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Everything posted by artykidd

  1. nascar
  2. artykidd


    Mr. Best, I was wondering what your favorite role has been for you, other than the dukes. I did enjoy watching you on an episode of Bonanza though I teared up a bit when your character died. I remember meeting you when I was younger and was so excited about it that I couldn't shut up. I think I drove my family nuts with it. All the best to you Artykidd
  3. Apparently Daisy and Flash are popular names. I have a dog and a turtle (among other pets) with those names.
  4. Thunder Road
  5. After extensive research going through the soundboards, I have come to the conclusion that both Rosco and Boss should sue the pants of Homer Simpson and the Fox network for copyright infringement on the "Doh" soundbite.
  6. John Anderson
  7. I'm sorry to hear that Jessi. Things are bad all around. I know that doesn't make your situation any better but keep looking for a job. Some companies are still hiring while others are downsizing.
  8. Yep, I love the fine arts. I used to sing alot but not so much anymore. Most of what I do is painting/photography and sculpture. I teach it because I'm passionate about it. Also, I love working with students who share the same interest. I started before I could walk. My dad would put a pen, pencil or whatever in my hand and I was thrilled that I could just make marks. I draw because of my father and I teach because of my mother.
  9. On University BLVD in Jacksonville, they were putting up a Dunkin' Donuts and overnight someone put up a plywood sign........ "Future home of Jacksonville Sheriff's Office." It was taken down before I could ever get a picture.
  10. Any updates on Al? I hope his condition is improving.
  11. If there is anyone that hasn't figured it out yet, I teach art at a public high school. It is the best job in the world and you couldn't pay me enough to quit. It may sound corny to some when I say it but the Good Lord called me to be a teacher and I love every minute of it.
  12. Thanks for all the comments ya'll. I did sell another one. Someone actually bought it while I was at the gallery on a field trip with my advanced students. It was pretty cool. http://s21.photobucket.com/albums/b254/Artykidd/my%20artwork/?action=organize Here's the link to my album with most of my work. I marked the one's that I've sold during this gallery showing.
  13. I spewed my coffee on the Rudolph and Hermie one. I love Jeff Foxworthy and Jeff Dunham. I bought one of his DVD's for my husband for Christmas. I do have to admit though...... Growing up, the whole town would tour the local trailer park on Christmas Eve to view the Christmas lights.
  14. Those are some pretty cool traditions, though I did laugh at the thought of 'wrapping' kids. I'm afraid my family traditions are a bit redneckish of not bordering on slightly hillbilly. Ever since I was a little kid, Christmas eve was celebrated with a candlelit ceremony at church where the Christmas story was read, the Lord's supper was taken and then a prayer was said. Nothing to elaborate and over in about 15-20 minutes. Then, here's the redneck part, we would all pile into the old 40 chevy and drive to the local trailer park to look at Christmas light. Yep, trailer park. The local police have to direct traffic it has gotten so big and Santa is always at the end, handing out candy canes to kids. There are a few southern twists to it as well. The lights usually have Santa in an old pick up with the deer hanging out in the back, sitting on hay bales. After that we go back to my folks house and have wine or other libations and Christmas cookies while my husband and my sister's husband have to sit through listening to the whole family quote the movie "A Christmas Story" while it plays on the big tv. Christmas morning always starts with the reading of the Christmas story, though I'm not sure if we're doing it this year. My little sister's speech is much worse now and it seems wrong to have someone else do it. Then we rip open the gifts and make as big a mess as possible and then take pics of the carnage. Afterwards we go out in the yard and play with all the new toys or watch my four year old neice play with hers.
  15. Just an update folks. I managed to secure two months of display time at a gallery in an art supply store. ON the plus side, the art supply store is in a higher end neighborhood of Jacksonville. I SOLD the bear painting. I was told my painting was the first one to sell in over six months so I was psyched to hear about that.
  16. 1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Wrapping paper if and only if it's a square present. Otherwise, for the sake of my sanity, I use a gift bag. 2. Real tree or artificial? Neither. We have two cats who seem to think they are squirrels or something so I just pull out the little ceramic tree with glass birds on it and set it on the coffee table. 3. When do you put up the tree? Usuallythe week after Thanksgiving. 4. When do you take down the tree? Well, last time I took the ornaments down and put the tree out was in........August. Don't laugh, that sucker was green all the way into summer. 5. Do you like eggnog? Nope 6. Favorite gift received as a child? A huge bucket of brick blocks. Those things kept me entertained for hours although last year my mom got me tickets to the Foo Fighters, row 13 center stage. 7. Hardest person to buy for? My husband. He has everything. 8. Do you have a nativity scene? Nope. I did make one out of clay though and gave it to my mom. 9. Mail or email cards? Um......I don't really do either. 10.Worst Christmas gift ever received? A God awful dress that my younger sister picked out for me. 11. Favorite Christmas movie? A Christmas Story. You'll shoot your eye out! lol 12. When do you start shopping for Christmas? September 13. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Once. We had little money and the darn thing was still in the plastic wrapping around the box. 14. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Cranberry sauce on a wheat cracker with cream cheese. 15. Lights on the tree? NOpe, no tree, remember? 16. Favorite Christmas Song ? The Twelve Pains of Christmas. I laugh so hard I cry 17. Travel at Christmas or stay at home? Stay home 18. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? Why, did you forget? 19. Angel on the treetop or a Star? My mom uses the Christmas angel my grandparents bought the year she was born. 20. Open the presents Christmas Eve or Christmas Day? Christmas Day 21. Most annoying thing about this time of year. My sister's work schedule. She never has off on Christmas Day so we usually end updoing Christmas on the saturday after. 22. Favorite ornament theme or color? My mom buys a new ornament for each of us every year and she still uses the ornaments we made as kids. 23. Favorite thing about this time of year? Driving through the local trailer park. These people go all out and have the best decorations. 24. What do you want for Christmas this year? Gift certificates to the art supply store. I need more brushes and paint. 25. Who is most likely to respond to this? Anybody and Everybody
  17. All of our sophmores had to take that while all the juniors were taking the PSAT. Honestly, I think some students could benefit from military life and I encourage all of my students to take even if they have no intentions of entering the military. Simply because some colleges like to know your scores on those things.
  18. I had to quit reading about the food. It was making me hungry, again. Our thanksgiving tradition is quite simple really. Get up incredibly early and sit in a treestand for at least four hours. IF your lucky, you'll see something. I wasn't lucky. I spooked a doe on my way to the stand so I had to turn around and head back to the truck. I ended up sitting on a fold out chair and hunting the dirt road. After that though, we get together with my husbands family and do the usual face stuffing and talk about the ones we didn't see and the ones that got away. Christmas is done with my family and that can get a bit overwhelming for my husband. My family is much closer than his and we have some weird traditions. We always sit and watch "A Christmas Story." We pretty much know that one by heart but we all sit and watch it anyway. Then we head down to the local trailer park and drive through at about five miles per hour and ooh and ahh at the Christmas lights. I know what you're all thinking. Trailer park? Yep, they do such a good job that a mob of people come out every year and the cops have to handle traffic. Then we go back to the house for snacks and coffee and then hit the hay. Christmas morning starts off with my younger sister reading about the birth of Jesus and then we open gifts. The major fun part comes from watching my little neice open her gifts.
  19. I guess that's what some of those folks mean when they shopping is an actual sport. I for one don't really care for it. I have no desire to wake up and be pounding on a door to a store at 4AM. I have better things to do at that time of day, like sleep. I certainly hope that they got the people on video and prosecute some of them.
  20. I hope everyone had a fabulous Thanksgiving and found lots to be thankful for.
  21. Who was the little skinny guy that was on the show. He had kind of a whiny voice. I always liked watching him, he was a good bit of comic relief for that show. I do have to say that my favorite is Hogan's Heroes. That was one of the best shows ever produced. People think it's a bit weird that I like that show since it was on before I was born but my parents introduced us to older music, movies, etc. I think that's why I was so in love with John Wayne and Robert Mitchum.
  22. Julie, I'm glad your day at work went better. I hope things continue in that direction for you. Tombo.....Good for you. A day off of work to spend with your family is always a great day. I've been to that zoo myself. I have family in Penn. and the zoo is really nice. It was definitely and enjoyable day. As for me, I went back to the doctor and I'm still on the crutches and will be for another week. (sigh) I'm seriously going through withdrawls here. This will make an entire month without any karate.
  23. Redwings
  24. every time I think of 'Welcome Back Kotter" I think of two things 1. The guy that played Kotter has NOT aged well and is now a professional poker player 2. Barbarino. That whole skit with the twist of the beach boys song. I myself love the Hogan's Heroes series.
  25. Is there anyone else out there that is in love with the song "I'm so Lonesome I could Cry" or am I the only one? I really like Gretchen Wilson. She seems to be the female version of Hank Jr. and a little more gritty and real than some of the more 'girlie' singers out right now.
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