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Hobie Hartkins

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Everything posted by Hobie Hartkins

  1. Yes, Scooby Doo is a cartoon dog! Cat!
  2. Scooby Doo ( My other favorite series!)
  3. Yea, I have the reunion movies but they just don't have the same " Punch" that the series had! I don't ever watch them!
  4. Good to have you bud! Come see me at the car lot and we'll share some Shine!!
  5. Well that may have been a mistake but Danica-I'll never be Richard Petty-Patrick was STILL toward the lower half!
  6. Yea...lol...I just don't see why either!...LOL!! ....I never really liked Carnival of Thrills...it was by far the goofiest....that and " Little Cousin", on strange visitor. Also, I didn't like the one with Coy vs. Vance and Coy meets girl and also the Russian one!
  7. How did Joey Lagano get 10th AND 12th place??? ( I see Danica is toward the bottom of the list....again...!)
  8. I know we all have all the episodes and the reunion movies, etc., and I guess everyone is about like me. You go through the seasons 1-7 and then back around again, but do you have some episodes that you really didn't like or maybe you just didn't like them as much and so you skip over them, so while you've seen some of them dozens of times, some, you've only seen a few times?
  9. I've found out that Kurt Busch is worth $ 50 million ....if I had THAT kind of money, I'd tell them all where to go and what to do when they got there, how fast they could do it and who they could do it with!!
  10. ok....I'm lost now, Roger but...ok....Cherry ( You been sippin' on some of my shine??? )
  11. many times fact and fiction cross paths!!!!
  12. Happy late birthday Cathy! you're still as sweet as ever!
  13. circus ( They have circuses in arenas!)
  14. Hey Hoss, I never realized that connection! Great spot!! Small world huh??
  15. The song "Passage To Bangkok" is by Rush.....you shouldn't have any trouble finding it! I know Copperhead Road! Great song! Reminds me of where I grew up! I also took Tae Kwon Do with Zip Gibson, Steve Earle's guitarist! He was a nice guy! Hey, here's the words to the song by Rush....you've heard of Rush haven't you? ( But just remember what boss said, ...He wouldn't deal in drugs for any amount of money!) "A Passage To Bangkok" Our first stop is in Bogota To check Colombian fields The natives smile and pass along A sample of their yield Sweet Jamaican pipe dreams Golden Acapulco nights Then Morocco, and the East Fly by morning light [Chorus:] We're on the train to Bangkok Aboard the Thailand Express We'll hit the stops along the way We only stop for the best Wreathed in smoke in Lebanon We burn the midnight oil The fragrance of Afghanistan Rewards a long day's toil Pulling into Katmandu Smoke rings fill the air Perfumed by a Nepal night The Express gets you there
  16. Sometimes they just do stuff like that. You ever hear of the Andy Griffith Show? In the series, he plays Andy Taylor....why not Andy Griffith? See?
  17. Well, that's something to think about, but I just think it all looked like it was forced, or acted....she didn't really seem to have her heart into it, when she was grabbing him and yelling, etc. He didn't seem to be too fired up either, especially considering someone was trying to jack him around and yelling in his face!
  18. Hey...sounds like you had a great time...now if I can only meet Cathy......!!!
  19. Hey, What about all that mess I saw on T.V. with Danica and .....Hamlin??? That looked so fake! They're bad actors!! I'm starting to think that Professional wrestling isn't the only fake "Sport" out there! I'm thinking NFL football and racing might be as well. That crash Busch had was real enougfh...I'm not saying that, but I think a lot of it is rigged or acted/scripted!
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