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B.L. Davenport

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Everything posted by B.L. Davenport

  1. Luke smiled a little as Bo looked up at him and the trembling seemed to lessen. He didn't move his hand but he didn't want to startle Bo more by engulfing him in a hug no matter how much he'd like to do just that. Jesse stepped closer to the bed wondering just what in the name of heaven he'd done to his boy, Bo looked much worse off now than he had been back at the farm. Placing a hand on one of Bo's knees he squeezed it gently with a soft smile. "Hey Bo, how are ya?"
  2. "Bo?" Luke called again as he crossed the room and put a hand on Bo's shoulder when he didn't respond. He looked so fragile in the bed hugging his knees to his chest so unlike the self confident Bo they were all used to seeing. Jesse looked at Bo and then the stark white surroundings of the room and he wondered if this was the right place for Bo.
  3. Jesse hugged Daisy tight as Luke sat on the edge of his chair all three anxiously waiting for the nurse to come take them to Bo's room. Finally about ten minutes later an older woman with graying red hair came. "Bo Duke family?" She asked and the three Dukes stood following her down a long hall. Jesse still holding tight to Daisy as she huddled closer into him each time they heard a moan, scream or crazy mutterings coming from the other rooms they passed. They reached Bo's room and were told to go on in. Luke and Jesse both put on big smiles for Bo's sake as they walked in. Luke greeted him normally. "Hey Bo, any pretty nurses caught yer eye?"
  4. Luke hugged Daisy tight again burying his face in her hair. Holding onto her as if he was holding onto a lifeline. In a way he was, Daisy was the only cousin he had left at the moment and even though he knew Bo would be back when was still uncertain.
  5. Luke echoed Daisy's sigh with one of his own that seemed to come straight from his toes. "I know, but it don't make it any easier to accept that it happened to Bo"
  6. "I know Daisy, but he wasn't even actin' like he was gonna give 'em any trouble. He was meek as a lamb. I know they got proceedures they hafta follow but they should be able ta alter those proceedures when it's someone like Bo." Luke agreed with Daisy but it still didn't make him feel any better about it all, Bo hadn't deserved that he'd been as calm as could be when they led him away. B.L. had been the one standing there with fire in her eyes he knew without being able to see her face clearly but her stance had told him volumes about her facial expression. He smiled a little imagining her staring the two men with the straight jacket down.
  7. Luke sighed his eyes dropping to the bed deep down he knew Jesse was doing what he thought was right and that Bo really did need the help he knew that too. "I know Daisy, I know...I just....gawd did they hafta take him off in a straight jacket chained to the wall though? They treated him like he was some crazed lunatic that was gonna jump 'em any minute and go balistic on 'em. Bo's not out of control his sense of fear is and treatin' him that way ain't gonna help none."
  8. Luke sighed and nodded miserably dropping a light kiss on Daisy's head. "yeah we should have, B.L. at least had the guts to stay out there but she couldn't even bring herself to stick around while they put Bo in that danged straight jacket and carted him off. I saw her take off on foot through the woods, no idea where though." His voice hardens a little on the next sentence. "Jesse just stood there and let 'em put that jacket on Bo."
  9. Luke hugged Daisy tight rocking gently. He whispered quietly in her ear as he rocked. "I saw, I was just inside the back door. I wish we could have done somethin' to stop it but we couldn't."
  10. When Daisy didn't answer him Luke opened the door to her room quietly going over to the bed. Sitting down beside her and rubbing her back gently not saying anything just comforting her quietly.
  11. Luke stayed huddled on the floor by the door for a long time, not crying or anything just sitting there numb. As he began to gather himself together it hit him like hitting a brick wall that Bo would think he didn't care about him because he had stayed inside the house for his own selfish reasons of not being able to watch Bo carted away or even step outside long enough to give him one last hug and reassurances that this all would be over soon and he'd be coming home. The realization made Luke feel lower than a snake's belly that he had basically abandoned Bo when he needed the support of his older cousin the most. Slowly he got to his feet and made his way to Daisy's room knocking softly on the door. "Daisy? You alright?"
  12. Luke had watched Bo and B.L. then saw her running off someplace to be alone no doubt. He then watched them put the straight jacket on Bo and lead him to the van and then the van pull slowly out of the yard taking Bo away from them for god only knew how long. Sinking down to sit by the door when they were gone his knees drawn up arms folded across the top his head resting on his folded arms.
  13. Once they were prised apart B.L. couldn't stand the thought of watching them actually leave with Bo. Turning around she ran back the way she'd came. Running as hard as she could she went to their place deep in the woods and sat down crying deep heart wrenching sobs. Jesse watched B.L. until she was out of sight then looking back at the two men with Bo he reached out and pulled him into a brief hug.
  14. B.L. held onto Bo for dear life hearing Jesse's quiet instructions to the men as well. It wasn't long before the men and Jesse were trying to seperate the two.
  15. B.L. knew what Bo was asking her but she couldn't just let them take him without some sort of fight especially not in a straight jacket. Daisy may have been her best girl friend but Bo had been the one she'd climbed trees with, went fishing and her partner in crime more times than she could count. Flinging her arms around him in a fierce hug the tears started again silently.
  16. B.L. stopped beside Bo looking back at the men who had followed her frowning to see one of them carrying a straight jacket. Bo might need help but he didn't need no straight jacket he wasn't wild and crazy. Folding her arms chin jutted out defiantly a menacing snarl on her lips daring them to even think of putting that thing on Bo as she looked back and forth between Jesse and the men praying silently that Jesse would put a stop to all this madness.
  17. B.L. looked up the same time Daisy did seeing the van. Noticing all the things Daisy had about the van, shuddering at the sight of the straight jackets. When Daisy jumped up running inside she jumped up too but instead of following Daisy she headed for where Bo was with a purposeful determined stride. Luke watched Daisy run by jostling to the side a little as her elbow hit him. Looking outside he saw the van and knew why she had been in such a hurry they were here to take Bo away. He couldn't bring himself to watch from outside but couldn't take his eyes away either as he stood in the shadows of the screened in back porch and watched through the door.
  18. Jesse wrapped his arms tightly around Bo rubbing circles on his back and rocking gently. Praying he was doing the right thing and wondering when he'd get to hold his boy like this again. Wonders how much longer before they came to take Bo away but not willing to let go long enough to take out the old pocket watch and look at the time.
  19. Luke sat in the house his forehead resting on the table. He was still trying to get his head around the fact that Bo would be leaving in half an hour for who knew how long. B.L. watched Daisy sit on the ground and cry knowing she needed to get up off the hood and go to one of her best friends in the world and comfort but feeling too numb with the information she'd just been given to do anything but sit there and try not to cry herself at which she was doing miserably at. Jesse cupped Bo's cheek gently and wiped away the tears with his thumb. He wished there was another way but he just didn't know of any other options.
  20. B.L. swallowed then looked up as she heard Jesse come out of the house heading to where Bo had gone. Jesse found Bo quickly and sat down beside the young man rubbing his arm gently. "It's only for a little while Bo till you get better"
  21. B.L. swallowed then looked up as she heard Jesse come out of the house heading to where Bo had gone. Jesse found Bo quickly and sat down beside the young man rubbing his arm gently. "It's only for a little while Bo till you get better"
  22. B.L. sat on the hood of her car head in her hands she knew Daisy was right,she could see for herself how worn out Daisy was getting. And of course Boss would have to use their rough time to try and get his hands on the farm that was just like him. "When?" B.L. asked the one word question quietly knowing Daisy would know exactly what she wanted to know. Luke's eyes widened in shock he had thought there would be more time to convince Jesse this was wrong but half an hour just wasn't enough time. With a deep heavy sigh his shoulders slumped in defeat it was inevitable and he couldn't chang it Bo was going to be sent away.
  23. B.L. bit her lip she hadn't realized it was this bad but sending Bo away wouldn't change anything to her way of thinking but just make it worse. Bo had always thrived on his family's love and sending him away was not the answer she knew deep in her heart. "Daisy, Uncle Jesse can't send him away he just can't it'd kill Bo. It'd tear Luke up inside too it's just the wrong thing ta do. There's got ta be another way." Luke looked back at Jesse evenly he wasn't backing down and allowing Jesse to send Bo away to see some quack. "I'll get some odd jobs around the other farms, take Bo with me and keep an eye on him myself. Daisy won't need to work so hard then either. We can help Bo better than any of them doctor's."
  24. "He does NOT need professional help he needs his family! We just have to give it more time we knew it wasn't going to all be ok in a week or even two. It may be months before Bo's ok again but he will be and without the help of some shrink too!" Luke shouted back at Jesse angrily he couldn't believe Jesse was suggesting they send Bo away for strangers to try to help him. He knew Bo wouldn't faire well in those conditions he would only be worse he'd never been comfortable with anyone other than his family helping him with his problems. B.L. pulled up in the Duke driveway just in time to see Bo dart across the yard and Daisy following him. She'd been coming to see if the Duke cousins wanted to go for an icecream it had been a week since she'd snuck Bo out of the house and thought he was about due for another outing. Getting out of the car eyes following Bo. "Where's he goin' in such a hurry?" She asked Daisy who looked about wore to a frazzle emotionally for some reason and there was sounds of shouting coming from inside the house.
  25. Jesse wrapped his arm around Daisy a little tighter holding her close and watching the two young men in the livingroom. One comforting the other.
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