DaisyMaeDuke Posted October 23, 2007 Posted October 23, 2007 I never knew this thread existed..but hey...I'll post...1. Had I been born in Jerusalem, I would have been a New Year's Baby...I was born on Rosh Hashanah.2. I'm in a band-I sing, play synthesizer/ keyboards and guitar- woohoo!3. My husband and I had a long distance relationship for about 2 years while he was in the Marines, before he asked me to marry him- I still have every letter he wrote me. (I know...awww)---ok this is getting harder----4. One of my favorite memories is watching DOH with y brother every Friday night at 8:00pm5. I have been kissed by Tommy Jennings (Waylon's brother)6. Elly Schneider confiscated my camera and Chasen has called me a cretin for disagreeing with him...nice huh. LOL.7. I can name every American president in order in less than 30 seconds...8. My great grandma had 117 grandchildren when she died...she would have even more now...9. I have a blond cocker spaniel named Zoe...when you say Bo Duke she dances 10. Gene Autry is like a third cousin to me... Quote
Julieduke Posted October 23, 2007 Posted October 23, 2007 I never knew this thread existed..but hey...I'll post...1. Had I been born in Jerusalem, I would have been a New Year's Baby...I was born on Rosh Hashanah.2. I'm in a band-I sing, play synthesizer/ keyboards and guitar- woohoo!3. My husband and I had a long distance relationship for about 2 years while he was in the Marines, before he asked me to marry him- I still have every letter he wrote me. (I know...awww)---ok this is getting harder----4. One of my favorite memories is watching DOH with y brother every Friday night at 8:00pm5. I have been kissed by Tommy Jennings (Waylon's brother)6. Elly Schneider confiscated my camera and Chasen has called me a cretin for disagreeing with him...nice huh. LOL.7. I can name every American president in order in less than 30 seconds...8. My great grandma had 117 grandchildren when she died...she would have even more now...9. I have a blond cocker spaniel named Zoe...when you say Bo Duke she dances 10. Gene Autry is like a third cousin to me...Wow, intersecting and does Elly Schneider have a temper then? What did Tommy Jennings look like and I didn't even know that Waylon had a brother that sang as well. Quote
DaisyMaeDuke Posted October 23, 2007 Posted October 23, 2007 Well I know she can hold her own with john as far as temper goes...but that isnt why she took my camera...lol she was joking around teasing me...And yes, Tommy sings...he looks a lot like Waylon Quote
Julieduke Posted October 24, 2007 Posted October 24, 2007 Well I know she can hold her own with john as far as temper goes...but that isnt why she took my camera...lol she was joking around teasing me...And yes, Tommy sings...he looks a lot like WaylonOh Okay, what month is Elly born in then? Quote
LoriDavenport Posted October 24, 2007 Posted October 24, 2007 1. Im in honors and advanced choir---I love to sing, music is my life!2. I love horses--i own three3. Im a BIG BIG redneck4. i love to go hunting5.love to go fishing6.favorite sport is softball/baseball7. been a DOH fan for 10 years or so8. I do NOT want a boyfriend I aint even slighty interested in dating-- I know I know me a girl and more worried about having fun than having a boyfriend..weird yes.9. apart of a mafia---yes I am....its my family's mafia actually(I know you hear things bad about mafias but we're actually a GOOD mafia lol sides the running shine passed on from generations and generations)10.Has the bestest friends in the world!!! my Hazzardnet buddies!!! Quote
RogerDuke Posted October 25, 2007 Posted October 25, 2007 Okay, these aren't real random but these are 10 things I have in common with the Duke family. 1) Reverence for the Almighty2) Family comes next3) live on a dirt road in the sticks4) love the outdoors and hard work5) like hunting and fishing6) don't like modern stuff (except Hazzardnet and DOH DVDs)7) like country music (escepially Dukes-era stars)8) like to help people 9) I believe good 'ole boys always finish first10) I'm a country boy that can survive (great song Hank Jr.) Oh yea, one more thing, one of my relatives was quoted on the Dukes!!In "Robot P. Coltrane" Bo used that famous line from "Gone with the Wind"..."Frankly my dear, I don't give a (bleep)" I'm not real crazy about Clark Gable being remembered as the first person to use profanity in a movie but I am real crazy about Bo quoting my kin!!!! It makes me feel personally connected to the show. (even though that wasn't a very good episode) Incidently, Clark Gable's mother is buried near me in northwestern Pennsylvania. Quote
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted November 24, 2009 Posted November 24, 2009 I hope ya'll don't get mad at me for reviving this thread..thought'd I'd share some things about me! of course if ya'll don't mind.1) My favorite colors are Purple & Orange (for the good ole General Lee of course cause its orange.)2) I have a boy friend3)I'm a Freshman in High School and my boyfriend's a Sophmore4) I had braces that were orange for the General Lee back in 8th grade last year5)I have 3 horses6) I want to get into barrel racing7) I love softball8)In my house its just me, my dad and my 6 year old cousin living here9)I'm closer to my dad then my mom10)Me and my current boy friend have known each other since we were five and he was six, and my dad and his dad were best friends and my dad dated my bfs dads current wife in High School.11) I'm a native Texan and grew up here all my life in Austin, so and has my dad and his family and my bf and his family as well.12) (sorry ya'll lol) I've only been out of the U.S once and it was to Ireland were my dad met his current girlfriend.13) My room is coverd in Dukes pictures that I printed out from the internet14) I own all 7 Dukes seasons on DVD plus both reunion movies. Quote
MaryAnne Posted November 25, 2009 Posted November 25, 2009 Of course we don't mind! Heck, I'd forgotten about this thread.Hmm.... ten random things about me. Lesseee, other than being a big Dukes fan....1. I love chocolate.2. I love coffee flavor but I can't drink regular coffee. (I get way too jittery. ROFL)3. I have very eclectic tastes in music (stuff from the 30's/40's through today. I also like country music too)4. I love to write.5. I taught myself to play guitar and performed a couple of times in front of an audience when I was in highschool (I sang too)6. As a means of protest, I did not study a foreign language in highschool. LOL7. I love old cars. (Surprised? LOL)8. My interests in pop culture tend to run a little nostaligic. Old school. Classic. 9. I had goldfish when I was a kid. I have a Beta fish now named "Chilly Willy." LOL10. Once upon a time, I wanted to run for President (glad I changed my mind about that! LOL) Quote
Redneck girl 01 Posted November 25, 2009 Posted November 25, 2009 10. Once upon a time, I wanted to run for President (glad I changed my mind about that! LOL) hahahaha...anyways....10 random things about me...I wanna go to Ireland...and Belgium....And I love the Dukes...(duh!)and duck tape...those don't count as my list! lol...1.) My favorite colors are pink and purple2.) My first hug from a guy that was not in my family was John Schneider!!! :D3.) My all time favorite food in the whole wide world is french fries4.) I love wrapping presents...YAY CHRISTMAS TIME IS COMIN!5.) Snikerdoodles are my favorite cookie...well them and the ones that have a peanutbutter cup in them!6.) I love school...it is a lot of fun, even though it can be boring at times...I enjoy it7.) I want to be an elementary teacher8.) I collect bouncy balls...like the ones you get for a quarter out of the machines.9.) I love big puffy floofly frilly dresses10.) My favorite ice cream is cookies and creamI want to go to all 50 states, Own a general lee, get married, have kids, go to college, I think being in a movie would be cool but I wouldn't be able to act...lol....See my list only has 10 items in it....I love rootbeer....I had two rabbits, they became 12 and then they dissapeared....I love the books of the Twilight saga...I saw New Moon 3 times in two days...well actually one cause midnight would be the same day...I hope to live on a big ol farm someday...and have some horses....I love old cars....I enjoy car shows....I LOVE taking pictures....I need to learn not to push the lil button that takes pictures...lol...Okay...I'm going to hush now...I think I've said more than 10 things...oooo yea my favorite music group are The Oak Ridge Boys! I LOVE country music...it is the only thing I listen to....I will never grow up I'm goin to be young at heart forever and always...and I usually act like a 7 years old....or younger....but not always...sometimes I do act my age...lol...Honestly I don't want to grow up..I enjoy being a kid....well I'm gonna duck tape...OOO I LOVE DUCK TAPE....AND MAKING THINGS OUT OF DUCK TAPE....hmmm anyways I gonna hush now! Sorry!~*Katie*~ Quote
texasdaisy09 Posted November 25, 2009 Posted November 25, 2009 Hmmmmm....You know ya'll really got me thinking. Ten things ya'll might not know about me.......1) I adore Christian Romance books set in the 1800's or earlier.2) I"m a Mennonite-If ya'll want to know what it means, message me3) I've been a Dukes of Hazzard fan since 19964) I'm crazy about chocolate, and the colors, orange, blue, green, and purple.5) We have a horse, four cows, and five dogs6) I love watching movies7) I love the book of Ruth 8) I love flowers9) I'm a newer Nascar fan10) I HATE remodelingIf anyone has any questions, please let me know I'll answer any that I have an answer for. God Bless! Quote
Val Strate Posted November 25, 2009 Posted November 25, 2009 You know, I answered this once before but figure why not do it again...Ten Random things about me...1) I am working my way up the ladder in my dream career. 2) I just found out that I hate dry wine and have a sweet wine palate. 3) I have a calico cat named 'Callie Fats Sue'. 4) I love stir fry.5) My favorite subject in school was Biology, then English.6) I'm in love right now.7) Maui Melon Mint by Orbit is my new favorite flavor of gum.8) I want to own a horse someday.9) I can't wait for this Christmas.10) I get cold easily. Quote
RogerDuke Posted November 26, 2009 Posted November 26, 2009 Wow, I forgot all about this thread. After all, it's been two years. Thanks for reviving it daisyxenos. Quote
Garrett Duke Posted November 27, 2009 Posted November 27, 2009 Well I posted to this under an old screen name when it first came out, but thought I'd give it a new try...see if anything has changed.1. I have a dog named Lilly who will turn five on Dec. 182. My favorite TV shows are: Dukes of Hazzard and Numb3rs3. I am a big Jeff Gordon and Jimmie Johnson fan (in that order) as well as NASCAR (Sprint Cup)4. Am also a big Chicago Cubs fan. My favorite current players are Derrick Lee and Alfonso Sorianno5. I enjoy Christian and Country Music. 6. I am Catholic.7. I have a cat named Daisy after Daisy Duke 8. I am the lead teacher in the 2 and 3 year old room at a local day care that I have worked at for seven years now9. I have been to Dukefest four times. Have gotten a hug from Ben Jones and John Schneider 10. I enjoy reading when I have the time and enjoy writing when my muses agree to work with me. (Duke and Numb3rs fan-fic)11. Though I have never been to a NASCAR race in person before, I have been to Bristol and ChicagoLand. I got to ride in Dale Jr's old number 8 car at ChicagoLand in Richard Petty's Experience program where his driver drove me around the track as they do in the races for three laps. (Would love to do it again! )12. My favorite food is Pizza, Spaghetti, and Mexican food13. My favorite colors are : Red and Black. Orange for the General and yellow14. My hero growing up was Ryne Sandberg who was the second baseman for the Chicago Cubs...still is my all time favorite baseball playerWell I guess I gave more than just ten things about myself... Quote
DaisyMaeDuke Posted November 27, 2009 Posted November 27, 2009 I agree with ya Garrett...I think I'll repost....see if anything changes!1. I was chosen as an ultimate Dukes fan at the last Dukesfest.2. I have met all of the surviving Dukes cast except for Vance and Lulu.3. I've been kissed by John Schneider4. I have two cats named Boo! and Phoebe5. We adopted two teenagers four years ago...that's about the same time I lost my sanity!6. My favorite Christmas movie is Christmas Comes to Willow Creek.7. The house we live in is nearly 100 years old.8. I own a DOH Lunch box with every cast member's signature (except Rosco-gotta do that soon)9: I only like pizza if there is ranch to dip it in.10. I love to write. Quote
GeneralLeeGirl Posted December 23, 2009 Posted December 23, 2009 Ten random things about myself... Well that shouldn't bee tooo hard... lol1.) I live in Canada. It's -40 Celsius outside right now. Which would be the same in Fahrenheit I believe... And believe it or not, I love it! 2.) I LOVE Dukes... (Surprise, surprise! lol)3.) I own a herd of 50 cows. My 4-H cow's name is Daisy, and her last year's bull calf's name is Bo. My 4-H steer's name is Luke. My last years steer's name was Cooter (I won Grand Champion with him! )4.) I live on a farm, obviously, with about 300 head of cattle.5.) I own 3 horses, Classy, Sheena and Solar.6.) My favorite colour is orange.7.) My all-time favourite car (Sorry General) is a 1965 Mustang Shelby Fastback. Cherry red with white racing stripes.8.) I love to ski! Powder King is the place to be! If I ever am able to scrape up the money, my bf and I are going Heli-skiing and Heli-mountain biking!9.) Like every other teenage girl in the world, I love the Twilight books. Not necessarily the movies, but I love the books! Actually, New Moon wasn't too bad. Mostly because Taylor Lautner had his shirt off the whole time. What a six pack! *drool*10.) When I graduate from high school I want to go to the University of Saskatchewan and become an Agricultural Engineer. Design tractors and stuff!So yeah... Thats about it! Oh except for the part that I think that I was born in the wrong decade. I wish I was born in the '50's! The cars in the '60's and early '70's were sooo awesome! and the music was good, they had some awesome movies and tv shows; ie: Dukes of Hazzard & Smokey and the Bandit. Things were simpler and the world didn't move so fast. And I could be an Oak Ridge Boys fan and not look like a dork! (not that I really care what other people think of my taste in music, it's no concern of theirs, but still, ya know, grade 11 peer pressure and all) Oooo, and I LOVE rodeos! My parents wouldn't let me take my horse Classy and go roping and barrel racing because they were afraid that I'd meet someone that would let me get into the bull riding circuit. I got to see the PBR in Edmonton last year and met Brian Canter and Chris Shivers and the signed my white felt cowboy hat! Great day.It's my life's ambition to make it to Dukesfest next summer. (Mom, dad, you promised to let me go somewhere the summer between grade 11 & 12! Besides, John Schneider will be there! Eh mom?) (FUN FACT! John Schneider is one day older than my mom! Crazy eh?) I want to go so bad! My cousin went last year and met them all. And got to sit in a General Lee! Ok, so I'm ranting. and that's more than 10 things. So I'm going to show myself to the door... lolKatie-Marie <3 Quote
waikiki23 Posted October 9, 2010 Posted October 9, 2010 I am reviving this post yet again!1. When I was a kid, my brother and I had 2 cats named Shaggy and Scooby.2. I love reading Mary Higgins Clark and Nicholas Sparks books.3. I wish I could own a '69 Charger, any color.4. The Pittsburg Steelers are my favorite football team.5. I wanted to be a firefighter when I was a kid.6. My favorite drink is a good margarita on the rocks7. I love to write fanfiction8. I have tried to drive like the Duke boys on some of the dirt roads here where I live.9. I hate, hate, hate mushrooms.10. Before I write any fanfiction, I play it out in my mind, putting myself in the scenes. Quote
Meadowmufn Posted October 9, 2010 Posted October 9, 2010 Let me just jump in here with some randomosity...1. I'm an aerospace engineer. I'm guessing my affinity for airplanes came from the fact the Dukes were always flying. Khee!2. All my best friends are Dukes fans. Shocking, I know.3. Rosco P. Coltrane is responsible for me meeting my husband.4. My dog loves to give high fives.5. Like MaryAnne, my tastes tend towards the classics and old school.6. I was valedictorian of my high school.7. I name all my cars. (Wonder where I got that trait...)8. I'm listening to Elton John as I type this... I got nothin' to do 'cept hang in the breeze. Ghosts of the old South all around me.9. My favorite movie of all time is Murder By Death.10. My favorite place to fish... Arrowhead Lake in Mammoth Lakes. Quote
Brian Coltrane Posted October 9, 2010 Posted October 9, 2010 Ok, I'll give this a go.1. Writing one fanfic story ended up changing my life.2. I have a dixie horn in one of my cars. 3. I don't have any tattoos and for some reason this surprises people.4. I hate peas! Get them off my plate. 5. I play the drums. 6. Everybody knows I have a 67 Impala but I couldn't resist mentioning it again. 7. My truth is stranger than some of my fiction.8. Which is saying something.9. I have a serious day job but it's not as cool as Mufn's.10. I have awesome friends. Quote
Meadowmufn Posted October 9, 2010 Posted October 9, 2010 4. I hate peas! Get them off my plate. 11. I love raw carrots, but I hate cooked carrots.12. Starting one little website changed my life. Quote
Meadowmufn Posted January 5, 2011 Posted January 5, 2011 1. I'm apparently very good at killing threads.2. I like to listen to the same song over and over again until I get sick of it, especially if I just discovered it.3. I'm learning German. (Rosetta Stone kicks posterior.)4. All I can say is that my life is pretty plain. 5. I like watching the puddles gather rain. 6. And all I can do is just pour some tea for two and speak my point of view, but it's not sane.7. I once kept my Christmas tree up until almost March. It was artificial, obviously.8. I was born on Christmas Day.9. I own hundreds of vinyl records and I don't own a turntable. LOL.10. My favorite curse words is s**t. LOL. Quote
Roth Potter Posted September 10, 2013 Posted September 10, 2013 1. I have a cat named Gijs.2. I like to listen to the same song over and over again until I get sick of it, especially if I just discovered it. (Where have I heard that before?)3. I don't like reading if it isn't about Dukes or Donald Duck.4. I have a turtle named Max.5. My Hobbies are Model Trains, Lego and Racing Games.6. I am stuck in the Hazzard Swamp.7. I am a huge Formula One fan.8. when i'm interested in something I search everything about it, this could be anything varying from a tv show to guide wheels of a bus.9. I am a big fan of the sitcom 'New Girl'.10. I have watched all 'Perfect Strangers' episodes at least 2 times. Quote
i1976 Posted September 11, 2013 Posted September 11, 2013 GREAT thread revived:1) I'm from Italy, and I've always lived in Italy. 2) I LOVE reading (I read read read read: Haruki Murakami, Banana Yoshimoto, Tolkien, John Fante, Jostein Gaarder, Milan Kundera, Thomas Mann, Henry Turtledove, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Abraham Jehoshua, David Grossman, Jane Austen, Charlotte and Emily Bronte, Franz Kafka, J.D. Salinger, Francis S. Fitzgerald, Josè Saramago, Ed McBain, Luigi Pirandello, Fedor Dostoevskij, whereas I don't like stuff as Twilight, Harry Potter, 50 shades of grey, Stephen King, and various thrillers), and writing (just DOH's fanfic).3) I'm a fan of anime, oriental movies, Japan. And I'm planning to create a Zen garden at my home.4) I love winter, snow, and rainy days.5) My favorite scent is roast chestnuts, and it's one of the reason why I love winter.6) I love the sea, and going to the sea it's the only reason why I like summer. 7) I love listening to music, a lot of music (but not disco, metal, hard rock)8) I like doing puzzles.9) I like drawing, and when I was a child I spent all my time drawing... anime's characters.10) My favorite movie, ever, is a French movie: Amélie. With the BEST kiss scene EVER ( ) and the best final EVER ( ) Definitively the kind of stuff I love!!! Quote
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