The Dukes of Hazzard(1979-1985, Gilligan's Island(1964-1967), The Andy Griffith Show(1960-1968), Moonrunners(1975), Rescue From Gilligan's Island(1978), The Castaways On Gilligan's Island(1979), The Harlem Globetrotters On Gilligan's Island(1981), Christine(1983) movie and book, Eddie Macon's Run(1983) movie and book The Dukes of Hazzard:Reunion(1997) The Dukes of Hazzard:Hazzard in Hollywood(2000) The Dukes of Hazzard(2005), The Dukes of Hazzard:The Beginning(2007)Country Music: Waylon Jennings, Willie Nelson, Garth Brooks, Tim McGraw and Johnny Paycheck
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Y'all... This Blue car in the episode Enos in Trouble driven by the Emerald thieves who want Enos's footlocker because they hid the Emeralds in his flashlight, the Yellow car in The Great Insurance Fraud driven by the "flim flam lady" Lavinia is it the same car?
Y'all... On YouTube, when uploads are made, I wonder if Jack Himes is TV Stunter? Because the individual Dukes of Hazzard Seasons 1-6 are TV Stunter. But the giant compiled list Seasons 1-4 together that is like 600 something videos is by Jack Himes. But the videos say TV Stunter on them. Is it possible Jack Himes is the real identity or that it's a separate person and the list has TV Stunter because the content was originally uploaded by that name?
Y'all I don't remember which episode. But I caught one in Season 6. Luke is supposed to be driving. It's sideways driver's side shot we don't see the face. But we see Luke's shirt, and the hair is blonde. Whoops. Lol. I think the shot is in Twin Trouble.
I drank it with my Grandpa (Dad's Dad). But I haven't had any since he died in 1997. We used to pour into our glasses and put a little bit of Black Pepper in it. Yummy. I forgot what it tasted like, and was afraid it would be nasty after not having it for so long. I have reconnected with drinking it again lately. It's just like I remember it. Sort of like drinking Sour Cream if Sour Cream was a drink. Anyone else drink Buttermilk? Do you like it?