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B.L. Davenport

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Everything posted by B.L. Davenport

  1. Daisy smiled shyly when Cooter kissed her cheek. Leaning over returning the kiss lightly before laying her head on his shoulder. B.L. peeped in the mirror again at the couple in the backseat. Grinning at them they both looked like love sick calves so enamored with each othere were they.
  2. B.L. smiled back at Konrad when he caught her eye. She might not have seen the kiss but she knew Cooter well enough to know he was sneaking one not to mention she had heard it. Glances in the mirror making sure Cooter wasn't watching reaches over putting her hand on Konrad's knee.
  3. B.L. leaned back in the seat watching the scenery pass by the window as they were going to where the dance was. Glancing occasionally in the rearview mirror to see what Cooter and Daisy were doing.
  4. B.L. laughed as well at the look on Konrad's face at the idea Cooter and Daisy might make out in the backseat. Gets in the passenger seat when he opened the door making sure her dress was fixed so it wouldn't get caught in the door.
  5. B.L. poked her tongue out at Cooter retorting with a smug grin. "How are we supposed to stop along the way and make out with you two in the backseat."
  6. Took Konrad's hand leading him out the door to his car, looking back at Daisy and Cooter. "see ya'll there"
  7. B.L. nodded approvingly at Luke's choice of date, ignoring Daisy's question. Mabel had went to school with her and Daisy she was a nice girl. Looked at Konrad it looked like they were all ready to go now. "Ready?"
  8. Konrad's grin made B.L. blush even redder if that was possible. Catching Daisy's look her eyes shot open wide in surprise. Quickly recovering though she grinned at the other couple saying sassily. "Don't do anything we wouldn't do" Turning to look at Luke B.L. gave him a wolf whistle the same as the boys had done to her and Daisy. "Lookin' good Lucas...who's the lucky lady?"
  9. B.L. blushed at what Konrad said and the wink. Looks at her cousin and his sister as Daisy came over to Cooter. Gives them a suspicious look. Daisy couldn't be going to the dance with Cooter,could she? B.L. wondered. The Dukes and Davenports had been friends for a long time but she never thought of Daisy and Cooter as a couple. But then she was dating Daisy's brother but that was different they had only just met when he moved back to Hazzard.
  10. Luke swam around for a while enjoying the peacefulness of their surroundings. Happy to see that Bo wasn't practically jumping out of his skin at every sound. Maybe things were starting to get back to normal or at least what passed for normal in Hazzard anyway.
  11. B.L. smiled as the boys let out appreciative whistles. Going over to Konrad she stood on tiptoe and gave him a peck on the cheek,slipping her arm through his complimenting him quietly. "Ya look nice tonight." Bo drove to Cindy Mae's and after a long talk with her father left with his date for the dance.
  12. When Daisy had swam off in one direction B.L. and Luke did the same. B.L. doing the backstroke and Luke just floating along peacefully. The three of them were as quiet in their activities as the two sleeping on the land.
  13. Luke held Daisy for a few more moments it made him feel like she still needed him when she hugged him like that. He knew she still needed him but it was more as a friend now than a protector.
  14. "He'd prolly just help ya'll instead of me anyway..." B.L. rolls her eyes giving Cooter's sleeping form on the bank a look. He protected her when it counted but picking on each other was just part of their relationship, both would do whatever it took to help the other come hell or high water as well. Luke chuckled at B.L. and squeezed Daisy's arms as she wrapped them around him.
  15. Luke nodded at Daisy and grabbed B.L. under the arms as Daisy grabbed her legs then picking her up they gave her a toss sending the screeching young woman through the air and splashing into the water. Surfacing moments later mock glaring at the two grinning Dukes. "That ain't fair two against one" Luke shrugged grinning at her.
  16. B.L. squeals as she's dunked coming back to the surface pushing the hair from her eyes grinning. "I just did....." Turns around dunking Daisy with a chuckle only to be dunked again by Luke. "That goes fer me too.....ya can't dunk Daisy like that." Comes back to the surface splashing him playfully.
  17. "Hey Coot,hey Kon. I'll see ya'll at the dance gotta go pick up Cindy Mae...bye" Bo greeted them as they came in then made his excuses and left to go collect his date. Going out the door and getting into Daisy's jeep she'd let him borrow for the night since Luke was taking General Lee. "C'mon I wanna see this mystery date of yers." B.L. said as she ushered Daisy out the bedroom door.
  18. Bo came out of the bedroom dressed in his red shirt and good jeans. Smiling when he saw that Luke had found his shirt apparently in the one place he hadn't looked. "I see ya found it." B.L. poked her tongue out at Daisy when she still refused to tell who her date was. Hearing Luke's knock and subsequent question she chuckled shaking her head. "I swear if the boys didn't have you and the two at my place didn't have me to keep track of everythin' for 'em they'd lose their heads."
  19. "I ain't seen it, are ya sure you checked the closet good? Maybe it just got pushed out the way. Ya could always ask Daisy if she's seen it." Bo said as he put down the second boot and looked up at Luke still searching drawers for the missing shirt. "C'mon don't keep me in suspense who's the lucky guy?" B.L. half whined when Daisy wouldn't tell her but just gave her a teasing wink instead. Looks Daisy up and down eyeing the dress that frilled down the sides that she was wearing. "Wow whoever it is must be pretty special ya look great."
  20. B.L. and Luke followed Daisy into the water, B.L. yelping from the coldness of the water soon getting used to the temperature swims over and dunks Luke. He comes up spluttering splashes her. "Hey!" B.L. only smirks at his protest splashing him back laughing. "Hay is fer horses."
  21. Bo looked up from his boot polishing as Luke came into the room and asked where his shirt was. "Which one?" Bo asked because neither of them had bought anything new to wear tonight. He wondered who Luke was taking to the dance his cousin had kept it secret all week refusing to even give them a hint as to who it might be. Bo on the other hand had made it no secret who he was taking. "I hope so....*teasing* so who's the lucky fellar that gets to escort the illustrious miss Daisy Duke to the dance?" B.L. grinned back at Daisy quickly putting on the dress she'd chosen and the silver open toed high heels,sitting back down at the vanity to put on her makeup and fix her hair. Instead of the usual ponytail or braid she usually wore it in B.L. was wearing her hair down tonight,the sides swept back and clipped with small silver barrettes nothing fancy but not her usual tomboy look either.
  22. "Yeah sounds good to me,we can eat then when they wake up" B.L. said as she and Luke set their instruments aside getting to their feet nodding. Luke pulling off his t-shirt and BL stripping to her bathing suit.
  23. Finally deciding on a hair style of B.L. was sifting through Daisy's closet to find just the perfect outfit. She hadn't had anything at home she wanted to wear,Konrad had already seen most of it and it had to be something special. Holding up a red shirt and jeans against her frowns at her reflection in the mirror tossing the clothes on the bed. Looks through the closet again pulls out a soft pink haltertop dress that came down to just past the knee. Smiling she nodded and turns to Daisy asking. "How's this Daisy?" Bo was rifling through his closet having almost as hard a time deciding what to wear as B.L. Finally deciding on his red shirt and his nicest pair of jeans. Sitting down on the bed with the shoe brush and picking up one boot now his clothes were decided on Bo began to polish his boots whistling happily.
  24. (Me and my co-writer have decided that this story will only be posted upon by us...B.L. Davenport and Konrad Lee Duke. So we wish you enjoy the story.) It was just another day in hazzard, the big grange dance was tonight. Everything and everyone was buzzing getting ready for the big event. B.L. Davenport was sitting at Daisy Duke her best friend’s vanity playing with her long dark blonde hair. Looking for just the right hairstyle she was going to the dance with Daisy’s brother Konrad who she’d been dating for quite a while now the only guy she’d been this serious about in some time. Bo came out of the bathroom whistling a happy tune as he went back into his and Luke’s Room to finish getting ready for the dance. He was taking Cindy Mae Moffat tonight, much to everyone’s surprise the same girl he’d been dating for a month now.
  25. Finishing the song BL layed her fiddle back in its case grinning. It was great to be able to do this again it seemed like the times before Bo's problems all started. Luke put his arm around Daisy as they sang along to the song.
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