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B.L. Davenport

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Everything posted by B.L. Davenport

  1. "I'm so sorry Bo I should have known better than ta send you away like that." Jesse mumbled into Bo's hair as he rocked him gently relieved beyond words that they had found Bo before anymore harm could come to him than what had been done already by the guy who had made him this afraid and by the hospital that was supposed to be helping him but was only making him worse. B.L. stood next to Cooter watching the family reunion with a tiny smile on her face there was just one thing missing from it quietly she slipped from the room and went to Daisy's bedroom entering without even bothering to knock this time. Daisy was still sleeping soundly but B.L. knew she wouldn't want to miss what was going on in the livingroom so shaking her shoulder gently B.L. spoke quietly. "Daisy wake up Bo's home."
  2. "B.L. help me get him to the couch" Luke said as he pulled Bo back to his feet gently and between the two friends they soon had the youngest Duke resting on the couch a blanket thrown over him. Waiting for Jesse and Cooter's arrival.
  3. Luke had them home in record time pulling up into the Duke yard at the back of the house. Climbing out of the driver's side window he went around to the passenger side and helped Bo out. With an arm around the blonde's shoulders Luke guided Bo into the house. B.L. was out of her chair like a shot as the two Dukes came in the back door. Wrapping her arms around Bo's neck hugging him tightly. "Are you alright Bo?"
  4. Luke drove toward the farm silently, only glancing at Bo in the dark once in a while. Reaching over he placed a hand on Bo's trembling arm squeezing it reassuringly.
  5. Luke let Bo hold onto him for a few moments then slowly guided him to the General and helped him climb in the passenger window before going around and climbing in on the driver's side. Picking up the CB to let Jesse and Cooter know Bo had been found and they were headed home. "Breaker one Breaker one this is Lost Sheep one and I've found the other Lost Sheep we're headed home." Jesse stopped the truck hearing Luke's announcement, looking to the heavens he sent up a silent prayer of thanks his boy had been found. Turning the truck around he headed back the way he'd come toward the Duke farm. Back at the Duke farm there still hadn't been a peep from Daisy, B.L. thought she must be completely worn out not to have woken up by now. Sleeping however was out of the question for the young Davenport woman until Bo was at home and safe where he belonged. Hearing the CB crackle to life she rushed to the kitchen hearing Luke say that Bo was ok and they were headed home she sank down in the closest chair at the table in relief.
  6. "Yeah it's me buddy, c'mon let's go home" Luke reached to help Bo to his feet. Determined to take him home where he belonged.
  7. Jesse continued on his route toward Atlanta he was almost at the point where the three routes connected. There had still been no sign of Bo anywhere. Luke was fast approaching that junction of the three routes himself and hadn't seen Bo but he was still a good mile or two away from the junction so Bo could still be somewhere along the way. Something huddled on the ground by the roadside caught his eye and he came to a screeching halt climbing out of the General and approaching carefully but wanting to run to the figure huddled there as he recognized the blonde hair. "Bo? It's Luke"
  8. Jesse drove along his designated route slowly looking on the side of the road hoping to get a glimpse of his youngest. But there was no sign of Bo anywhere not a glimpse of blonde hair or anything. Luke at the same time was driving down his chosen route looking desperately for Bo, both Duke men praying for some glimpse of the missing member of the family and that he'd be unharmed.
  9. The three searchers went on their way in their designated routes leaving the two young women back at the Duke farm to wait. After peeking in on Daisy and seeing that she was sound asleep oblivious to the ruckus going on around her B.L. went back to the livingroom stretching out on the couch to wait listening to the CB that was in the kitchen for any news.
  10. B.L. knocked softly on Daisy door in case she might be asleep B.L. didn't want to startle her awake. If she were awake then there would be an imidiate answer to the knock. Luke and Jesse listened to Cooter's plan intently. For once Luke was glad that someone else was taking charge and thinking up the plans because as the moment he didn't know if he could scoop water in a bucket much less think of a decent plan to track down Bo he was so worried. "Right....good thinkin' Coot. I'll take the Chickasaw route, Uncle Jesse you take the Chocktaw route and Cooter you take Hatchepee. He's probably still in Atlanta or close to it, too confused and scared out of his mind to have gotten far. If he was himself I'd say he'd be halfway ta Hazzard by now." Jesse listened to the two younger men "Alright let's get movin' the sooner we do the sooner we'll find Bo" not giving any thought to not finding Bo that was not an option, Dukes didn't give up and especially on the other Dukes they were going to find Bo, Jesse was sure of that.
  11. B.L. sighs nodding miserably in the dark as they pull into the Duke driveway. "the trick is ta find him before he gets lost so bad we don't find him or heaven forbid hurt." She climbs out of the wrecker and heads inside where Luke and Jesse are in the kitchen waiting. Jesse gives her a brief hug as she enters the house looking worried and a little scared. "Where's Daisy?" Luke points toward Daisy's room saying "We dunno if she's awake and just stayin' in there or if she's asleep but with all the commotion goin' on I don't see how she could still be sleepin" B.L. gives Luke a hug on her way to Daisy's room whispering "we'll find him"
  12. Luke nodded grinding the heel of his hands into his eyes as he sat at the table. He wished he knew which route the mental hospital had taken Bo by then he'd know for sure where to look, as it was they we're going to have to check all the routes back to Hazzard in hopes that Bo hadn't wandered off the wrong way and was still headed home. "Yeah and it'll be easier ta concentrate on findin' Bo if we know B.L.'s takin' care of Daisy." B.L. held on for dear life as Cooter broke every speed limit in the county in his hurry to get to the Duke farm. Explaining along the way what was going on. "He'll be headed home." B.L. said matter of factly knowing that Bo would try his best to get home.
  13. As soon as Cooter signaled B.L. was gone like a flash slipping her jeans on with her pajama tanktop and rushing out to the car starting it up waiting for Cooter to get changed and come out to the car. As soon as he came out she wasted no time asking. "What's wrong with Bo?" Luke hung up the phone and went into the kitchen where Jesse was to report that the two Davenport's were on their way. "Cooter and B.L. are on the way...ya want me ta go tell Daisy what's goin' on?" In truth he wasn't looking forward to being the one to tell Daisy any of this.
  14. B.L. leaned against the wall by the telephone waiting for Cooter to finish and tell her what was going on. She already had a suspicion what it could be and just hoped Bo was ok. Luke swallowed and stilled his shaking hand as he answered one of his best friend's question. "Cooter, the mental hospital just called Bo's gone missing, they don't know how long he's been gone,where he's headed or nothin'. I need yer help lookin' for him."
  15. Turning back to the phone in his hand Luke dialed the number to the Davenport farm. Jesse in the meantime went into the kitchen to make some coffee they would need it in order to stay awake and alert in their search for Bo.
  16. Jesse hung up the phone slowly and looked at Luke who now stood beside him waiting to be informed of what was going on and what to do. "Bo's missin' they don't know where he's gone or where he's goin' or even how long he's been gone." Luke listened to what Jesse said... "Uncle Jesse he'll be headed home you know that. We just gotta find what route he's on and hope ta get to him before he can get scared and lose his way." Jesse nodded of course it made perfect sense Bo would come home where he knew he was safe and wouldn't be harmed in anyway. "Ya right Luke, we best start lookin' for him"
  17. "MISSING?!" Jesse shouted angrily into the phone "Just what do you mean missing? He was sedated when we left him so just how did he escape?" Luke came rushing out into the livingroom at Jesse's shout dressed in his jeans and throwing on his shirt as he came into the room. "Bo's missing? How long? Are they looking for him?" Luke fired the questions anxiously as Jesse tried to divide his attention between Luke and the person on the phone.
  18. Jesse Duke was awakened in the middle of the night as the telephone ringing pierced the peace. Climbing out of bed he made his way to the phone in the livingroom turning on the desk lamp so he wouldn't disturb Daisy and Luke that is if the phone ringing hadn't already. "Hello Duke farm, Jesse Duke speaking." Luke had heard the phone but Jesse had gotten there first so he just sat in his and Bo's darkened room with the door cracked open ever so slightly so he could catch what the late night call was about.
  19. Everything on the Duke farm was quiet they had all gone to bed hours ago. Luke however was not sleeping the images of Bo in that hospital room haunted him everytime he closed his eyes. So awake he was and awake he'd stay he could go several days without sleep he had done so in 'Nam. On another farm not far away another young blonde was wide awake this one a Davenport not a Duke but to the Duke family like her cousin Cooter she was an honorary Duke. Daisy had called very upset after the visit with Bo, telling B.L. how he'd looked and acted and about how they were scaring him to death then doping him up afterwards to calm him down. It was all very disturbing to both young women but neither could think of anything to do in order to change it unless they went against Uncle Jesse and that wasn't likely to happen.
  20. Jesse watched the nurse go then looked back at Bo's sleeping form. He was beginning to think stronger than ever that Luke had been right all along and they should have kept Bo home at least a little longer and tried a little harder to get him over his fears. Putting and arm around Daisy and a hand on Luke's shoulder he turned them both toward the door. "c'mon let's go home he'll probably sleep fer a while." Luke allowed himself to be steered out the door and back toward the entrance of the hospital but he was still seething over what the so called treatment entailed.
  21. Jesse matched her steely glare his arms folded. "Of course we don't want him to have a heart attack!" "We don't want him doped up to his eyeballs either!" Luke cut in not at all happy with Bo being sedated into oblivion, when a milder sedation would probably work just as well and have the desired effect but still leaving Bo able to function. Although if Luke were honest he wasn't funtioning much with or without the medication.
  22. Jesse and Luke both watched the nurse stepping up to her at the same time leaving no room for her to get past them. Both towered over the woman who looked up at them with a steely glare. "yes? What is it?" Jesse his voice even but leaving no doubt that he had not liked what he'd just witnessed. "What's that stuff ya just gave my boy and why'd ya give it to him?"
  23. Luke shook his head trying to dispell the echoing sounds in his head. "I dunno"
  24. Luke held Daisy against him tightly stroking her hair comfortingly in an effort to calm her down this was hard on all of them but seemed to be affecting her the most. Bo didn't seem bothered as much as Luke had expected him to be by the sounds but maybe that was a sign he was getting better although Luke doubted it from Bo's listless reaction to everything so far it was as if he had just give up and didn't care anymore about anything. Jesse watched Bo's reaction closely and was as surprised as Luke to see that Bo had a minimal reaction of only his hands shaking violently.
  25. "Well where else would we be? They told us we could see ya now and here we are." Jesse informed rather puzzled by the question he thought Bo would have known his family would have been there all along if they had been permitted to see him. Luke sighed and wrapped his free arm around Daisy he should have pushed Jesse harder to keep Bo at home. This was getting them nowhere he was worse if anything.
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