Now I remember! It was one of my fav. " Two Too Many Roscos". He was kidnapped by the crooks who were going to rob an armored car using a Rosco look-a-like and while he was tied to a chair in their hideout, .....he told them it rattled his slats! " You don't BORROW a human BEING...... YOU BORROW A CUP OF SUGAR MAYBE.....NNG NNG!"
Hit the junkyard today to get the steering wheel off my old car, which turned out to be easier than expected. Was also hoping to get a better trunk for the Saturn but the lock mechanism was broke on the car I was going to get it off of.
Turns out I didn't need to sell my car to the junkyard after all. After getting grief from my dad and uncle about how my car was keeping him from getting the trees cut down. Turns out my dad thought of another excuse to not get them cut down since he couldn't use my car being in the way anymore. Just pisses me off All he ever does anymore is come up with excuses not to get stuff done. Whatever, if another branch falls off that tree and hits the neighbors house she already said she'll take him to court and I hope she does.
Hope y'all have a good Labor day weekend
The only way Daisy would have kissed Hobie (the on-screen version that is) would have been if she was drunker on his shine than he was. Never waste a kiss, um, I mean sip. I'm not sure what she would think of the HN version of Hobie.