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Skipper Duke

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Everything posted by Skipper Duke

  1. Someone on Facebook made this meme. They have a picture with it of Cheech & Chong in The Love Machine car. I can't put the picture here because my Flickr has run out of uploads. I have to pay to upgrade to unlimited. I cannot pay so no more new uploads there. Anyways... Here is the meme and it's 1 comment. Hope y'all enjoy. Cheech:"Hey man how far is this Hazzard County ,say man what’s the name of the joint we’re playing at?" Chong:"It’s called the Boars Nest a fellow name Hogg runs the place." Cheech:"Hows my driving?" Chong:"I think we’re still parked man." Comment: Don’t be speeding or you be singing
  2. Bandit:"Last time I saw legs like that they had a message tied to em." Carrie/Frog:"I’m a professional." Bandit:"In that case you shouldn’t be wearing white." Carrie/Frog:"Do we really want to talk about legs?" Bandit:"Well one of us wants to." Carrie/Frog:"Did you know i was on Broadway once!!"
  3. Police car(race car driver get pulled over)
  4. Little Buddy Many times we hear The Skipper calling Gilligan "Little Buddy". One might think this was an original part of the script. However, this was a term that Alan Hale Jr often used when referring to members on the set. In fact, a couple of years before Gilligan's Island, Hale was using this term in a 1962 episode of The Andy Griffith Show called “The Farmer Takes a Wife”. Hale plays a farmer named “Big” Jeff Pruitt, who refers to his partner, Barney, as his “Little Buddy.” Moving to Gilligan's Island again, when Schwartz heard Hale use this term with his crewmates, he decided to write it into the script and that is how Gilligan began to be called The Skipper's, "Little Buddy".
  5. What Could Have Been In the pilot episode, many of the cast members are not the same cast members that we have become accustomed to and fell in love with. These characters were The Professor (played by John Gabriel), a high school science teacher, Ginger (played by Kit Smythe), who was originally a secretary instead of a movie star, and Bunny (played by Nancy McCarthy), another secretary. After the pilot was shown to test audiences, it was decided to replace those actors/actresses who tested the lowest with the audience. Russell Johnson was cast as The Professor and Tina Louise was cast as Ginger (who was now a movie star instead of a secretary). The role of Mary Ann went to Dawn Wells, however another well known actress auditioned for the part--Raquel Welch. It was decided though that Welch didn't fit the character of the girl next door and so Wells was cast into the role.
  6. (Season 1 Waiting for Watubi) Mr. Howell:"Did you hear that Lovey? That statue must be worth a fortune." Mrs. Howell:"That's probably why they're burying it." Mr. Howell:"There's only one thing to do." Mrs. Howell:"Tell the Professor?" Mr. Howell:"No. Take it ourselves!"
  7. Sheriff Buford T. Justice:"She insulted my town! She insulted my son!{Shaddup!} She insulted my authority! And that's nothin' but pure old-fashioned communism...."
  8. (Season 1 Gilligan Meets the Jungle Boy) Mary Ann:"I don't think he understands what you're saying." Jungle Boy:"Say-ing."
  9. Dusty's Trail scene. Betsy:"Is she sleeping?" Lulu:"Fast asleep." Betsy:"Do you think Priscilla's a witch?" Lulu:"There's been some strange things happening since she got here." Betsy:"Dusty always does strange things, an' we never accuse him of witchcraft." Lulu:"Dusty wouldn't know which end of the broom to ride."
  10. (Season 2 Castaway Pictures Presents.) Mr. Howell:"Oh well. I think I'll go aft!"(walks off raft into Lagoon)
  11. (Season 3 Gilligan the Goddess) Gilligan:"What do they think this is, a freeway??"
  12. Sheriff Buford T. Justice:"Gimme a Diablo Sandwich and a Dr. Pepper an' make it fast! I'm in a GD hurry! You want somethin'!?" Jr. Justice:"Hush Puppies daddy!" Sheriff Buford T. Justice:"We ain't got no time fer that crap! Dumb sumb****!"
  13. "Crazy Cooter comin' at cha!" Ben Jones(Cooter Davenport)
  14. Might try the Arby's Diablo Dare Sandwich. No doubt this is a menu item inspired by the Smokey and the Bandit movie. Buford's meal. Can't forget the Dr. Pepper
  15. (Season 2 Castaway Pictures Presents) Gilligan:"Don't forget Skipper, it's awful cold down there. Keep your flap shut!!!!" Skipper:"Gilligan, you keep your flap shut! Or I'll close it for ya!"
  16. (Season 1 Forget Me Not) Gilligan"OK sailor boy, stomach in, chest out!" Mr. Howell:"I won't stand fer mutiny on my ship!" Gilligan:"Your ship!? I'm the Skipper!" Mr. Howell:"I'm the Skipper! I am one of the biggest Skippers of all time!" Gilligan:"I'm gonna report you to the Admiral an' have you court martialed!" Skipper:"Gilligan! Mr. Howell! What are you arguing about!? Will you two pipe down!?"(bangs their heads together)"Gilligan! I'll have you know, I'm the only Skipper around here! That goes fer you too Howell!" Gilligan:"He knows my name!" Mr. Howell:"Mine too!" Professor:"That hit on the head brought him back! The Skipper is cured!"
  17. (Season 2 Feed the Kitty) Professor:"Let's get on with it. That lion could be anywhere. Behind that tree, or crouched behind that rock." Mr. Howell:"You don't think it is do you!?" Professor:"Mr. Howell, animals can smell fear. So I suggest you get a hold of yourself."
  18. (Season 2 V for Vitamins) Gilligan's Jack and the Beanstalk dream sequence. Professor/Old man:"An' I'm really a Price, an' I could use a kiss to turn me back into a Prince!" Gilligan:"Forget it buster! I'm not gonna kiss you!" Ginger/Princess:"It's not you that can turn him back! It's her." Mary Ann/Maid:"Oh. I'd rather kiss the goose! Here it goes!"
  19. Gilligan Trivia: Professor invented a bicycle pedal moonshine making still in Man With a Net. T or F? Bonus: This still appeared again in The Pigeon. T or F?
  20. My family lied to me when I was young. Said "If you keep wearing your Skipper hats you will grow up bald." Am 34 and all my hair is still here.
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