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B.L. Davenport

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Everything posted by B.L. Davenport

  1. "I don't rightly know Daisy, guess he just had 'em used on him one too many times or somethin'." He said wondering himself now that Daisy had brought it up. "Uncle Jesse probably knows what caused it."
  2. Luke nods and puts Bo's hand under the cover frowning as the lines could still be seen snaking out from under the cover. "That'll have to do there's no real way to hide them I just hope he's too dazed to notice."
  3. "I know.......he's probably just waiting to snap the trap shut too." Sighing as he sat down in the chair by Bo's bed now that he was sound asleep.
  4. "That's it Bo just rest" Looks over at Daisy "I wished Cooter and B.L. would hurry up and get back with Uncle Jesse."
  5. "your ok now Bo.....Daisy took off the restraints it's ok shhhh" Luke spoke soothingly as he squeezed one of Bo's hands.
  6. Luke looks at the restraints his face clouding with anger "Daisy get them things off him I can't with this hand like it is" Goes back to speaking softly to Bo while Daisy freed him from the restraints. He'd like to know who's idea the restraints had been so he could give them a piece of his mind, and he planned to talk to the doctor about it next time he came around.
  7. Luke continues to speak to Bo in a soothing low voice glad to see it was settling him down again. Luke just hoped that Cooter and B.L. got back with Uncle Jesse soon that's who Bo really needed right now more than even himself.
  8. "Shhh no, no Bo noone's going to hurt me. We're in the hospital and your hurt real bad. But it's all going to be fine now everything's ok your safe, Daisy's here too and Uncle Jesse's will be here soon so you just relax and calm down I'm not going to let anyone hurt you again." Luke spoke in a low calming voice hoping to calm Bo even though he didn't seem to hear the words but hopefully the quiet soothing tone was enough to do the trick.
  9. Luke pulled away as Bo woke, moving closer to the bed brushing the hair off Bo's forehead. "Just take it easy Bo yer in the hospital ya got a bad concussion and some other injuries the Doc wants ta keep ya for a few days but he says ya gonna be fine."
  10. Luke turns his head to look Daisy in the eye kissing the tip of her nose as her head rested on his shoulder. "I'll tell 'im just as soon as he gets back, but I doubt I've got anything near as bad as Bo I got a hard head ya know." *smiled teasingly as the doctor came back in* "Well now let's get that hand seen to shall we?" The doctor took Lukes hand cleaning it with alchohol causing Luke to hiss in pain when the liquid burned the cut. That finished the doctor injected something into the hand around the cut looking up at the cousin's questioning looks he told them. "It's novicane to deaden the area so it won't be painful while I'm stitching it up." Luke nodded looking at Daisy as the doctor began to stitch the cut, he wasn't squimish but he didn't really want to watch either. After a couple of minutes go by Luke responds. "Uh I forgot to mention I got hit in the head also, pretty hard it knocked me out." Doctor Sanchez nodded continuing to make fine neat stitches in the cut. "Ok I'll check that out in just a second almost finished here...there all done." He then checked Lukes head not surprised to find a small lump there but smiled at the worried look on the girl's face. "Nothing serious maybe a very mild concussion but that's it. Now let's get you that tetanus shot and we're all done." He picked up another syringe filled with some clear liquid and injected it into Luke's arm, before instructing Luke not to get the stitches wet or do anything that would pull them. Finished he left the room and Luke once more looked at Daisy smiling. "See nothing serious"
  11. The doctor examined Luke's wrist frowning at the deep rope burns, he then spotted the cut on Luke's hand the frown going deeper. "Well Mr. Uh Sorry I didn't catch your name" Luke replied "Duke, Luke Duke sir" "Mr. Duke you have some nasty rope burns but they should heal fine, that cut on your hand however needs stitches. Just how did that happen?" Looks at his hand before looking back at the doctor. "I cut it on a piece of metal." Doctor Sanchez nodded making a note on the pad of paper in his pocket. "Then you'll need a tetanus shot as well. I'll get the shot and bandages." Leaves the room.
  12. Luke leans over kissing Daisy's forehead, stroking her hair. "Don't worry about it no hard feelin's your just worried and upset and I'm being stubborn. I'll get a Doc ta take a look." Just as Luke finishes speaking a doctor walks by the room and Luke steps out in the hall calling to him. "Excuse me doctor but could you check me out? My cousin and I were attacked although he got the worst end of it, I do have some injuries that need attention I think." The Doctor smiles kindly at Luke "Of course come with me." "Uh could ya do it in my cousin's room I don't wanna leave him alone with my other cousin for long he's on pain medication and it doesn't agree with him. His doctor said he might be disoriented when he wakes up and I need to be close to help keep him calm." Doctor Sanchez smiles ushering Luke back inside Bo's room.
  13. "Daisy I didn't mean nothin' like that. But it's my responsibility to take care of you and Bo. But if it'll make ya feel better I'll get the doc to check me out in here but I ain't leavin' him and you alone if he decides to fight back cos he's disoriented you won't be able ta handle him alone." Sighing as he finished speaking, not having meant to make it sound like he was Bo's only cousin but he had to take care of both Bo and Daisy.
  14. "That was before I knew how bad Bo was. I need ta be here in case he wakes up a little. I'll see a doctor later maybe if Bo's doin' alright." Luke flinched as Daisy told him to quit lyin' the accusation hurt even if it was true. Cooter and B.L. rode toward Hazzard in silence in the Judge.
  15. B.L. placed a hand on Daisy's shoulder smiling "Nah you and Luke stay here with Bo, me 'n Cooter'll go get Uncle Jesse for ya'll." Cooter nodded eagerly that they would "B.L.'s right 'sides you ain't in no condition to drive Daisy ya still look a might peaked from all the upset. You stay here and see if ya can't get Lucas to see a doctor." Luke frowned he thought they had forgotten he was hurt. "I don't need to see no doctor."
  16. "Hey any o' ya'll called Uncle Jesse to let him know what's going on?" Cooter asked having just thought about the fact the Duke's beloved Uncle was probably worried sick if he'd heard the CB transmissions. Luke shook his head "No guess we forgot what with all the excitement."
  17. B.L. nods "Yeah I hope Rosco puts him under the jail......even though a hangin' in the town square would be better." Luke looked at B.L. she seemed rather violent but he had to agree although the beating he and Cooter had dished out had been pretty bad Luke thought he deserved more. "He'll get what's comin to him one way or another." Luke said grimly Cooter nodded his own agreement with the rest of them. "Yeah donch ya'll worry he'll get his come uppance."
  18. Luke pulled Daisy a little closer to him not wanting to let her go. He'd left Bo alone and now he was in the hospital seriously injured. "Ya hang in there Bo." Cooter maneuvered himself and B.L. over to the window leaning againts the windowsill holding B.L. tightly round the waist in front of him as she leaned her head against his chest.
  19. As they entered the room and Luke got a look at Bo in the bed and apparently asleep but looking like he'd been hit by a truck he stopped dead in his tracks there was scarcely a place on Bo's body that wasn't covered in bandages. He moved closer to the bed reaching out to stroke Bo's cheek softly one of the few places without a bandage. Cooter and B.L. almost bumped into Luke's and Daisy's backs as they entered the room behind their friends. Once able to see Bo, B.L. buried her face in Cooter's arm the seriousness of the injuries hitting hard and making her feel wobbly on her feet and queasy. Cooter wrapped an arm around her wasit keeping her upright as they moved further into the room.
  20. B.L. covered her mouth with a small gasp hearing what had most likely been done to Bo. It was bad enough knowing the guy had beat Bo up but to know it was done with an object was much much worse. And if he was on that strong of pain medication it was going to be a rough uphill battle for Bo until he was over the effects of the medication and his injuries were starting to heal. Looks to Daisy seeing the fear and worry in her eyes B.L. gives her a quick hug. "He'll be fine" *crooked smile hoping to make the other woman laugh and relieve her own anxiety by making a joke even though the situation was anything but funny.* he's gonna be fun while he's disoriented we can convince him he's on the moon." Luke shook hands with the doctor after listening to all he had to say turning to squeeze Daisy's shoulder in comfort and ruffling B.L.'s hair. "No you are not going to try and convince him he's on the moon." Cooter stands up looking at the other three "well let's go see 'im" he said putting actions to his words heading to Bo's room the others following closely.
  21. B.L. gasps hearing the exent of Bo's injuries gripping Daisy's hand just a little tighter not having heard one sound come from the other woman after the doctor delivered the news. Luke nods with a frown "Alright......thanks for lettin' us know Doctor."
  22. Luke immediately sits straight in his chair hearing approaching footsteps seeing it's the doctor leaps to his feet. "How is he? What's wrong with him?" B.L. gripped Daisy's hand as much to comfort Daisy as herself waiting for the Doctor's reply as Cooter leaned forward listening intently.
  23. B.L. nods understandingly she too felt the same way but not as strongly as Daisy. "They're both gonna be fine" said more confidently than she felt.
  24. B.L. had noticed Cooter's whispers but decided to keep quiet because no matter how much any of them asked him to Luke wasn't going to see a doctor right now. "How ya holdin' up Daisy?" B.L. whispered to her best friend patting Daisy's hand. Luke closed his eyes tiredly getting a pounding headache.
  25. B.L. too had leaped for Bo as he started to fall placing a hand on his chest. Moving out the way as the orderlies came with the gurney. As they leave with him B.L. sits in the chair Bo had just been removed from head leaning against the wall. Luke stretched out his legs in front of him preparing to play the waiting game some more his own slight injuries starting to show themselves. Cooter whispered to Luke not wanting to upset Daisy anymore than she already was. "You ok Luke? Probably wouldn't hurt ta get yourself checked out." Luke just shakes his head negatively and whispers back. "I'm ok"
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