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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. Well of all my years of writing and belonging to this page, I have yet to join in on a challenge...due to my un-cooperative muses! Though lately, my muses have been unusually cooperative with me, so I will be writing a story for March's Luck Challenge. In fact, I already got the story started and have a title for it. Now only if I can keep it going. . .
  2. Well...I am not all that big into football since it is still kinda hard for me to understand the rules and all. I am more into racing and baseball...a couple more weeks until Daytona . Anyways...but since Kurt Warner is from the same state and around the area I live/grew up at, I will go for his Cardinals. (Even if it does make me the only one here to go for the Cardinals;) )
  3. (((Hugs))) I am sorry Lori that you are not having a good night. I hope that things will get better for you. I hope you enjoy your Naruto.

  4. Hey Lori -I hope you don't mind, but I just posted on to THE ENEMY. And it is a bit long. Sorry - I know it is out of turn and all, but thought I could add a little bit more. Perhaps that will spark your ol' muses up ;)

  5. "He's probably right. Damn it." Luke slowly says into Paul's ear piece before silence resides into his ear piece and through his high tech binoculars, Paul silently watches Luke quickly snatching something from the mechanic's greasy hands. Sitting high in a thickly covered tree, Paul tiredly watches the old farm house as well as listening into the many bugs that he had planted within and outside of the old farm house. And within the vehicles. All in a precautious move in case they were to begin to suspect anything. "I need to go. I need to find him before. . ."Luke's trembling voice cuts into the thick silence that had momentarily moved into his ear piece while he watches Luke climb into the vehicle the hick mechanic had towed into the drive only moments ago. For a long silent moment, Paul watches Luke backing out of the farm's dirt drive way to be followed by the mechanic in the old tow truck. Watching them driving away, Paul relaxes against the thick trunk of the tree as fear and panic abruptly hits him; panic and fear as realization quickly settles in. Realization that Luke has now caught upon the scent of the truth, thanks to his troublesome cousin to place him as a danger to him and his old friends. Sighing heavily, Paul glances down at the small cell phone that he had set out before him in case he were to get a call or if he would need to make an emergency call. An emergency call alerting Reyes and the gang when and if Luke caught whiff of the truth, when Luke became a threat to him. Problem is, is that despite their plan and the truth behind his reasons of being in Hazzard, Paul has grown to like Luke. He had welcomed himself into Luke's life by meeting up with him at the local bar in town, supposedly on accident, where he had played Luke magically. Played him by crying out his false story he had made up months ago when they had worked out the plan, cried to Luke about love and money lost due to fighting for his country. He had earned Luke's trust through the common thread his false story had with Luke's true story of fighting in a war filled of horror and violence. He earned Luke's trust by pretending to have common goals, common interests, and a common back ground. Somewhere along the way he had grown to like the small town hick, the small town hick who had fought his own cousin and old friend to protect and defend him; a stranger he had welcomed into their life. A stranger who had planted himself into their life to bring damage upon their local law and who ever happened to get in the way. Such as Bo and now his old uncle who he has now confided in. And now Luke and Cooter once he makes the call to Reyes and the gang to relay all he had just heard the two say inside and outside of the old farm house. Unless he doesn't make the call. For a long moment, Paul sits upon the small tree stand he had built days before he had made himself known to the old Marine sargeant and his family. Built in advance to fulfill their plans as he had planted the bugs within and around the house and within their vehicles while they were out throughout his stay at the farm. His mind wanders aimlessly around what he had just heard and of what he should do now that Luke has now caught on to him. At least enough to believe what his cousin had attempted to tell him before Luke had kicked him out of the house. Abruptly his thoughts are interrupted as the soft vibrating noise from his phone catches his attention and he quickly grabs it up to find Reyes number listed upon the screen. "Reyes," Paul slowly states, "I'm still in the tree stand. The mechanic just left the farm." "What he want?" Reyes snaps, "I think the mechanic is getting too snoopy. Is Luke-" "No, no. Nothing like that," Paul hears himself saying, "Luke called him in a few minutes ago. He wanted Cooter, the mechanic, to drop off an extra car since his stupid cousin took the car they shared with him when Luke kicked him off of the farm. So he dropped off an extra car and left." "Just dropping off an extra car?" Reyes speaks skeptically before saying, "Well OK. Well," Reyes pauses for a long moment, "Bo and the old man is about to have a dreadful and painful accident. Hope you are around to babysit Luke while it happens, hate for him to get in the way of the accident, now wouldn't we?" "Yeah we would," Paul complies, silently wondering how things had gotten so complicated. It was only suppose to be Hogg that got it after they had kidnapped him and spread a little fear into him for what he had done to his dad. But now Luke's cousin and beloved uncle will come to their painful fate all because Bo couldn't keep his mouth shut as he was threatened to do. Paul sighs, thankful that Reyes has decided upon Bo's and Jesse's planned accident, instead of killing Luke over Bo's big mouth. For now at least. . . (CUE LORI...I hope you don't mind that I posted out of turn Hope it isn't too long for you)
  6. LOL. I am glad to hear that school is getting better for you and I hope that your interesting is a good interesing. LOL.

    At least someone likes the winter. LOL. Me on the other hand dislike it. Too cold, too much snow and ice, and no racing or baseball. :( I want spring so I can have warm weather, baseball, and my racing to follow. :D

    Anyways, if you are on now and you want to chat, let me know ;)

  7. I kinda remember that episode...the diet part at least. I think I should take a lesson from his diet...I may actually eat less and be less tempted to eat all the time if an alarm went off on me everytime I opened the fridge or cabinet door. Hmmmm.
  8. awww. Just think, the less school you miss now, the earlier you get out for the summer - when you can actually go outside and do things instead of being in due to the cold. ;) Think positive :D.

  9. Bo James- Thank-you for reminding me that tonight will mark the thirtieth anniversary! I knew it was the end of January that it first originally aired, but never would have thought about it if it weren't your post there. Thanks! That sounds like a good idea to have everyone watching "One Armed Bandits" to mark the anniversary! I don't know if I'll be able to or have time to do that tonight though. Hope y'all will have fun watching the Dukes.
  10. I am sorry to hear that you dislike school...I never liked it either and it made it real hard to go every day. I started to dread Monday by four Sunday afternoon and so on. Though...I wish I could get a week off just to do what I want to do. NOTHING!

    LOL...that is OK. Better have positive feed back in the wrong places than none at all ;). And take the time you need to post. This week is pretty busy for me so I really don't knwo when my next chance to be on will be. Dang muses anyways!

    I am currently attempting to write a summary for my story to send in my prologue and chapter one into MA...but either it is too long or not enough detail in it! ERRRR. Anyways, I hope you get the snow you are hoping for ;)

  11. Take your time, Lori...though I will be waiting anxiously for your reply. ;) No pressure or anything! HA HA. Thanks for writing with me,this story has come a far way and am looking forward to seeing where our muses take us.

    A week out for snow? EEHK! Hate to be the pesstimistic thinker here, but how far into summer are you going to have to go to school? Though it would be nice to be snowed in for a week...I could get a lot of writing done in that amount of time...uh, depending on how cooperative Garrett and the rest of my muses feel like being ;). Hope you've enjoyed the time of. Now get back to work! :D

  12. Time seems to slowly tick on for Luke as he sits at the table, nervously staring through the open front door. More questions explodes within him as his thoughts bounces from his past to the present. Of how close he had been to Bo before Paul had shown up, of how protective he had been. And then Paul shows up. . . "Damn," he angrily says to interrupt the silence, the silence that only builds tension and deep emotions within me. Standing up from his seat, he once again begins to pace the floor, his thoughts fixated upon Paul and the time he has had in Hazzard. Only to send more questions rippling through him. Where is Paul now? For someone who had only arrived in Hazzard a week or two ago and for someone who claims to never have been to Hazzard until now, Paul seems to be gone alot. And without a reason or a notice. Yet he acts so clueless about Hazzard and where to go. Asking questions of Hazzard's past, of Hazzard's traditions. Of who's who in Hazzard. Yet for someone who is supposedly only passing by, a couple of weeks is a long time to stay, even if you find a friend to hang out with. "Don't add up," Luke hears himself say aloud, letting out the breath he had been holding in. After a brief moment of more twisted silence filled with questions and emotions, the sound of tires hitting the dirt drive way breaks his attention and his pacing comes to a halt at the door. Slight relief slithers through Luke at the sight of Cooter's dusty tow truck pulling to a halt in front of the porch, an old car hitched to the end of the tow. Relief that is quickly replaced with guilt at the sight of Cooter stepping out of the truck, guilt toward all that he had said to Cooter only hours ago. How he had treated Cooter. Only because Cooter had stuck up for Bo and was demanding answers. "Hey Cooter," Luke casually says as he opens the screen door to meet Cooter on the deck. "Thank-you for coming out as quickly as you did and for loading me up an extra car. I'l make sure to take real care of her for you." "I'm sure you will," Cooter replies dryly before placing a stern hand upon Luke's shoulder, "but before you go, I think you owe me an explanation." Luke eyes his friend for a long moment, the words he had spoken to Cooter still piercing within him while remembering Cooter's threats and answers. Chills spread through him, Cooter was right. Bo wouldn't accuse Paul or anyone of anything without a reason. . . "Look Cooter, what you want me to say? You were right? Heck," Luke pauses for a long moment, "we all know you were right. Or how wrong I am or was." Luke goes quiet for a long moment, realizing that if he were to side with Bo and Cooter, that he'd be turning his back on his newly aquinted friend, Paul. "You are right. Bo's family, no matter what mistakes or choices he makes. He's family. And Paul," Luke sighs as he looks off into the distance, questions of where Paul may be at and what Bo knows about him once again hits him. "All I know about Paul," Luke turns back to Cooter, "is what he has told me, how he has acted." Cooter nods. "That's a start," he offers a stiff smile. "Though that doesn't make him a bad guy, but once again you are right, Bo has yet to accuse anyone wrongly without a reason. I have spent the past hour or so by myself thinking of what you said, what I said, and about everything," Luke pauses for a long moment as his thoughts falter upon Bo, wondering where he is and how alone he must be feeling, "to realize how dumb I have been. Paul is not worth losing Bo over and the more I stop and think, the more I realize how wrong I've been and how correct Bo is. And as you said earlier, if Bo's right, that means our whole family is in trouble." Luke stops to allow silence to filter between them to look out over the dark sky and chills of fear crawl across his body. The chills of fear that normally take over when Bo is about to get in some sort of trouble or danger or is in trouble. "Cooter!" Luke alertly says to force Cooter to jump in surprise, "I've got to go find Bo. You know where he is?" Cooter shakes his head no as the intensity within Luke's blue eyes build fear deeply within him, fear in knowledge from the past behind what the look usuaully means. Bo's in trouble. "I tried calling out to him before I came to the farm," he slowly starts, "he refused to tell me his location over the radio. Said he didn't think it would be best to say his location over the air." "He's probably right. Damn it," Luke slowly says as he places his hands out to impatiently grab the spare set of keys from Cooter from the towed car, "I need to go. I need to find him before. . ." His voice trails off and Cooter blankly nods before snapping into reality and runs back to his truck with Luke right behind him. Together they un-tow the car a moment before Luke hops in and starts the car to leave Cooter standing alone in their driveway, watching Luke quickly speeding out onto the dirt road. (Cue Lori - great post, glad to see the story getting another restart )
  13. YAY Lori! I just read your post to our story and really like it. Am glad to hear/read/ see that you still want to write in it. Now it is my turn to decide on what to write. LOL. Great job!

  14. Ah they should. At least something to think of and to try. Thanks.

    Scary as it may seem, I hope that Lori keeps being nice for you and for others. Glad to hear she has decided upon returning to Hazzard ;)

    I'm on if you want to chat, if not, have a great day and a great week!

  15. Thank-you for all of your advice and ideas, Lori! They are all very good and interesting. Now whether or not, they'll work on Garrett is another story, but I am willing to try about anything right now to get him to cooperate with me. LOL.

    Erase him? Hmmm, that is a good idea, but with Garrett, he would either like it too much or hate. You never can be sure with him. He may like it since it will leave him alone and he'd be free to nothing as he pleases or he may be upset if he sees I'm ignoring him...hmmm that could work. LOL.

    Another character as mean or bothersome as Garrett? I'd have my h ands full for sure. I'd probably be spending all of my time attempting to stop them both from killing each other instead of doing any writing. LOL.

    Thanks for the ideas, I will have to give them some thought and see where it will lead me and what I can do with them!:) You are aright that Garrett must have a little in common with me since I had created him (Mistake on my part?) LOL but there must be a little something. LOL

  16. LOL...change is said to be a good thing. ;)

    Well...I did attempt to lock Garrett up, in jail, but then he found a way to talk his way out of jail. Leave it to him.

    And yeah, I fight with myself...er my muses pretty much all the time. Garrett and I have very little in common which is why he is so stubborn and ornery towards me.

  17. LOL! Well I can't have you thinking too negative about her, muses don't tend to like it too much. See...I put Garrett in jail in my last story and see the damage he done me? Six months without much if any worthy piece of writing. Just an example of the power your muses hold over you. HA HA. Well not so funny actually...

    I am very happy and excited to hear that Lori is behaving herself for you! Even if it is scary for you. LOL. I haven't had time to write since the last tiem I wrote you, but I haven't given it up yet though...then again, so far I dont' know where Garrett or Kristy fits into it. Perhaps he has gone and ran off! Time will tell.

  18. LOL Val! I like your philosphy that you have chose to go with, perhaps I have chosen wisely not to post as often as I should. Sadly enough, I think I already learned that the hard way. If my memory serves me correctly, most of all those posts I've posted under my Kristy ID were very meaningless. Thanks for the laugh and the reassurance that I am not the only one on here that has been around a few years and have yet reached the four digit posts count.
  19. Well Lori, I hate to be the one to break it to you, but with that attitude, they will. Have positive attitude, that may help you out a little bit better...though I have to admit I am having the same thoughts myself. Not really that, but that my idea isn't oringal enough and that it is too similar to past ideas.

    Anyways...I hope that your muses continue to work for you. Am excited to hear that! Hope to be able to read another Lori Davenport story in the near future ;).

  20. I am glad that your dad's surgery was a success and to hear that your dad is doing fine. :) That is a scare. I am glad that that is behind for you now and that you are doing better! YAY!

    I am also super glad to hear that your muses have shifted into gear and is now working...even for Naruto and that you are posting it!:D Must be something in the air or something, because my muses as well has shifted into gear. DOH ones that is. I am almost done with chapter one and when I am done I will send it into MA to post on my page:D. For once I am excited about writing and about my idea! (Though it is the one that is very similar to "THe Enemy" sorry about that, when time comes to write, perhaps we can work it through somehow)

    (Sorry my posts here is soooo long and am sorry for keep hounding you with questions and complaints about ff.net. Thanks for all of your help:D)

  21. Oh no! I am sorry to hear that Lori! That is horrible...some people just don't have any respect for others. Perhaps you could get a new account? I wish I could help you out with your e-mail.

  22. Thank-you Daney for posting the link to the article about John! It was great to hear about his tribute to his friends and about his involvement in helping people with AIDS. They need everyone they can get to help them out and I can't think of a better person to do it than John Schneider.
  23. The first Smokey and the Bandit movie is my all time favorite movie. I have seen the second movie and am not a big fan of that movie due to the plot that was behind it. And I have yet seen the third one...how can you have Smokey and the Bandit without the Bandit? I suppose Snowman was the Bandit and Jerry was great in the movie and I liked Snowman as much as the Bandit himself, but it just wouldn't be the same. Just as it wasn't the same when they replaced Bo and Luke with Coy and Vance. Definately the first Smokey and the Bandit is my favorite out of the three S&B movies...once again though, it is my favorite movie.
  24. Congrats DaisyXEnos! You sure got me beat. On January 24th it will mark my fifth year at the site under this ID (Garrett Duke) and I only have like 384 (This will make 385, I think). You really put me to shame Daisy! Though, I do believe that my Kristy_Duke ID has over a twelve hundred posts under it (Can't remember, haven't used the ID for a while) so at least I have more personally than the 385 or so. Though you still put me to shame since I had created the Kristy ID way before I created my Garrett ID (October of 2001)...shame on me!
  25. Thank-you for the summary Dukefan. It sounds like it would be a neat show to watch and to get into...especially if Denver is in it.
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