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Roger, you were only one letter out, so I'll give it to you - the answer is Lance LeGault. Here he is as Col. Decker (hopefully this picture will stay, unlike the one of David Graf - new question below):


Q. Which guest actor who appeared in Dukes seasons 3 and 6 appropriately played the leader of 'The Good Ole Boys' in 'The Blues Brothers'?.


Points to everyone who said Charles Napier. To dukefan1, Henry Gibson was in season 2 of Dukes ('Find Loretta Lynn'), but was leader of a very different group of boys in 'The Blues Brothers' - he was head of the Illinois Nazis!.

I see there's some discussion of Jimmie's acting pupils in the 'Guests in Hazzard turn into big names' thread. Well Jimmie wasn't the only acting coach to appear in Dukes. Ernie Lively (who has coached actors like Brittany Murphy, Alyson Hannigan, Jason Hervey, and Jason Priestley) appeared in 5 episodes of Dukes under the name Ernie (W.) Brown.

Q. In his 5 appearances, Ernie played 3 different characters, can you name them?.


Luckily TheGeneral is correct, as no-one else is playing this one. Ernie Lively played Dobro Doolan in 'One Armed Bandits', Longstreet B. Davenport in 'Duke of Duke', 'The Runaway' and 'Follow That Still', and Clyde, The Guard in 'The Ransom of Hazzard County'. Ernie is also stepfather of Jason Lively who appeared in a couple of Dukes episodes - I asked about him a couple of months back.

Q. Which 6'8", former Oakland Raiders player appeared in season 7 of Dukes?.


Everyone got that one, dukefan1 being first.

These trivia questions are getting tougher all the time! I'm just going to tiptoe out of here now since I'm clueless....

Brian, they may be tough, but these Hazzardites are a clever lot - I haven't tripped them up for weeks :).

I'm sat here watching the 1976 movie 'Silver Streak' starring Gene Wilder and Ricahard Pryor and a familiar face just appeared.

Q. Which Hazzard sheriff also appears as the sheriff in 'Silver Streak'?.


Well done General and Roger, it was Clifton James (I thought it would have been too easy if I'd also mentioned his 2 appearances as a sheriff in '70s James Bond films).

I'd never argue with a person who just saw a movie last week so I'll agree.

Otherwise I would have picked Grady Byrd (Dick Sargent)

Roger, your mention of Dick Sargent reminded me of another 'Bewitched' cast member.

Q. Can you name the last surviving adult cast member of 'Bewitched' who guest starred in season 2 of Dukes, as well as an episode of MASH and several episodes of 'Hogan's Heroes'?.


Q. Can you name the last surviving adult cast member of 'Bewitched' who guest starred in season 2 of Dukes, as well as an episode of MASH and several episodes of 'Hogan's Heroes'?.

I'm gonna take a wild guess on this question and say Parley Baer.

(I know he was in several HH episodes, I don't know of Bewitched or MASH tho'...)

Well done General and Roger, it was Clifton James (I thought it would have been too easy if I'd also mentioned his 2 appearances as a sheriff in '70s James Bond films).

Roger, your mention of Dick Sargent reminded me of another 'Bewitched' cast member.

Q. Can you name the last surviving adult cast member of 'Bewitched' who guest starred in season 2 of Dukes, as well as an episode of MASH and several episodes of 'Hogan's Heroes'?.

Bernard Fox


Everyone got Bernard Fox (eventually ;)). He played Iggins in 'Southern Comfurts' as well as the aforementioned Col. Crittendon in 'Hogan's Heroes' and Dr. Bombay in 'Bewitched'/'Tabitha'. Thanks for the Col. Hogan facepalm pic MaryAnne.

Q. Which 'Jive'-talking police officer from 'Sanford and Son' found himself temporarily on the wrong side of the law in season 6 of Dukes?.

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