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Skipper Duke

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Everything posted by Skipper Duke

  1. Rosco's watch had some ZINC in it
  2. "Well now, a tie, I'll be John Henry. I sure didn't figure on that folks. But then again, it was a long shot. An' this is Hazzard, where long odds is even." The Balladeer cheerfully says. Bo and Luke go in stands to celebrate with Daisy, Jesse and Garrett. Bill and Ernie come over, and by now, all the other drivers have converged around the Dukes and Bill congratulating them. Boss Hogg comes over now, and offers free soda pop and hotdogs for everyone to eat and drink to celebrate this momentus occasion in Hazzard County history.
  3. WATERED down beer at the Boars Nest
  4. Walter's Paint Shop in OPOSSOM Hollow
  5. "Why wouldn't I do it? You're family and a Duke. Family and us Dukes stick together thru thick and thin and come what may. We protect and look out for our own. Let's join Daisy up there shall we?" "Yes sir." Garrett happily states, following Jesse to 2 empty seats beside Daisy. They continue watching the remainder of the race together as a happy family. Balladeer:"Awe folks. Now, don't that warm yer heart?" Suddenly out on the track, the General Lee starts spilling out smoke like the stack on a steel mill. "What's wrong cuz?" Luke asks. "I don't know Luke. The General is breaking down." Both boys in unison as they draw an immediate conclusion. "Boss! He's behind this somehow!"
  6. Rosco UTTERS his famous battle cry "Hot pursuit!"
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