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B.L. Davenport

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Everything posted by B.L. Davenport

  1. Luke looked to her and laughed saying "Not a chance Lor if I give it back you'll just chunk it at me again." With those laughing words flung at her Lori reached down took off her other shoe and did indeed chunk it at him. "IF I COULD GET MY HANDS ON YOU I'D DO MORE THAN THROW SHOES!!!" Lori screamed. BL stopped short almost colliding into BB when Bobbie Lee stopped they all just stood there for a few minutes quiet as mice listening to Lori rant downstairs. "Boy Howdy I wouldn't wanna be ole Lukas if she manages to get a hand on him." BB commented whistling low it sure sounded like little Lori was on the warpath. "Well ya'll can all stand here all day if you want to I'm going to get a front row seat for this one." BL chortled as she bounded toward the stairs this was too good to miss.
  2. Luke looked to Lori and opened his mouth to say something but he didn't know what to say so just shut it again. BL idly wondered if Lori had strangled Luke with her bare hands or if she'd found something to use as a weapon by the sounds of that scream she'd used her bare hands to kill him.
  3. Dixie nodded, not wanting to go not ever but knew Cooter was right so sighing heavily she trudged back over to the wrecker and climbed in. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In the meantime Bobbie Lee was still speeding toward town and the garage he just hoped the rest were as civil and Cooter had been but he wasn't holding his breath on that happening. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lori looked to Luke who looked back to her saying "I'm sorry Lori this has got way out of hand I didn't mean for anybody to find out not this way." Lori shrugged she couldn't care less at the moment feeling too sick to care. She just hoped her Dad didn't come over and start nothin' when he got to town she wasn't in the mood for it. BL stood there giving LB a look that if looks could kill he'd surely drop to the ground about now. "OH SURE IT'LL ALL BE JUST HUNKY DOREY.....lord what a reunion this is gonna be. One cousin pregnant by another cousin's love of her life. The black sheep of the family's comin too......oh yeah this is gonna be a dandy reunion more like a war zone." B.B. could see that BL was more than a little ticked like the rest of them and LB was having problems getting her to calm down and if she kept shouting like that the whole county would know what was going on without gossip being spread. "Now BL yer brother's right it'll all be alright so why doncha just calm down darlin'." BL huffed folding her arms leaning against the garage door looking out at the town square as she leaned against the garage door frame. As she stood there looking she saw a black with white stripes Dodge Charger coming in she didn't recognize the car it wasn't from around there. She may not have recognized the car but as soon as it pulled up at the garage and the driver got out she did. "Oh great Bobbie Lee's here" Bobbie Lee got out and went around to the other side of the car helping the woman out then walked over to where BL stood. "Howdy BL" he greeted his neice but from the look on her face he could already tell she was less than happy to see him. "Bobbie Lee" BL acknowledged quietly and politely although it was somewhat forced......
  4. Luke and Lori both hung their heads shamefully it was true Jesse had taught them both better than not to use protection. Luke swallowed hard he knew it was more his fault than Lori's if he hadn't been drunk he wouldn't have done anything with her he now realized that after watching Dixie peel out the way she had earlier. "I'm sorry Uncle Jesse" Luke apologized quietly Uncle Jesse raised his head to look at the two young people behind the bars and shook his head sadly. "Sorry ain't gonna change things Luke, it won't keep Lori from being with child and it won't mend Dixie's broken heart. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In the meantime back at the ranch Daisy had went to find Dixie and 'distract' her as best she could. Finding the other woman on the porch Daisy moved beside her and put an arm around her shoulders. "Hey Dix let's pack a picnic get Beth and go swimmin' just us girls like we used to." Dixie shook her head though she wasn't in the mood all she could think about was what she had heard in the jail. "C'mon Honey it'll do ya good to get out for a while." Dixie thought about it and said............. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cooter walked out of the garage and looked at the jail "Who's gonna tell her?" The other three Davenport cousins had followed him out and was following his gaze across at the jail none of them relishing the idea of telling Lori that Bobbie Lee was coming to the reunion she wasn't going to take it well most likely on top of everything else that had gone on. "I'll tell her" BL piped up just a little too gleefully she was enjoying all this way too much and while she didn't like the way her Uncle Bobbie Lee had always treated Lori the fact was the two girls didn't always get along most of the time it was like oil and water between them. L.B. stared at B.L. with a frown and finally said. "Sis you got a mean streak a mile wide." "I'm not being mean" BL countered LB she then shrugged and said "Somebody's got to tell her and none of you three wants to do ya?" Cooter shook his head he sure as heck didn't want to be the one to tell Lori and from the look on B.B.'s face he didn't either so that left Luther and BL to do the dirty work.........
  5. BL's brow creased there was something they weren't telling her "Taking her mind off what things?" L.B. put his hand on B.L's shoulder and sighed "Welp sis it's a long sorted tale...Ya see...." Cooter jumped in then he had been there right from the start "Dixie came back hopin to find out if Luke still had feelin's for her. Well Lori has apparently liked Luke fer a long time and she decided ta play her hand. So in a nut shell Dix and Lori's been competin' for Luke's attention then Luke got arrested for a fight at the Boar's Nest with Earnie Ledbetter.* At this point in the story B.L. interrupted Cooter "That don't surprise me so how come Lori's in jail if it was Luke that was fighting?" B.B. took over and told her......
  6. B.L. looked at them confused"what did I miss?" B.B. looked at her and then at Cooter then L.B. Cooter shrugged L.B. done had her curiosity up now might as well tell her. L.B. continued having Cooter's consent even if it was rather reluctant. "Well sis cousin Lori's got herself arrested and so's Luke Duke." B.L. grins and shakes her head Lori always manages to find trouble but then she noticed noone else was amused. "What'd they do?" asked curiously
  7. At the same time the conversation was going on at the garage about Bobbie Lee's coming in B.L. Davenport L.B.'s little sister was crossing the state line she'd been upto Nashville to see the Grand Ole Opry. A country tune played quietly on the radio and she hummed along wondering who would make it to the reunion and who wouldn't this year. "Wonder who's already there and who's in trouble for what?" said aloud to herself with a chuckle. Cooter kept looking at the clock on the wall B.L. was supposed to have been back already and yet she wasn't he swore he'd kill her if she was late or just didn't show up. "If she don't get here soon so help me I'll...." he trailed off muttering angrily. Just as Cooter's making his threats a silver 1970 GTO pulls up in front of the garage and out gets B.L. her long dark blonde hair pulled back in a ponytail. Walking into the garage silently the men not paying attention to her arrival announces herself. "Hey I made it" B.B. turns scooping her up in a big bear hug...... "Well I'll be doggone it's lil B.L. how ya been girl?" B.L. gasped for breath and answered "I'm ok, B.B. ya crushin' my gizzard" B.B put her down with a sheepish grin only for her to be scooped up in another bear hug and spun around this time from L.B. making her laugh. "Hey sis" "Hi bro" B.L. hugged him back.....
  8. Ok I have a question, it's already been asked where Cooter, Dobro and Brody were stationed in 'One Armed Bandits' waiting for the fertilizer truck. Is it told where Bo and Luke are stationed and if so where?
  9. I'm gonna take a stab at this one Roger Shady Lane and Judge Buford P. Potts
  10. Lukefan 07 the answer is Duke of Duke
  11. Hey, the story is great! Feel kinda sorry for Luke though being caught between two Davenport Women. B.L. Davenport
  12. I think all the time about how much my home county reminds me of Hazzard in alot of ways. LOL then yesterday I discovered my oldest cousin on my Dad's side has been climbing in and out his truck window (the latch is messed up and it's hard to close once it's open). Unknown to me and my Dad my gramma had asked cuz earlier in the week when she saw him climb out the window if he'd been watching Dukes of Hazzard too much and my Dad asked the same thing yesterday when we saw him climb out so i just had to ask my gramma if he got back in the same way when I got to her house this morning. We have one parttime cop in my actual town the main town where everybody does their shopping has a buncha Enos's though lol where I actually get my mail from has nothing but 2 gas stations,bank,post office and volunteer fire department and no traffic lights lol you can actually walk down main street and not be afraid of getting run over by a car.....
  13. That was one of my favorite saturday morning shows lol I still watch it from time to time on TBS with my younger cousins. I get tickled at them one day the oldest was telling me all about Saved by the Bell and I couldn't help it I had to burst his bubble and tell him it wasn't a new show that it had been on when I was his age.
  14. I'm going to take a stab at this one I believe it was Boss J.W. Hickman and I know it was Western Auto because I remember seeing the sign lol and there was one in the small towns around me when I was a kid back in the 80's so I guess it was sort of the parts place of small towns.
  15. Jeeter Davenport Dukes in Danger Comrade Duke Tammy Wynette
  16. Lukefan07 the answers to your questions are Quirt McQuade Billy Joe Fong Play it again Luke is the name of the episode there's no Duke after Luke.
  17. Don't know the answers to your questions RogerDuke but I have a difference of opinion on whether or not second cousins count lol. They do!!! I am close to mine see them all the time so they defenitely count it's third and on up that don't count in my opinion.
  18. "A Baby for the Dukes" is one of my favorite episodes! They changed the lyrics to "Mama's don't let your babies grow up to be Duke boys."
  19. Those two doing something constructive? Nah no way....... they're hidin' with that catalogue.
  20. We all get stressed I personally come here to read the chaos and even participate in it to relieve stress. I have enough reality when I'm not on the computer that's my time to escape reality. LOL my money's on the main purpose of that cataloge being to throw Alex into a tizzy.
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