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There's been alot of bashing of season 7-not on this site though. Here's my opinion. Yes it was different. There were weird things involved-an alien and a robot. A trip to Hollywood. Flashbacks of the past(Happy Birthday General Lee and Go West Young Dukes). It just was not like the other seasons. But I wouldn't say it's the worst. If you asked me which season was the worst, I really couldn't answer that question. It had some cheesy, even stupid episodes, but so did the other seasons. Maybe just on a slightly larger scale. But it did have a few that I really enjoyed-Happy Bday General Lee, When you Wish Upon a Hogg, The haunting of J.D. Hogg, and my season 7 favorite Cool Hands, Luke and Bo. Overall I feel it was just as worhty as the others.


Season 7 is a great season. It is probably the worst of all of them, but it's still a great season. You could tell that some of the story lines were kind of corny and that the writer's were running out of idea's. For example, "The Dukes In Hollywood". That one really didn't fit in too well in my opinion. And by far, the two worst episodes of the Dukes EVER, are "Robot P. Coltrane" and "Strange Visitor To Hazzard". :-?:lol: I mean, what the hell were the writers thinking? But other than that I enjoyed most of the season. One of my favorite's are in it...."Happy Birthday, General Lee", it tells the backstory of the General! :D


There were some bad episodes in the 7th season yeah but every season did seem to have atleast one episode that you hate ya know? The only big thing that bugs me about season 7 (robots and aliens aside) is the miniatures. The use of the miniatures for the action stunts just looked stupid.


The model cars for stunts was a dumb idea. Even as a kid I thought it was stupid and only watched it because it was the Dukes. I think I liked Season 5 with Coy and Vance better than this last season........maybe.

  • 3 weeks later...

I have always thought that the episodes of season 7 were not aired in the order they were filmed. I suspect the last few made were the corny and badly written episodes, such as "Strange Visitor to Hazzard". Because there were some episodes in season 7 that were very good - "Happy Birthday General Lee" being the best IMO.

I love the music video, the tribute to Waylon. It was cool to see the guys and Cathy together again

Yes the video was pretty good. But I like the original version of the song. It's one of only a handful of country songs I like.


The seventh season has always been a favorite of mine. Sure there were a couple dumb episodes. But there were some fantastic ones too. A level of storywriting, drama, more indepth into the family and other characters... even a few more serious themes. The sixth season was the same way. In the last two seasons, I believe, there was both the worst and the best of the entire series. So for some of those best... I still love it.

  • 4 weeks later...

I was going to post my opinion of the seventh season but after reading the post before me (Lukas KD) I will just say, ditto....that's exactly how I feel. I noticed that nobody mentioned that the saddest episode was aired that season...the last one.


I borrowed season 7 off of my friend in America...and you'll probably all kill me for this but I loved all the episodes, even the ones you think are stupid. Sure Dukes wasn't sci-fi or anything like that, but didn't Waylon say in the epsiodes that ANYTHING can happen in Hazzard County?

I think also, the fact that the Dukes protected an Alien for god sakes tells the people who are slamming the Dukes for being racist to go shove it where the sun dont shine. They befriended it even though it was from someplace different, didn't speak their language and was a possible threat. Sure it may have been an alien but doesn;t that send out the message that no matter what race, species or whatever someone is you shouldn't discriminate against them but try and befriend them and help them?

The robot one was just funny for me, a bit more light and funny than some of the heavier sadder epsiodes such as the last one and Cool Hands Luke and Bo. Light relief that made me giggle just because of the sheer stupidity of the situations, but then it was a comedy show too so why not?!

By the way, has anybody noticed on the Season 7 episode descriptions, on one of the descriptions they've put 'Bo and Duke' instead of 'Bo and Luke'? Can't remember which one, but they have on the one I got lol.


Hey, BoJamesDuke, nice post! I used to think that the alien episode is the only one I didn't love but now you got me thinking...you're right about Waylon's quote and about helping those who need it. I'm new to the Hazzardnet but I plan on being around for awhile. (I just learned how to use a computer). I plan on paying extra attention to your posts. I like the way you think. You're a true Duke boy. I'm gone.


Awww well thanks that's a real compliment! I'm only 18 so people rarely really listen to what I say so its nice to be taken seriously :-) Dukes is a subject close to my heart and to be honest maybe my opinion is a little biased because of that, but its helped me through some rough times recently and I just think that that episode sends out a lot of messages people dont see.

And the epsiode on season 7 with the written Bo and Duke mistake is Sjy Bandits over Hazzard.


I'm almost 47 and fell in love with Hazzard County at 19 when it first came out so I've lived a lot more than you but that only means so much. No matter how people try to be open-minded, the truth is that nobody completely succeeds. Although there are many exceptions, younger people do have a tendency to be more open minded. You certainly taught this middle aged redneck something with that post so keep up the good work. Speaking of being closed minded, I used to think computers were bad. Now that I've recently learned to use one of these contraptions, I have found at least one good use for them. By the way, I live in the woods of northwestern Pennsylvania. The only thing in life more important to me than Dukes is God and family. Now that I've found a home on the Hazzardnet, you'll be hearing a lot from me. Roger I'm gone.

  • 1 month later...

I don't know myself but I wish it was longer. I thought season seven from watching my set that they was on a comeback. I like "Happy Birthday, General Lee" and "Go West, Young Dukes" and "The Dukes In Hollywood" myself. Did you know that Barry Van Dyke is in "The Dukes in Hollywood" and John Schneider later went on to guest star on Diagnosis Murder. It's that unusual almost returning the favor in ways.

I have just started to see season 7, only the 1st 3 episodes and I found it very good.

Did you like how they go the General I had heard from another member that Janie Fricke in the girl banker robber In "Happy Birthday, General Lee".


I think there were only 17 episoids, cause I think the ratings (as shocking as that seems) were falling and the show got canceled. I think, I could be wrong. But they were good episoides. I like anything Duke. Of course some of them were a little weird and yet, cute in their own way. I liked Dr Jekyle and Mr. Duke. I thought it was great, the evil side of Luke. I haven't watched all the episoides yet.


You're right... even the robot one was funny, in a silly way. And the alien one, while strange, has some good points - what I recall strongly from the ep, and it's been awhile, was some wonderful night photography and some great family interaction... picking crabapples and the like. Very seasonal, very realistic for small-town folk in the fall...

I don't truly hate any of the Duke eps, even the Coy and Vance ones. I just have those I don't like as much.

Did you like how they go the General I had heard from another member that Janie Fricke in the girl banker robber In "Happy Birthday, General Lee".

This episode is beautiful, but sorry, i don't understand the all question, don't know who is Janie...


She was a country music star. She wasn't a big name like Loretta Lynn, Tammy Wynette or Dolly Parton but she was big enough that most country fans knew her. By the way, her boyfriend in "Happy Birthday General Lee" was also in "The Great Hazzard Hijack" (season 3). He was a friend (and co-thief) of Luke's old Marine buddy.


I think it's pretty good I like it a lot theres not any episode on the whole entire TV series that I don't like because I am completely as obsessed with the Dukes, more then anyone will ever know and I am going to DukesFest and can't wait to go it's only a week before I leave to head down there! YEEHAW!

Awww well thanks that's a real compliment! I'm only 18 so people rarely really listen to what I say so its nice to be taken seriously :-)

You know what, if you hadn't given your age I'd never have guessed. Your writing and discussion on here always comes across as very mature and well thought out. Hoping to see "His Prison, Her Prison" updated soon.

As for Season 7, not seen all the episodes yet - well, I probably did when they originally aired, but that's too long ago to remember them. Not seen the alien or robot one recently. As with any season, there's a mix of good and thoroughly annoying. However, the worst thing has to be the very obvious stunt models. What were they thinking?? That sort of thing never looks good. Presumably a result of cuts in production budget.

  • 1 month later...

Hey there,

Gee its been a long time since I been on here lol. Anyway, you guys must get a kick out of making me blush cause you did it again. Dukes is just something that is so very close to my heart, and so I'm probably biased in the fact I can find the good in nearly everything in it. In fact at the moment I cant think of anything bad I can say about it besides the stupid car models they had. For pete's sake those just looked terrible...unfortunatly though they came along with some of the better epsiode storylines such as Cool hands, Luke and Bo, Opening Night at the Boars Nest and Happy Birthday General Lee.

So I guess the silver lining for this dark cloud is that while the stunts team got put out of work due to the lack of jumps they could do anymore, the scripts got a while lot better up until the end of the season and thus the production of the show.

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