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Skipper Duke

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Everything posted by Skipper Duke

  1. Cousin Roger ya. That's the only thing about HazzardNet that isn't any fun is the reaction limitations lol.
  2. Cousin Roger... Is it the same Buttermilk they make the Buttermilk Ranch salad dressing with?
  3. Haven't had it since 1990s with grandpa(Dad's side). Don't know if I would still like it or not. Grandpa drank it religiously and got me to drink it too.
  4. Is that anywhere near where Titanic sailed from?
  5. Cousin you watched the 2 reunions 1 time each. Did I forget anything from what you remember of them?
  6. Cousin Roger Duke... Thanks! Yep it certainly is!
  7. Meadowmufn... I have a nomination. Can you sticky the fanfiction?
  8. Yep I thought she was the same actress. Thanks. She's different.
  9. Cousin HossC... Did I do good with these reviews? Do I write as good as Cousin Roger Duke?
  10. OMG Wow Cousin HossC! So cool! I didn't know that. Thanks fer sharing. She looked different in Reunion #2.
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