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Skipper Duke

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Skipper Duke last won the day on January 4

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About Skipper Duke

  • Birthday 06/09/1987

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    The Dukes of Hazzard(1979-1985, Gilligan's Island(1964-1967), The Andy Griffith Show(1960-1968), Moonrunners(1975), Rescue From Gilligan's Island(1978), The Castaways On Gilligan's Island(1979), The Harlem Globetrotters On Gilligan's Island(1981), Christine(1983) movie and book, Eddie Macon's Run(1983) movie and book The Dukes of Hazzard:Reunion(1997) The Dukes of Hazzard:Hazzard in Hollywood(2000) The Dukes of Hazzard(2005), The Dukes of Hazzard:The Beginning(2007)Country Music: Waylon Jennings, Willie Nelson, Garth Brooks, Tim McGraw and Johnny Paycheck

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  1. Due to The Dukes crime fighting, John Schneider (Bo Duke) once said about him and Tom Wopat (Luke Duke) "I felt like we were Starsky and Hutch in an Orange Dodge Charger!"
  2. HossC... Thank you so much! You're the best buddy!
  3. HossC... Can you edit the links for Seasons 2 and 3 for me to make the pictures show up?
  4. Season 1 (1975-1976) Season 2(1976-1977)
  5. Season 2 Hi-Fi Gilligan. Skipper:"Are you ready Little Buddy?" Gilligan:"Uh huh." Skipper:"I'm not!" Gilligan:"Sure you are Skipper!" Skipper:"No I'm not Gilligan. Uh. Ep. The sun is in my eyes!" Gilligan:"No it’s not. It’s in my eyes!" Skipper:"That's an idea. Why don't you close your eyes?" Gilligan:"Ok Skipper. Where you going?" Skipper:"I was just going to wash my hands." Gilligan:"No you weren't! You're afraid to hit me, because I might hit you back, right fatso!?" Skipper:"Now just a minute Gilligan! That's nothing but muscle, don't you ever forget it!" Gilligan:"It's all fat, fatso! Go ahead! Go ahead!" Skipper:"Little Buddy, I see exactly what you're trying to do. Thank you. Thank you. But we gotta go thru with this." Thurston:"If it’s a clean blow, I’ll award you each an ear and a tail!" Gilligan:"A what and a what?" Thurston:"Ole!" Gilligan:"No. It’s timbeerrrr!"
  6. Good news for y'all. TV Stunter has uploaded some of the seasons to his YouTube channel.
  7. TV Stunter's uploads have stalled like the General Lee bogged down in the swamp. He hasn't started dropping Season 7 yet.
  8. I chatted with Bob Denver(Gilligan) back when he was still with us. I asked him "Hi Bob. Where can I find a hat like Alan wore when he played your Skipper?" He replied to me "Try a fishing store like K-Mart or the others." I said "Thank you Bob(Gilligan)!" Of course all those stores had were the cheapy adjustable hats with machine made sewn or glued on patch Skipper emblem. In Gold or Canary Yellow colored threads. They never had the hand embroidered genuine Gold Bullion Wire hat that I seeked out. Also those stores only had white and navy. Never no black ones. This was before I discovered the Affordable hand embroidered ones on eBay. But back then, I was very grateful to Bob(Gilligan)Denver and I took whatever those stores had that I could get.
  9. Knight Rider fans... What's your favorite season/episodes?
  10. Anyone besides me miss hear Rosco's "That would've killed 10 ordinary men!" line as "That would've kilt an ordinary man!" The first you ever heard it?
  11. The Castaways On Gilligan's Island (1979) Gilligan:"For the first time Skipper, you were wrong and I was right. You were wrong, and I was right. You were wrong, and I was right. You were wrong, and I was right. You were-" Skipper:"Drop anchor Gilligan!"
  12. Cooter's Confession is available y'all. TV Stunter has completed Season 6.
  13. I think the Orange Charger was a left over General Lee rented to Knight Rider for the race. It has no decals, but it did have the American Vector Racing wheels. More nods to Dukes, the guys driving were country boys and it ran on moonshine from a still in the trunk.
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