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B.L. Davenport

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Everything posted by B.L. Davenport

  1. Luke somehow managed to get Bo's foot off the accelerator and the car immediately began to slow down but not enough to take the upcoming sharp curve. Reaching his foot a little further he stepped on the brake desperately trying to slow the car more before they reached the curve and went off the road and down the embankment.
  2. Luke's eyes widened in alarm as the general picked up speed. Sure they drove fast but it was always on purpose and they both could keep excellent control of the car but Bo wasn't in control this time. He was driving scared and that was the reason for the increased speed. Making a split second decision Luke tries to move Bo's foot off the gas so he himself can step on teh brake and slow the car down before they have an accident.
  3. "Bo?" Luke questioned worriedly placing a hand on the younger blonde man's shoulder "Hey it's ok, it was only Mr. Jenkins pickup backfiring"
  4. Luke pulled out of the yard thinking he'd have to explain to Jesse later what was going on he probably thought Luke was 'rescuing' Bo from what was planned. Driving along down the dirt road headed for the feed and seed store they met Mr. Jenkins who's pickup backfired just as the back wheels of the two vehicles got even with one another.
  5. "Huh, oh yeah comin" Luke mutters a curse under his breath as he heads toward the General. He had to come up with something fast so he didn't have to come up with a false errand and to keep them there.
  6. Luke swallows thinking trying to come up with a believable errand. He hadn't counted on Bo asking specifically what it was when he'd made the excuse in order to get Bo outside.
  7. Luke waited patiently as Bo readied himself to go outside. WHen he was ready to go they went out of the bedroom and out the house together. Luke keeping close to Bo ready to stop him from a blind reckless flee and hurting himself at any moment.
  8. I need ya ta go with me fer a few minutes Bo....we uh gotta run an errand fer Jesse and it's gonna take both of us ta do it." Luke hoped Bo would buy the excuse because it was the only thing he could think of to get him out of the house.
  9. "yes sir" Luke nods heading for his and Bo's room to get Bo...goes in and sees Bo laying on his bed huddled under the covers. approaches and touches his shoulder lightly. "Bo ya asleep?"
  10. Luke nodded silently and gave Daisy a quick look to see if she was ready for this. He wasn't quite sure he was but the state Bo was in couldn't continue.
  11. Luke looked at Jesse surprised he had thought maybe they could wait till tomorrow and give Bo a chance to get over today's reaction but he knew Jesse knew what he was doing so nodded slightly in acceptance even if it wasn't total agreement.
  12. sighing Luke runs a hand down his face he agreed with Daisy but they had to figure out just what it was Bo wasn't telling them. Because he wasn't likely to tell if he could keep from doing so.
  13. Luke looked over at Daisy with a curious look..."what do ya think he might be hidin'?"
  14. Luke leaned back against the couch watching as Bo wordlessly left the room. He hated seeing Bo like this and feeling helpless of how to fix it. He didn't even know how to comfort Daisy and that just made him feel even more helpless and that was one feeling Luke Duke didn't like was feeling helpless. Everyone was always saying how smart he was and how good he was at coming up with plans but for the life of him he didn't know what to do this time.
  15. Jesse held Daisy stroking her long chestnut hair as she hid her face in the bib of his overalls. He hated to see any of his kids upset and what he had planned to help Bo was going to upset them all. But there was no other option if they were to help Bo without the aide of so called professionals who in Jesse's opinon didn't know their heads from a hole in the ground when it came to his kids and what they needed and didn't need.
  16. Jesse put the inhaler back with the others and watched carefully as Bo leaned back closing his eyes. Luke all the while keeping an arm around him and talking in a soft calming voice.
  17. Jesse searched through the inhalers that Daisy brought to him, finding the one he wanted he put it to Bo's mouth realeasing the medication. Waiting a few minutes he administered another puff. Luke rubbed Bo's back as Jesse administered the medication before things escelated into an asthma attack. Continuing to rub small circles between Bo's shoulders and talk soothingly to him waiting for the medication to take effect and for his breathing to return to normal.
  18. "Daisy get his inhaler and Luke get him settled down on the couch. If he don't get better we'll call Doc ta come have a look." Luke helped Bo over to the couch sitting him down and then sitting beside him as Jesse sat on the other side rubbing Bo's back soothingly to help him get his breathing under control.
  19. "Bo? You alright?" Luke questions with a worried frown this was much more than just being scared out of his wits now Bo was holding his chest. That couldn't be good he figured but maybe it was just an asthma attack coming on and nothing more. Luke didn't know what it was but he didn't like the look on Bo's face and the pallor of his skin at the moment.
  20. Luke nods agreeing he couldn't deny it wasn't normal but there had been a time when he'd done it. "No it's not normal but it happens sometimes."
  21. Luke squeezed Bo's shoulders a little tigher pulling him close. "Sure they do Bo everybody reacts like that to an uexpected noise sometimes.
  22. Jesse and Bo both looked up at the loud clatter and Bo's subsequent scrambling back in reaction to it. Luke calmly getting up from his chair going over to Bo and putting an arm around his shoulders speaking softly. "S'ok Bo"
  23. When Bo came back with the checker board they set it up on the end of the coffee table and Luke moved to the chair by the couch. Moving his checker that was in the last square of the top row.
  24. The three Duke men go back into the livingroom, Jesse sitting in his favorite chair reading the newspaper. "Hey Bo, how about a game of checkers while we wait fer supper?"
  25. Luke sniffs appreciatively as his stomach rumbles hungrily. "sure does"
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