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Skipper Duke

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Everything posted by Skipper Duke

  1. I just might stay on Facebook with stuff and no longer post here anymore.
  2. Bobby Lee Hagg:"Well, I guess we'll just have to be content beatin' you on the road. Where you ain't protected by a soft dirt track, them side railin's, an' silly rules!" Zeebo:"You can't beat me haulin' liquor." Bobby Lee Hagg:"I can beat you on the road, unload some liquor, an' be in bed asleep while yer still tryin' to find yer way there!" Zeebo:"Bobby Lee Hagg, you ain't seen a day you could beat me on the road!" Bobby Lee Hagg:"Do you know where we can get a load tonight?" Zeebo:"Tonight?" Bobby Lee Hagg:"Ah huh!" Zeebo:"Well, yeah. Roy Aterhold over in Cassville's got 50 cases fer Jake Rainey. I was supposed to make 2 trips this weekend." Bobby Lee Hagg:"We go tonight. We load up at the same time. We leave Roy's at the same time. We travel the same route. The first one to make it back to Jake's Truck Stop wins." Zeebo:"Alright, leadfoot. Yer on!" Bobby Lee Hagg:"How 'bout we make it a little more interesting, Like a side bet or somethin'? Say a hundred dollars." Zeebo:"Where you gonna get a hundred dollars?" Bobby Lee Hagg:"Well, hell, if you win, I'll pay you what Jake would pay me fer the load!" Zeebo:"If the Hagg family is out to lose money today, ok! You know the way to Roy's?" Bobby Lee Hagg:"I use to hunt with him." Zeebo:"We'll see ya!" Grady Hagg:"Now Bobby Lee, you know Jesse ain't gonna like you drivin' fer Jake Rainey. He's the opposition." Bobby Lee Hagg:"How's he gonna know?"
  3. (Dennis peels out/burns rubber leaving the Cunningham's house to get him and Arnie to school on time so they're not late.) Regina Cunningham:"Slow down!"
  4. Dukes of Hazzard fans who complain about Coy and Vance should just be glad they were given those different names. Warner Brothers could've easily just continued using the original Bo and Luke names. Bo for Byron Cherry and Luke for Christopher Mayer but they didn't. Others done it. Roseanne kept the name Becky while Sarah Chalke replaced the original Lecy Goranson.
  5. George LeBay:"Either you're dumber than you look, or you don't know your friend very well."
  6. The Castaways On Gilligan's Island(1979) Gilligan accidentally hits Skipper with a tiki torch. Skipper:"Doop!!" Gilligan:"There, you see? That proves it Skipper. We're having bad luck." Skipper:"Gilligan, your bad luck hasn't even started yet! Now come on!"
  7. (Season 4 Coltrane vs Duke.) Luke Duke:"The stork had to pick this morning fer deliverin'." Doc Appleby:"Be right with you, boys!" Bo Duke:"We can still make it, right?" Luke Duke:"Yeah. Come on Doc! Let's hit the road!" Doc Appleby:"Uh. Boys?" Luke Duke:"You gotta be kiddin'? Not triplets?" Doc Appleby nods and holds up 3 fingers. Waylon Jennings:"They oughta be lucky he ain't a vet. Some dogs have a dozen in the litter."
  8. Moonrunners Trivia: Terrance Hill (I) (of the "Trinity" spaghetti westerns) appears as a "revenuer" and is the lead pursuer in a car chase.
  9. Beth Ann Eubanks:"I slept out by the creek." Bobby Lee Hagg:"You slept out alone?" Beth Ann Eubanks:"I never sleep alone." Beth Ann Eubanks:"I always sleep with a 45 Automatic."
  10. Grady:"See what you're missing by living in Mississippi. Bobby Lee Hagg:"You better watch him." Beth Ann Eubanks:"I'm watching everybody."
  11. State Police Detective Rudolph Junkins:"Clean machine! They let you out early?" Arnie Cunningham:"Yeah that's right." State Police Detective Rudolph Junkins:"Arnold Cunningham?" Arnie Cunningham:"That's right." State Police Detective Rudolph Junkins:"I'm Rudolph Junkins. State Police. Detective." Arnie Cunningham:"Look, I'm just missing a study hall. I gotta get to work." State Police Detective Rudolph Junkins:"I don't care about that. I just wanna ask you some questions about your car."
  12. Bobby Lee:"Well, that's not the place where I prove my manhood. But since the subject has come up, you think you might boost it a little by letting me drive?"
  13. Grady:"I do all of his heavy work. The artiste has to protect his hands."
  14. Bobby Lee:"Jesse, she's in trouble." Uncle Jesse:"Did you do it?" Bobby Lee:"It ain't that kind of trouble."
  15. Christine Trivia: How did the foreman get the attention of the assembly line workers when he found the black guy dead in the Christine car?
  16. Kelly Preston(Rockbridge High School Cheerleader Roseanne)later on to play the wife and mother Gabby Frost.
  17. Molly Brown:"Are you gonna cut her meat for her too there, Cal?" Caledon(Cal)Hockley:"I may have to start minding what she reads from now on, won't I Mrs. Brown?"
  18. (Season 2 Ghost of the General Lee) Bo and Luke are walking home in their boots after the General Lee car and their clothes were stolen while they were skinny dipping. They show up at the farm house of Becky Mae. They ask Becky Mae for some of her Pa's clothes to borrow. The mother shows up, runs the Dukes off. Becky Mae:"Hey Bo. Hey Luke. You guys been skinny dippin'?" Luke:"Not exactly. Uh, we're in kind of a hurry. Could we borrow some clothes maybe?" Becky Mae:"You wanna borrow some of my clothes?" Bo:"No Becky Mae, we wanna borrow some of yer Pa's clothes." Becky Mae:"Pa ain't built like neither one of you!" Becky Mae's Ma shows up. Becky Mae's Ma:"Git in the house Becky Mae!" Becky Mae:"But Ma, I was just talkin'-" Becky Mae's Ma:"Git in the house!"(Turns to the Dukes.)"Now I don't know what mischief you Dukes are up to. But I don't want y'all comin' around here makin' trouble. Every time y'all come up here, my cow dries up, an' my hens stop layin'. Now git!" Luke:"Yes mam. Right... Right away." Bo:"Well, why are we runnin' around lookin' fer clothes?" Luke:"You got me. I learned somethin' though Bo. A man ain't truly been insulted, until he's stood buck naked in front of a woman, an' she didn't even notice!" Bo:"Or care!"
  19. Caledon(Cal) Hockley:"I make my own luck." Spicer Lovejoy:"So do I."
  20. (Smokey and the Bandit III 1980) Sheriff Buford T. Justice:"You're here at a monumental moment, I'm gonna call my kin for help. I'm calling my brother Reggie and I'm calling my brother Gaylord. They've been in law enforcement for over 20 years. Get me Quebec, Canada on the phone."
  21. Bobby Lee Hagg:"Hey Jesse. Why don't you play him a penny a man? You'd own his church in no time. Might be fun ownin' a church." Uncle Jesse Hagg:"Don't blast fame Bobby Lee!" Preacher:"If yer so fine interested Bobby, why don't you come to church with Jesse? You could be a calm ful influence among the rest of the boys around here." Bobby Lee Hagg:"Me go to church with them hypocrites? Hell, they treat Jesse here like he's a leopard. If them church tea toters of yers ever did quit drinkin', they'd put Jesse outta business. Awe, yer damn church is full of hypocrites!" Uncle Jesse Hagg:"So are the bars an' body houses. But that don't keep you out." Bobby Lee Hagg:"Well, I just don't see why you bother with them folks at that church after the way they treat you!" Uncle Jesse Hagg:"I believe in the church an' I believe in makin' good liquor. I don't see no reason to give up none of 'em. Uh, let's let it be."
  22. Christine Fun Fact: Alexandra Paul(Leigh Cabot )read the novel in preparation for the movie.
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