunrise."
  21. B.L. chuckles slightly "Oh yes he defenitely has Bo 'n Luke's mannerisms bust heads and ask questions later when his friends or family is in danger.....common sense Cooter? That's sorta why he's called crazy cos when he's mad he has none whatsoever and right now he's mad at whoever kidnapped the boys." The man gave Bo a doubtful look as he prepared to leave the room "sure Bo"
  22. Glaring at the blonde man tied to the post he was talking pretty big for somebody who's just been left alone tied up and vulnerable. "Is that so? Well even if your right it's gonna be a while before he can reach help on foot and by that time you may not be around to need saving." *sneering* B.L. smiles at Daisy nodding "I just hope he's got enough sense to call for backup if he finds anything."
  23. Catching his breath Luke began his trek home silently through the woods his marine instincts kicking in allowing him to be virtually silent as he wound his way through the woods in a fashion that would confuse anyone trying to follow him. The man had who just come in to see what all the commotion was about stood there staring at the door for at least 5 minutes then looked back at Bo grinning evilly before giving Bo's cheek a hard slap. "I wouldn't be smirking boy the way he lit outta here he's not coming back for you." B.L. sighs as she turns back around sitting with one leg pulled up under her. "He's lookin' for trouble the way he just tore out."
  24. Luke charged out the door and into some nearby woods before slowing his pace wanting to be as out of sight as he could be. About 300 yards or so into the woods he stopped placing his hands on his knees doubling over breathing heavily after the mad dash for freedom. Back at the farm Jesse still sat on the couch between Daisy and B.L. and arm around each of them. Cooter may have went outside but he hadn't left yet he was pacing the yard trying to decide which direction to start looking for the boys in. Suddenly jumping in the tow truck and tearing out of the yard. B.L. raises up on one knee turning to look out the window as the wrecker roared to life and tore out of the yard.
  25. Luke stands up stretching his cramped muscles before going over to Bo squatting down in front of the younger man. Before he can say one thing though a noise is heard from the other room, Luke tenses as he steps behind the door hearing footsteps get closer. "Alright what's going on in here?" *gruffly the thug asked as he came into the room only to have Luke try and slam the door on him*. Slamming the door stunned the kidnapper long enough for Luke to try to run out giving Bo a regretful look as he did so and made it just as the man grabbed for his shirt collar and missed when Luke elbowed the man in the stomach.
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