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Skipper Duke

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Everything posted by Skipper Duke

  1. Thanks Cousin Roger Duke/Uncle Jesse. And my reactions came back again. I was able to love this post.
  2. Meadowmufn... It's been fun while it lasted. I hate to leave. But I feel strongly it's the best thing for me. I think my stay is over. I'm gonna log out and not log back in and not use this anymore. I'll just stay on Facebook and do me and my thing over there without the headaches.
  3. Mufn... What about Trivia questions and Fun Facts type posts for Dukes? How many can I do? I can stick to that here and not post anything else.
  4. I will just keep quotes on the Facebook sites over there. That way, if something is not quite right, there's no problems. Lol.
  5. VONNIE Fairchild Vivian Stewart's cousin Alan's wife
  6. SEARCH warrant the Hazzard Law always needed these.
  7. I think that's the best idea. The advice I've got from a Facebook friend to only do quotes on that website.
  8. I might give up this line of work. I'll stick with Trivia questions and Fun Facts type posts. Will that be ok? Hey, now I remember that word. It was in Season 6 Dead and Live. Boss Hogg's shills who were fighting over Artie Bender's paintings to boost sales to convince the big art dealer.
  9. Hazzard in Hollywood(2000) B. B. Bascomb:"People. People! You already have the money. I'm B. B. Bascomb music promoter extrodinaire." Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane:"Ezra, is this yer shell?" Ezra Bushmaster:"I thought he was yours."
  10. Hey y'all... From now on, if I'm not sure something is right word for word or not or if a post merges some scenes together, I will follow HossC's rule and wishes, to make announcement of it first thing before I start the post. How's that sound y'all?
  11. Smokey and the Bandit(1977) Sheriff Buford T. Justice:"Put the evidence in the car!" Jr. Justice gets in the car, still holding the evidence. Sheriff Buford T. Justice:"Put the evidence in the back! I said it before, an' I'll say it again, there's no way, no way that you could come from my loins. The first thing I'm gonna do when I get home, is punch your mama in the mouth!"
  12. Chuck:"Are you playin' football this year Guilder?" Dennis Guilder:"Somebody's gotta pick it up, when you fumble."
  13. (Season 1 Waiting for Watubi) Gilligan:"What's that?" Professor:"It looks like one of those native tiki gods." Skipper:"Right. It's Kona. The God of evil! This must be his ancient burial place. Whoever disturbs his rest is cursed forever!" Gilligan:"Thanks fer takin' over the digging Skipper!"
  14. (Season 4 Cletus Falls in Love) Daisy Duke:"Cletus has us boxed in!" Bo Duke:"This is downright embarrassing." Luke Duke:"Gonna be worse than that. If you get another phony citation from Boss, yer gonna lose yer license. An' I ain't far behind."
  15. Kevin McCallister:"You gotta help me! There's 2 guys after me!" Concierge:"What's the matter, store wouldn't take your stolen credit card!?"
  16. Kevin McCallister:"I made my family disappear!"
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