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Hobie Hartkins

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Posts posted by Hobie Hartkins

  1. Hay guys, we have Christmas, Thanksgiving etc. etc. , however,  those are just celebrated  once a year! THIS holiday I propose , is celebrated every Friday! Dukes of Hazzard Day! Every Friday we can watch one of our favorite episodes and then tell everyone which one we watched and something we noticed about it. We all have the episodes but every now and then somebody says something about one we never knew or noticed! ( It happened to me a few days ago!) 


    What do you guys think  about my holiday?  Dukes of Hazzard Day! ( DOHD)  Every Friday! ....This is because,  this is when it used to come on and it just FEELS like a Friday night show....you know?  Well let me know what you think and remember...today is Friday, so  Happy DOHD!!  :) 

  2. 22 hours ago, RogerDuke said:

    Sorry to hear that Spike. That is especially tough since today was Father's Day. Do you think medication is affecting him? Some of that stuff can have side effects that mess with your personality. 

    This is very true! I've seen people act 100'% different when their meds run out or get changed!

  3. 1 hour ago, Spike said:

    I bet the rehab nurses and PT's threw a party Friday as my dad got released. Going to have to see if a local Starbucks or Tim Hortons has a bunch of $5 gift cards to hand out to them as an apology for his behavior. I don't know what has gotten into him but my patience is wearing thinner than a strand of hair. The way he has treated his brother the past few months is shameful. Friday I had my fill, told my dad he should be nicer but he didn't like hearing that so I left before I said something I'd regret. I came home and finished off a bottle of JD.

    I hope things get better for you Cousin! Just remember, that we're here for you! ( You can pm me anytime you want)

  4. 10 hours ago, RogerDuke said:

    We'll hold down the ship in your absence. I'll be the Skipper while you are gone. Hey Hobie, drop that bottle and hoist that mainsail right this instant or it's walk the plank for you. 

    Aye Aye your assistant Skipper sir!!  :)  We'll  hold everything together 'til you get back......right now I'm enjoying a few AB's ( Adult Beveridges)  and earning my reputation in Hazzard County!   I'm drinking Milwaukees Best Ice!  I'd like to try John Rich's Redneck Riviera but  all the hard liquor stores around here are owned by foreigners! You guys know who John Rich is don't you? The country group Big and Rich.

  5. Does it ever explicitly say that in the show? In 'The Great Hazzard Hijack', they say that Phil Ackley is "the one that saved Luke's life during the war", but I don't think Vietnam is ever mentioned.


    We know approximately how old Bo and Luke are....supposed to be,  mid 20's, I mean come on! They're out of high school, not old enough to be grandparents but still old enough work, be on their own etc. and still young enough to jump across cars, fight in bars  etc., so The Korean war was in the '50's...they'd  need to be late teens early 20's to be in the Korean  war, so they'd be born in the 30's to be in Korea. They would've been in their 40's  during TDOH times and so the only other war Luke COULD have been in was Vietnam!

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