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It's well-deserved points to K-Duke there, and I think Roger was saying he's in agreement. There's not a lot more I can add apart from that she was a revenue agent. Incidentally, 'Frasier' was very popular over here, and is still shown regularly. I don't remember 'The Tortellis' ever being shown here, and my research for this question was the first I'd heard of the show. Luckily, I found a clip on YouTube, which hopefully excuses the poor quality of the screengrab.

The smell of moonshine in the woods knocked out Roxanne, and we got a great exchange between Bo and Luke:

Bo: You think we ought to give her mouth-to-mouth recreation?

Luke: You mean resuscitation.

Bo: Maybe, but I bet I'm a whole lot closer to the truth than you are.

For anyone who's forgotten what she looked like in Dukes, here's some pictures. She was another guest star that got more costume changes than the regular cast - I think the top right one is my favorite ;) (new question below).


Sticking with 'High Octane', what was the name of the agent that Roxanne Huntley replaced? His name is mentioned several times, but I'll give multiple choice if y'all are struggling :).


The smell of moonshine in the woods knocked out Roxanne, and we got a great exchange between Bo and Luke:

Bo: You think we ought to give her mouth-to-mouth recreation?

Luke: You mean resuscitation.

Bo: Maybe, but I bet I'm a whole lot closer to the truth than you are.


You're right Hoss. That line is a classic.

I believe the answer to your question is Andy Roach. I sure hope I don't have him mixed up with the wrong episode.


Y'all have better memories than me, because the answer is Andy Roach. Apparently, he was promoted to the Atlanta office. Cooter obviously approved of Roxanne's appointment when he commented "She's a whole lot better looking than Agent Roach was."

I'm just going to sneak in another quick 'High Octane' question before I move on. I'm sure y'all remember that Bo, Luke and Jesse got "duded up" in their fancy clothes for their meeting with Agent Huntley at the start of the episode, but what color tie did Luke wear with his blue suit?

A) Brown

B) Orange

C) Red

D) Blue

E) Black

F) Stars and Bars


You guessed correctly, Roger. Jesse's tie was black, but both of the boys had different shades of brown. There's certainly no doubting that this episode was filmed in the '70s ;) (new question below):


This is a tricky one, but the clues are in the question.

Which guest star arrived in Hazzard in a vehicle bearing the Tennessee license plate "FLYN W 1"?


Finally....I got a guess right! Great picture of the Duke men Hoss.

I don't have a clue on this one (but hopefully we'll get one if nobody gets it right)

I'm going to guess Waylon's rolling country music museum.

Thanks to the edit button.....I'm changing that to my favorite all-time female singer, Loretta Lynn.


It looks like you're the only one brave enough to have a stab at this one, Roger. I'm afraid I'm going to have to take your first answer, because that one's correct! The license plate can be found on Waylon's traveling museum. I've inset a closer view of the plate from later in the episode.


"What were the clues?" I hear you ask.

1) I carefully said "vehicle" to suggest it wasn't a car, so hopefully that narrowed it down.

2) The Tennesse plate was likely to be a musical guest rather than the Beaudrys.

3) Waylon's logo is a flying "W" ("FLYN W 1").

In 'Sky Bandits Over Hazzard', the bad guys use a helicopter to steal armored cars, but which of Boss's old properties do they use as a hideout?

A) Coffin Works

B) Livery Stables

C) Feed & Seed Store

D) Ice House

E) Grits Mill


"What were the clues?" I hear you ask.

3) Waylon's logo is a flying "W" ("FLYN W 1").


Thanks for being generous and accepting the first one Hoss.

I changed my answer because the ep with LL was in was titled "Find Loretta Lynn"...F for find and LYN for Lynn.

I bet all these places has been used as a hiding place....some of them multiple times but the Ice House is ringing the loudest bell in this Duke boy's head. (I always get nervous when I disagree with BL)

I changed my answer because the ep with LL was in was titled "Find Loretta Lynn"...F for find and LYN for Lynn.

I hadn't thought of that interpretation, Roger. When I first saw it I thought of someone called "W. Flynn". I guess it's one of those things that makes sense when you know :).

It looks like your run of good luck is continuing, Roger - I bet it started the week after the recent massive Powerball draw! Unlike the episodes immediately before it, 'Sky Bandits Over Hazzard' actually used a real helicopter instead of models. Here it is parked outside 'Hogg's Ice House' (new question below):


I bet all these places has been used as a hiding place...

You're probably right, Roger, although I'm struggling to remember which episode made use of the livery stables (I know the Sleepy City ones appear in the background in 'Go West, Young Dukes'). Boss's coffin works featured in a couple of episodes, the Ajax Feed and Seed barn was used as Boss's first illegal betting operation location in 'Hazzard Hustle', and Boss's old grits mill was acquired by Jamie Lee Hogg in 'Mrs. Daisy Hogg'.

In 'Opening Night at the Boar's Nest', Bo, Luke, Daisy, Jesse and Cooter appeared as the Duke Family Singers, but which one of them wasn't playing an instrument? Bonus points if you can name the instruments played by the others.

Was the livery stables used in the Loretta Lynn episode?

They used a large building in the Hazzard County Stockyards to hide Loretta's RV. It had "Hazzard County Feed & Grain" on the side (see pictures here). Maybe it's in another part of that episode, or a completely different episode, or a figment of my imagination.


Last time it was right for Roger to disagree with BL. This time it was right for BL to disagree with Roger, thereby bringing Roger's winning streak to an end. BL also claims all the bonus points for naming the instruments - well done (new question below):


Also in 'Opening Night at the Boar's Nest', Rosco performed as 'The Great Coltrano' (or 'Coltrano the Great' - both were used), but can you give the stage names of his two assistants? Hint: the first assistant helped him practice his card tricks, and was canine!


I try to avoid this episode because I get too sad that it's the last one.

I'm going to agree with BL about Flasho and Hosso because I can't think of anything else but Hosso doesn't sound right. For lack of a guess I'll agree with BL on both.

... I can't think of anything else but Hosso ...

Interesting Freudian slip there, Roger. Were you agreeing with BL, or suggesting that I was part of the act? :)

I'm awarding one and a half points because Flash's name was 'Flasho', but Boss's full name was 'J.D. Hoggo the Round'.

Seeing as Roger doesn't like watching the last episode: in 'The Haunting of J.D. Hogg', Boss takes Rosco's patrol car while he's left to guard the Dukes. When the Dukes escape in the General, what does Rosco use for transportation?

A) A bicycle

B) A horse

C) A 3-wheeler (ATV)

D) A jackass

E) A garbage truck


There's points for both of you as you're both right, although a bicycle wasn't Rosco's first choice. He originally tried to get on a jackass, but fell off. As Waylon said, "... Rosco was in need of any transportation. But knowing his luck with vehicles, he'd soon be filling out forms for wrecking a mule." Rosco then spotted a boy with a bicycle laughing at him, and told him "I'm gonna have to 'condameer' it."

(new question below)


In 'Sittin' Dukes', the convicts escaped from prison in a laundry van. What was the name of the commercial laundry service on the side of the van?

A) Adam's

B) David's

C) Michael's

D) Peter's

E) Simon's


Looks like you're on your own again, Roger. Luckily, you went for the right answer. The name is seen several times, but it's clearer during the model sequence (left). New question below.


Here's another mystery guest star for y'all. There's a tenuous laundry connection because the character in the picture on the left went to Mr. Lee's Laundry to hire 'The A-Team'. A year later she appeared in an episode of 'Knight Rider', trying to tempt Michael Knight to join a gang and steal a dangerous nerve-gas. Can you name her, or the part she played in season 7 of Dukes?


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