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Hobie Hartkins

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Posts posted by Hobie Hartkins

  1. 2 hours ago, Garrett Duke said:

    Funny you should mention mice...I'm house sitting for my parents dog and cats and just found half of a mouse (I'll leave it at that...LOL) it's not exactly what I signed up for. HA.


    Dead rodents....in the house...with you....alone......!! This Halloween,  Stephen King  presents, ...........MOUSE MAULER!! This time it's for real!!

  2. 20 hours ago, RogerDuke said:

    Well, after you've had bad luck you are due for good luck. 

    There was an episode where Waylon said something about the Dukes having so many things go bad for them, that when things go right....they really go right! ( remember that one?)

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