Hey there! Great stuff you have on your page! I was wondering how I could get a pic for an avatar of Hobie...??? ( You may have no idea but you seem to know a lot, so I just thought I would ask! Thanks!
That's easy....even ddrunkkk...I know this one.....Mason Dixon.....remember? Mason Dixon was a private eye and he had two associates, and they were these two girls? beer:
I try my best to watch one a night from year 1-7, but I always fall asleep before the end...LOL....I guess it's because Hazzard is so comforting and I wish I could live there in real life! ( usually and especially if I'm real tired, I don't last but a few minutes!)
I need to have someone help me put a good moonshine avatar picture on my profile and by the way, is my last name supposed to be Hawkins or Harkins? Remember now, I'm buzzing, plus I am almost completely computer illiterate. Thank you ahead of time.
I was wondering, in this episode, "Shoulders" is played by Med Flory...has he ever done anything else? I can't find him anywhere! I guess maybe that one episode was his ' "15 minutes"!