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There might be a third movie, who knows. Depends on WB, if they think it's worth it or not. As for a reunion movie, I heard John and Tom say once during an interview that they may not do another reunion movie because Denver Pyle, Shorrel and Way have passed away and it just wouldn't be the same without them.:cry:


Allegedly there was a 3 movie contract when they agreed to do the first one.So if that is true (I've heard it is from numerous sources) there is one more movie to come. Although I also heard there is a mini series coming this fall as a follow up to "The Beginning" so I don't know if that would technically fulfill the original agreement. I was told The Beginning was a pilot movie to this alleged mini series. Unless they get rid of the potty mouthed teen "American Pie" humor and sexual innuendo's and fix the characters so they are more true to the original, I could care absolutely less if there is a mini series or another movie. I'm willing to give them one more chance to get it right but I don't expect that to happen if it happens. WB seems intent on not giving a lot of us what we want. Just filling their pockets selling to a certain age demographic. As far as a 3rd and final reunion? I seriously don't see it happening. Sort of a mute point now after 2 movies. I don't see WB going backwards.


Yeah I remember hearing about the supposed mini series last year or so but haven't heard anything since I really doubt that that will actually happen at all, though it would be kind of cool to see one but not be anything like the movie's either one of them! But it still would kind of cool though.


One friend read somewhere that there'll not be a 3rd reunion, 'cause it would be..."strange" to see over 50 years old jumping in the car by the windows and similar.

Don't know exactly who said this, but I don't agree! They'd find different situation for them!


As Rosco would say..."Arrrreee you kidding me?" If Rosco was 48 early in the series (see trivia thread) that means that he was 50 later in the series and still looked good jumping stuff. Uncle Jesse could have jumped creeks any time he wanted to...he just didn't want to hurt Bo's ego...as Bo said in episode number one when asked about his ego.."I've been working on it for years".


Don't get me wrong.I would love to see a final reunion movie. With no disrespect for the actors. They are just getting too old to pull it off effectively anymore.I know I'll get blasted for that and what I'm going to say. I know John still looks young but let's face reality.A almost 50 guy and mid 50's guy trying to do hood slides and going in through the windows with a 80 year old sheriff and 71 year old deputy chasing them?Plus a 53 year old Daisy that would never get in those shorts again without a Jenny Craig program. On top of that you have 2 main characters dead. I'm sure a plot and script could be written to work around those losses but it just wouldn't be the same. I'm sorry if I sound harsh. Like I say I love all those people but being realistic. If neither of the 2 new movies was made I'd say yeah even with the age issues. Now? Like I said before I don't see WB going backwards as much as I'd like to see it.God I'm starting to sound like Divia. OK Blast away I probably deserve it.


Forgive my last post. You're right Tim. The key word in your response was "realistic". Judging from your past posts, I bet you'll agree with the following opinion. I prefer to have all the characters forever frozen in my heart just as they were in the early 80s. There, Waylon, Boss, Uncle Jesse and Flash will never change. Rosco and Lulu will never get old. Bo, Luke, Daisy and Enos will always be in their prime. This is a place that is a haven for me to go at a moment's notice whenever I'm not happy with all the ugliness in this mixed up world. No reunion show, modern movie or new series could ever improve upon the perfection of the original series. In order to have a reunion there has to be a departure. To me, nobody has ever left Hazzard County. I know I never will.


Roger, I'm glad you took my post in the context it was meant to be taken. I totally agree.If another reunion is to happen it would have to be a passing of the torch type thing . Did anyone see the "Happy Days" reunion they did a couple years ago? They just sat around in a Arnolds recreation set and they showed them various clips chosen by the fans then they reminisced about those particular clips sharing memories and funny behind the scenes stories. I think that's the type of reunion you'll get if there is to be another. I know the Brady Bunch and Andy Griffith have done similar reunion shows using that format as well.


Tim & Roger ......

Your points on a third reunion are right on the mark. That is one reason why I enjoyed the 05 movie, knowing the original cast couldn't do the same thing as they did 25 years earlier.

As far as a third reunion movie I am sure every Duke fan would love it. BUT with that said the "reunion"/retrospective specials do work. Happy Days, Andy Griffith, One Day At A Time all got decent to better ratings. Now here is the BUT, it basically was done on the season 1 DVD set with the exception of Tom Wopat and with the Inside Fame episode on CMT. Maybe a better retrospective show could be made , who knows..Nobody's getting any younger.

I'm gone


  • 2 weeks later...

Find a way to not destroy any more 69 Chargers and I'd go for a Next Generation series if it followed the guidelines I laid out earlier. I don't care what anyone says CGI jumps still look fake to me as evident by The Beginning jump clearly fake and CGI is still costly.Remaster the old jump footage using different angles?That would get old quickly. Surely somebody can figure out to make a re-usable jumper that looks accurate and be cost effective but destroying real cars? All of us that have replicas don't want that.Miniatures thats even more fake. Changing the General to a newer or different car equals losing the majority of the fanbase if not all. I wouldn't watch it if the new generation wasn't driving a 69 Charger.


why cant Dodge just "re-make" some 69 chargers? of course they would be made in modern day, but they could make a like 100 or so and call them them like a heritage series car or something. I'm sure they would make alot of money doing that.


Because most if not all the dies for stamping out the body parts are long gone. To tool more dies would be very costly. Yes there are small vendors restamping some parts now but I've heard horror stories about they are a pain to get them to line up correctly.Could Dodge do it? Sure but how much would one cost now? 30-50k possibly more. There's enough on ebay for that much now.Would remakes sell? Hell yes even for the high dollar and it would de-value the original ones a bit and make parts more readily available. Dodge would have to give the cars to WB as a promotional thing. I don't see WB spending full price for a TV show that may or may not make it as a hit. With Chryslers future unsure at this point who knows.After the ugly piece of crap that they slapped a Charger emblem on they need to come up with something that will sell. By the way the new car now known as the Charger wasn't originally called Charger it was supposed to be called Enforcer. They changed it at the last minute to sucker you into buying.

Because most if not all the dies for stamping out the body parts are long gone. To tool more dies would be very costly. Yes there are small vendors restamping some parts now but I've heard horror stories about they are a pain to get them to line up correctly.Could Dodge do it? Sure but how much would one cost now? 30-50k possibly more. There's enough on ebay for that much now.Would remakes sell? Hell yes even for the high dollar and it would de-value the original ones a bit and make parts more readily available. Dodge would have to give the cars to WB as a promotional thing. I don't see WB spending full price for a TV show that may or may not make it as a hit. With Chryslers future unsure at this point who knows.After the ugly piece of crap that they slapped a Charger emblem on they need to come up with something that will sell. By the way the new car now known as the Charger wasn't originally called Charger it was supposed to be called Enforcer. They changed it at the last minute to sucker you into buying.

I don't think anybody would buy the Enforcer, it sounds like a Clint Eastwood movie. I heard a rumor in a couple of years there going to make the two door edition and coveritable of the car as well.

  • 7 months later...

John Tom and catherine might be able, but Rosco is getting up there, and without Denver in it , wouldn't be much of a show anyways.

The 2 reunions was great, but a third would be pointless.

As for a second movie, I hope this time, they use April Scott and the other 2 guys(forget their name), they were acceptable dukes. This time I hope they skip the nudes.

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