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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. Thanks Roger. Does make me feel better. I have always liked the Cubs...well since I was four or so. Cause they are the closest team to me...I like the Bears because they are in Chicago...as well as the Bulls. I have to have a team or driver to follow as well otherwise I have a hard time following the sport/game. If I have no one to go for, well I have little interest in it. No matter how hard I try. Do think of the Dukes of Hazzard with the Atlanta teams as well.... YAY another Bulls fan. At least you have good taste in basketball and TV shows. Gotta work on your baseball and football teams though...LOL. (GO CUBS, GO BEARS, GO BULLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO JEFF GORDON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL)
  2. You are welcome. Such a good feeling to know you made the right choice like that even if it was a hard one. Glad that you finally met the one you can be happy with and be yourself with.
  3. Gordon can't believe his luck. First the ropes were easy to come off and then Hogg and Coltrane leave him an great opportunity to escape. Except for all them deputized citizens who is s urrounding him and that powerhorse of a car coming towards him. But with Gordon's skills, who could stop him. Eyeing around the scenery he is quick to make it to the front seat. Watching he picks up the CB and states, "If you Dukes are out there please listen Hogg has me at this remote location," he goes on to describe the ambulance and the hills around him, "but if I am lucky, won't be here for long. Rosco is faking an injury now...gotta run." He throws the handle down, turns the key, does a quick 180 and shoves the accelerator to the ground while watching the pedometer get to ninety. Heading right towards the car that was coming at him. "Let's play a game of chicken!" Gordon laughs and as he gets to the oncoming car, the driver finally loses nerve at the last second and forces the car left, hard. Too hard. Gordon watches in the rearview mirror as the car takes a nose dive hard into the deep ditch that had surrounded the road. "Chicken!" Gordon states as he shoves the accelerator harder. **** Meanwhile Luke and everyone else had heard what Gordon had said over the CB. Making them all look at each other with puzzlement and excitement. "I think I know where that is at," Luke states. "Turn left here." Aussler's driver listens and turns left. "This better be our chance," Thom states, "Gordon has already missed speed trials. The media is going nuts. His family is going crazy without him. So far my representatives back home have kept the meida at bay...figure a guy who is greedy like Hogg would love the attention from the media." "Great idea Thom. Hogg woulda loved the media for this," Luke states, "turn right up here."
  4. You are not pathetic. It is always sad to see something you love (time of year) to get here and then be over with. I think you should celebrate for however long you need to.
  5. Thanks Redneck Girl...wish you the best of luck with your's as well.
  6. Jeff Gordon eyes the two men with anger in his eyes thinking of all the things he should have done and the things he would like to do. Perhaps he should have just agreed to Hogg's silly deal. If Hogg kept true to his word, he could be out of this state by now. But why would he just let Hogg win? And now he has been kidnapped by the supposed law who seems more crooked than any crook would be. "OK I give up," Gordon breaks his silence, "you two are part of a circus and this all is part of your act. Right? I mean if you were actually the law, you would know better than to kidnap anyone. You would know better than to be faking some unknown injury. Quite the act you are putting up...better be an act cause those private investigators that Thom has hired are mean and mean business. They aren't just some local people he hired. No they are trained invistagors...a few of 'em were actually detectives before retiring and going on with Aussler. "And now you are just digging yourself a big ol' hole that they can burry you both in. Wonder if Jesse Duke would accept to be the next police commissioner? He'd at least be honest and for the people. And not dishonest and for himself!" Gordon yells at him, "When you get arrested and get your jail outfit...I wanna picture of it. You'd look good in prisoner orange or prisoner stripes. Bet they'd be putting you on a diet though, Hogg. You have your greedy self to blame." ******* Earl closes his phone and looks at the group of men. "Aussler states that Hogg has deputized some people and are sending them here to arrest Bo for a supposed scam. This Hogg guy has nerves of steel to not fall for that. Hot damn," he shakes his head as he begins to pace. "What now, hot shot?" he eyes Sheriff Little. "I ain't 'fraid o' Hogg and Coltrane. What we need to do is find a way to get Coltrane away from Hogg...without Hogg, Coltrane will melt under pressure. He's all monkey do, monkey see with Hogg," Little muses aloud, "as for Hogg, well he is greedy and he is dirty, but he does have standards. He's just trying any attempt he can to get at your boy Aussler and Gordon. I say we hit the road. Take Enos with us and keep at it...before his deputies get here." "Where to?" Carl asks, "I mean -" he is interrupted by footsteps in the hall and everyone looks at each other in shock, as if asking each other quietly what to do. "Guess we're too late," Darryl adds to break the silence, "sounds like they are already -" He is interrupted as the door swings open and everyone sighs in relief and Jesse and Daisy quickly walk in with hardened looks of anger. "Beauregaurd Thomas Duke what in the world you think you don' threatenin Enos like that?!" Jesse yells as he enters the room and everyone looks at Bo. "You know how I feel about violence and taking it out on others. Poor Enos here has nothing to do with what Hogg is doin' to Gordon and you know it! Plus you on probation and all you are going to be locked up tight for the next twenty years!" "What?!" Bo asks, surprised that his own uncle bought it all, "First of all, you know dang well how I feel about you using my whole name. Especially when I did NOTHING wrong to deserved to get yelled at! I didn't even touch the dang gun. Tell him Enos." "He's right Mr. Jesse. Earl there fired the gun. It was all set up to get to Hogg to come to the jail," Enos nods in agreement, "but he didn't buy it and is sending his newly deputized deputies out here to put a stop to it. And to arrest Bo." "Great," Jesse sighs, "and all you investigators just played along with Bo's idea? This could all back fire at us all now if Hogg don't buy into it! "It was my idea Mr. Duke," a deep voice draws Jesse's attention and he jumps at seeing Sheriff Little, "I came to help Mr. Gordon. I saw the accident with my own eyes. Have this picture to prove it too." He hands it to Jesse. "But you know Hogg and Coltrane won't listen to me. To us. Bo here almost had him tricked...I know it." Jesse looks over at Bo apologetically only for Bo to turn his back to him and walk away and Daisy hugs Jesse's arm. "I'm sorry Bo," Jesse states though knows the damage is already done. "So what's your bright idea now, Sheriff Little?" Little eyes him with dark eyes. "I don't know," Little shakes his head in disgust before glancing over at Bo who now sits in a chair off to the corner. "Well we got damn good evidence to put Rosco at fault between the vehicles in the garage, our pictures we took, and Sheriff Little's picture," Earl confidently states, "I think it is time to go show Thom what we have and let him handle it." "I'm sorry Bo," Jesse says as he walks besides Bo down the hall to their vehicles, "I should know you better than that, it is just I know how much you look up to Gordon and how upset you are about all this. Figured it pushed you over the deep end or something. I don't know, but I'm sorry." Jesse goes silent as they go outside, "How you doin'?" Bo remains silent, his jaw clenching shut as Jesse sees the hurt and anger in Bo's eyes. Not at just Jesse getting mad at him, but at all that is going on with Gordon. "I'll be fine," Bo finally state taking a deep breathe before looking up to see that Earl has left the door open for him, "guess I'll be riding with them. I'm fine." Jesse watches Bo silent get into the car with the investigators before Sheriff Little calls at them. "Jesse and Daisy. Wanna ride?" Jesse eyes Daisy before walking over and they both get into Little's red Mustang. "Wow Sheriff Little. Didn't even know you had a personal car not alone a Mustang," Daisy states as she climbs into the back seat and Jesse in the passenger seat. "A classic, isn't she?" he smiles back at her before looking forward to follow the investigators. "Fasten up everyone." Jesse fastens up and says, "Thanks for the ride Sheriff Little. And for your help. It is greatly needed."
  7. My Bears are out...which means I really don't have a bid at all. The only reason I am going for the 49ers (don't laugh...) is because that is Jeff Gordon's favorite team. Your Seahawks is Kasey Kahne's favorite team (he is another NASCAR driver...that is on Gordon's team).
  8. Ah Roger how you are miscalculating my Fantasy NASCAR skills...I play to win!
  9. I am sure it is hard to "move on" after getting hurt so badly by someone you trust, but that is for the best for you. Am so glad that you found someone else to love and to trust to help you get over such a dark and trying time in your life. Congratulations on your marriage with Jennifer...I wish you both a life time filled with love, happiness, peace, and great health together. Welcome home to Hnet!
  10. Luke was sitting uncomfortable in the car when Enos' call came over the CB with Bo's comments ringing loud and clear before the gun goes off. To send his thoughts rushing through his head. Bo would never hurt anyone and yet here he was threatening Enos. Could be a scam in order to get Hogg to answer his rerquest about Gordon, but knowing how upset Bo has been over the whole Gordon ordeal and just how hateful Bo's words came out on the CB, has him wondering if Bo has snapped. "Luke! What is this?!" Thom yells as he points the CB, "That cousin of your's is threatening a deputy's life on the air?! He didn't come off as the smartest person, but didn't think he was that STUPID either!" Luke eyes him for a long moment in attempt to sort through his thoughts. "Mr. Aussler, I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't point at me and talk to me like that. I am here. Bo is there. It was your bright idea to split us up like this. Not mine. I am not responsible for my cousin...especially when I am not with him." Luke states, buying time, "And if you ask my opinion, something is up. Bo wouldn't hurt no one...but this whole ordeal with Gordon has gotten him highly irritated and upset. Perhaps..." "Perhaps it's real? He's not -" Thom begins to yell before being interrupted by his cell phone. Luke watches him nod and say a few hmm's to the person on the other end of the phone. "Besides Thom," Luke states as he watches Thom pocket his phone after a few minutes, "half of your investigators are with him. They must be in some sort of agreement to let him go on the air like that...afterall it is four of them against one of him." "They're not your cousin's baby sitter!" Thom snaps and rolls his eyes, "This could really turn -" Thom is once again interrupted. "This is police commissioner Jefferson Davis Hogg calling Mr Aussler. Do you copy?" comes Hogg's bossy voice over the CB. Thom eyes everyone before he grabs the CB handle from an investigator sitting in the front seat. Inhaling deeply he slowly states, "Commissioner." He goes silent for a moment. "I deeply shocked that you are cold enough to call me after you just received a call from your own deputy saying his life is in danger if you don't follow through with Bo's orders. If it was one of my men who was in your deputy's place, I'd drop everything to help him out in any way I can. No matter what." Thom pauses again as he looks out of his window. "Well perhaps you don't take Bo serious...let me tell you I just got a call from one of my best investigators and let me tell you, that Bo is damn serious about his threat. Earl, my investigator that I talked to, has told me that Bo backed him and the rest of my investigators into a closet and has them locked in there." Thom states, fear and irritation deep in his voice, "Earl says Bo is is real scary acting right now...all he has in mind is saving Jeff Gordon. No matter what it cost..." "If you don't respect your deputy's life enough to drop everything to follow through with what he has asked you to do, then his life is on you and your greedy and selfish head," Thom pauses, nearly spitting into the phone, "I for one respect my investigators' lives. As of right now, I got other things to worry about than our meeting that you had set up. If you were wise you would be on your way to answer your deputy's cry for help."
  11. I agree with MM...resolutions is such a bad word. So far I am a big failure and it is only the third day, but refuse to give up hope. I have been thinking of it more as goals set for this year than resolutions...but guess it is the same thing.
  12. I am always sad when Christmas is over...you wait anxiously for it to get here. Get everything done just right. Then it is here...and over with. Just like that...
  13. You are very welcome. Glad to see you back and happy.
  14. Well after returning to reality after the holidays...well heard this song on my MP3 player and it made my day a lil better. So I thought I would post it... Love this song and the video...then again I love about every song on the DOH soundtrack. Also heard James Best's "Go Flash Go" as well...makes me smile everytime...puts me in anoth DOH episode. The General Lee, is in my opinion, the best car. Ever. Then again, my opinions are heavily biased since I love everything about The Dukes of Hazzard.
  15. Jesse Duke nearly runs his old truck into the ditch with surprise and fear as the loud gun shot rings out over the CB. "What in the world is going on?!" he yells as he forces his truck to a halt and looks over at Daisy. "What is Bo doing with a dang gun not alone shooting it at Enos?!" he yells, not knowing what to do. Daisy shrugs as she looks around the familiar scenery, familiar scenery that looks so foriegn with all that has unraveled on the air. "I. . .I don't know Uncle Jesse," she hugs Jesse's arm, "I'd like to say this is just some scam of his to scare Hogg into turning Gordon over, but -" "If it is he is doing a dang good job at scaring me! No. . .I don't think this is any scam of Bo's or Luke's or anyone's! Bo'd have a hard time putting such emotion into his voice, no matter how hard he tried. You remember he tried to pull one over on me a couple of years ago in order to convince me to allow him into that dang race. He'd have had me fooled if it wasn't for the lack of emotion in his voice on the CB." Jesse goes silent and shakes his head, "That there is no scam. It's the real deal." Daisy shivers at the thought of it all. "But Uncle Jesse, where did he get the gun? And Earl and the rest of the private investigators," she shakes her head, "they wouldn't just sit back and let him do somethin' like this. They'd have a sense of taking things too far and would put a stop to it -" "Perhaps they think if it works, they'll get Gordon out of it. They don't think Bo will go that far. Or could," Jesse muses out loud, "But you heard Bo? He's mad enough to do it without thinking about it...til afterwards. We all know how much he looks up to Jeff Gordon...heck he got into that dang fight a couple of years at The Boar's Nest when that drunk started cussing Gordon out while the race was on. Had to go bail him out m'self." "Oh Jesse," Daisy states, eyeing the CB waiting for Bo to continue but he doesn't, "what are you thinking?" "I think enough to be scared for Hogg and Coltrane...and Enos!" Jesse turns the truck around, "I am going to go talk some sense into him. Gun or no gun!"
  16. Enos jumps and looks back at all the men staring at him in anticipation. "I...I can't Mr. Hogg!" Enos' voice squeaks in his mocked terror, "You see, Mr. Hogg. Mr. Coltrane. Bo Duke is standing right in front of me as I speak. He's real mad, Mr. Hogg. Saying that Mr. Gordon fella is innocent. I never seen him so mad." "Tell him dummy!" Bo yells behind Enos to be heard on the CB. "I'm tryin' Bo!" Enos yells back at Bo before turning to the CB, "Well Mr. Hogg. Mr. Coltrane. Bo's real mad...never seen him so mad. And...and -" "Do I need to do it now?" Bo grunts in Enos's ear to be heard on the CB. "No, please, no Bo!" Enos squirms as he he speaks into the CB, "Bo here came with a message. He's got me at gun point...I have to do as he says. Or he. . .will shoot. And then he say's he'll burn the jail." "That's right Hogg. All that money you got tied up in your office will be up in smoke. All that paper work. Up in smoke. And anything else in this heap will be up in smoke," Bo forces himself to be serious, "along with your clumsy deputy here. Now tell him Enos." "Yes sir, Bo," Enos sighs heavily, "Look Mr. Hogg. Mr. Coltrane. You've gotta come now. Bo's gone and lost it. Says you've gone too far. He wants you to bring Gordon with you and do a swap." Earl clicks his gun next to the CB. "Bo! You said..."Enos gulps. "Forget what I said. You talkin' too much. Get them here. NOW!" Bo screams and Earl fires the gun through the open wind and Enos yells loudly, mostly due to the loudness next to him. "Next one, I won't miss," Bo states coldly. "C'mon Mr. Hogg. C'mon Mr. Coltrane. I need you here. NOW!" Enos yells into the CB.
  17. You may be an hour ahead of me...but you'll be eating my driver's dust because they'll be so much faster.
  18. WB Dukefan! Glad to see you have returned...congrats on getting married! Happy to hear that you are happy...happiness is one of the few things money won't buy. Congrats again and welcome back!
  19. Hey Roger...any chance I can change my pick? I have thought it over and I think I want my pick to be the 49ers over the Broncos... Know that is who I want to win, but soon enough the team I want to win, has to win, right? Besides being a Bear fan, it is just wrong to be putting Packers by MY name.
  20. Now wait a minute Roger...I compared your supposed time to my lap top's clock and you were definately to the exact minute one hour EARLY. I think it is you who don't know what time it is...cause my laptop's clock is always RIGHT!
  21. Wow Roger...you were way off the mark. First an hour early...then three hours early...and now five hours late! Hopefully next year for Christmas you'll get a watch/clock with the correct time on it so this won't happen again....
  22. I have so much that I need to work on or to improve, I really don't know where to start...simplify my life sounds great, Roger. Tell me how to do it. That is a hard one. 1. I am to do some sort of work out...either walk the dogs or do a work out DVD. (Also not eat so much...) 2. More time in prayer. 3. Save money 4. Limit my online time... Am sure there is more I need to work on, but for now, that will have to do. Am hoping I do better in 2013 than I have in the past... (Sorry Roger...you hit reply right at 11:00 my time. You're an hour early! HA HA!)
  23. It should be me telling you Happy New Year's . . .I still have 45 minutes left of 2012. :D Have a great New Year's!

  24. "You'll Think of Me" Keith Urban May have used this one before...but after searching for the perfect song, well this is the only song that I could find that I felt like going with. Love this song...Keith puts so much emotion into this song. .Especially in concert.
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