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Skipper Duke

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Everything posted by Skipper Duke

  1. New crush added to the list. 6. Pamela Anderson the Baywatch lifeguard chick
  2. Cousin HossC... Daisy's Song too. And both JoJo are bodyguards. One of Lester Starr and one of Mary Beth Carver.
  3. Gilligan:"Mr. Howell, we heard late last night on the radio that the Howell Industries are completely wiped out, and you're flat broke! Whew! I'm glad that's over! You wanna go fishing Skipper?" Skipper:"Do I wanna go fishing!? Ooop!"
  4. Dusty's Trail scene when they are trying to get their map to Hidden Canyon away from a bird Dusty feeds and has named Harry later turns out to be Harriet cuz it laid eggs. It has the map, and is up a tree in its nest. Callahan draws gun. Dusty:"Don't shoot him Mr. Callahan!" Mr. Callahan:"I'm not gonna shoot him. I'm just gonna scare him, so he'll drop that map." Dusty:"Let me talk to him. He's my friend." Mr. Callahan:(to Andy, Betsy, Lulu and the Brookhavens)"Well, if anybody knows what's happening in a bird's brain, he does."
  5. Ginger:"This is good for your figure, trust me." Skipper:"Believe me Ginger, mine'll never look like yours."
  6. Gilligan:"Lis...listen folks why don't we... Mr. Howell:"Shut up will you Gilligan!!" Skipper:"You can't tell Gilligan to shut up! I'll tell him when to shut up!" Gilligan:"Thanks Skipper. Now folks..." Skipper:"Shut up Gilligan!"
  7. Gilligan:"Skipper. Yer scarin' the fish. Couldn't you hammer nice an' soft an' easy?" Skipper:"No Gilligan. I can't hammer nice an' soft an' easy, I've gotta hammer like this!"(Hits thumb) Gilligan:"That was pretty soft Skipper!" Skipper:"Ahhhhh!!!" Gilligan:"Yer scarin' the fish again!" Skipper:"Gilligan! Oh what's the use. Go catch some more fish. I have to go get some more vines to finish this raft anyway." Gilligan:"I'll go catch somethin' big fer dinner." Skipper:"You do that!"
  8. Skipper:(waking up Gilligan who is sleeping in a chair in a corner of the hut.)"Gilligan Little Buddy!" Gilligan wakes up. He is holding a large club. Skipper:"Put that down!" Gilligan drops it right on Skipper's foot. Skipper:"Ooop!" Gilligan:"Please don't kill me, huh Skipper!?" Skipper:"I'm not gonna kill you, or anybody else!" Gilligan:"Could I put my hands down?" Skipper:"Yes! Of course you could put your hands down!"
  9. Skipper:"Wiley! That Wiley did it! Ep! There's a motor! He's getting away!"
  10. (Season 3 The Kidnapper) Skipper:"Hey folks! The propeller is all fixed! We can leave first thing in the morning!" Gilligan:"Yeah! It works great! See!?"(Sits down on the bamboo work bench that Skipper was working on the propeller on. He starts the motor up. The Skipper's work bench takes off with Gilligan and all.) Skipper:"Gilligan! Come back here with that! Bring it back!"
  11. It's very funny the way Wagonmaster Mr. Callahan tells Dusty to shut up in the Gilligan's Island Western spinoff series Dusty's Trail. He says "Why don't you clam up!?"
  12. Well folks... I have some bad news announcement to make regarding this forum topic. Looks as though the forum is now completed. My Flickr free subscription ran out. I cannot make anymore Flickr uploads without paying to upgrade to unlimited.
  13. Gilligan Trivia: Denny Scott Miller played on Gilligan's Island 2 times and on the Western spinoff Dusty's Trail 1 time. T or F?
  14. (Season 3 The Producer) Harold Heccuba:"Silence!" Gilligan:"I didn't say anything." Harold Heccuba:"If I know you, you will!"
  15. (Season 3 The Producer) Harold Heccuba:"If I say you're an actor, you're an actor." Gilligan:"Okay, I'm an actor." Harold Heccuba:"Believe me, you are no actor."
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