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Skipper Duke

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Skipper Duke last won the day on January 4

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About Skipper Duke

  • Birthday 06/09/1987

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    The Dukes of Hazzard(1979-1985, Gilligan's Island(1964-1967), The Andy Griffith Show(1960-1968), Moonrunners(1975), Rescue From Gilligan's Island(1978), The Castaways On Gilligan's Island(1979), The Harlem Globetrotters On Gilligan's Island(1981), Christine(1983) movie and book, Eddie Macon's Run(1983) movie and book The Dukes of Hazzard:Reunion(1997) The Dukes of Hazzard:Hazzard in Hollywood(2000) The Dukes of Hazzard(2005), The Dukes of Hazzard:The Beginning(2007)Country Music: Waylon Jennings, Willie Nelson, Garth Brooks, Tim McGraw and Johnny Paycheck

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  1. "I'm still in awe of the incredible coincidence that led me to find my holy grail - a replica of Alan Hale Jr.'s iconic Skipper hat from Gilligan's Island! But here's the amazing part: before he passed away, Alan Hale Jr. himself had searched online for this exact hat, but all he could find were Navy Blue ones. And in a photo of him wearing his signature hat, the caption reads: "Alan Hale Jr. says 'Good luck kid, you'll never find one.'" Fast forward to today, and I'm thrilled to say that I've actually found one! I'm convinced that Alan Hale Jr. himself had a hand in guiding me to it from beyond the great beyond. As a die-hard fan of the show since I was three, finding this hat has been a dream come true. And I'm not the only one who thinks it's special - my friends are all amazed by the coincidence too! So here's to Alan Hale Jr. - thanks for watching over me and leading me to this incredible find! #GilligansIsland #SkipperHat #AlanHaleJr"
  2. Pretty cool Hoss. I saw it before. It even explains how some of the American version Sanford and Son plots came from this version.
  3. Roger yep. Lol.
  4. I haven't heard of the Breeze before. Wow!
  5. Season 1 Swamp Molly. Uncle Jesse Duke:"Now, now, Molly, before you start up with one of them schemes of yours, I want you to remember that them 2 boys in there, they's on probation." Swamp Molly:"Why Jess, how you talk. Alright, if you ain't got the time, or inclination-" Uncle Jesse Duke:"Uh let's just serve up the pie, an' you an' Alice can stay as long as you want." Waylon Jennings:"The boys never could figure that strange hold Molly had over their Uncle Jesse. To their mind, that old debt had been paid twice over, with interest. Before they was even born."
  6. Season 6 https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7A4BkO0RBoyJHcJI9F0PmF1N107ycvUw&si=My-c-dUcOpWPPfct
  7. Season 5 https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7A4BkO0RBowO8NpwZTxY9uYzhZcxamTY&si=IEmv2FkisNmsD8ZY
  8. Season 4 https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7A4BkO0RBoxONDF54CfSnZnTXS70B2az&si=UhM_29Y9P0etukM_
  9. Season 3 https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7A4BkO0RBoz2a8StsG2XIeBbLKYtcEDl&si=uPfMVQYt1LC4fbW5
  10. Season 2 https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7A4BkO0RBozTZGuBT90VG0J3iQ8-UQS_&si=-DBt19EcBYXDIB9c
  11. Season 1 https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7A4BkO0RBox6pI8NYPi94EClo8uGojI2&si=ugrE6uYEEJaU8kSS
  12. Any fans here?
  13. Wow!
  14. Original Pilot Episode Marooned. Mr. Howell:"Captain. Oh Captain. Would you have your man remove our luggage from this vessel?" Skipper:"I'd be very happy to Mr. Howell. Where would you have it removed to?" Mr. Howell:"Someplace where a Limousine could pick it up and take us to the nearest hotel." Skipper:"I don't even know where we are! For all I know, this island is inhabited." Mr. Howell:"Nonsense, Mr. Hilton has hotels everywhere! Right Lovey?" Mrs. Howell:"Quite right Thurston dear!" Skipper:"That storm drove us hundreds of miles off course! This island doesn't even appear on my Navy charts!" Mr. Howell:"Well, you should've got your chart from a more reliable source!" Skipper:"There is no reliable source than the United States Navy!" Mr. Howell:"Oh yes there is!" (Salutes)"The Sunny Brook Yacht Club! My outfit."
  15. How are yours laid out? Mine from Mill Creek Entertainment have slip cases. Pieces of cardboard with the discs in them. They pack 'em so you can see the Season number and disc number. The first sleeve of Season 1 is Season 1 Disc 1 and 2. Number 2 is in the back of number 1 and so on. That's how Mill Creek packed them.
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