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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. Pretty fingernails...you didn't steal them from me though. LOL. They look nice and it looks like you two had fun. :D

  2. HA! You think you can scare me with a frying pan? I could chop that thin in half with my fist if I had to! ;)

  3. *Ornery smile* Now that was fun. ;) LOL. Hope all is well with you. Sorry...blame it on Garrett, it was all his fault. :D

  4. *Tip toes very quietly behind Daisy* BOO!

  5. Well good luck with your job application, I hope that you will get it and that it is a job that you will enjoy. ;)

  6. They are at Martinsville this weekend... a track that Gordon is great at, but so is Johnson. *Sighs* LOL. As I said, love Johnson, but still root harder for Gordon to win - Johnson has had his share of wins - it's Gordon's turn. So Edwards still has another week to worry about 'Dega which is the first of November. Dang it's hard to believe it is th is time of year already- only four more races after Martinsville. Anyway, hopefully Edwards will put the spring race behind him.

  7. Great picture for twin day...but hey...you're wearing my shirt! *scratches head* Now that's where that dang shirt went...I want it back. And NOW! HEE HEE.

  8. *Chokes on food* Redneck girl! :D She's alive after all this time! LOL...sorry had to give you a hard time.Was great to hear from you.l hope all is well with you. THings are well here. I was suppose to be cleaning my apartment but hopped on to check something out...once again, procrasinating (what I seem to be good at). Hope school is going good and that you have found time to relax and to enjoy life. :D

  9. People at NASCAR.com seem to think that Talledega is the track that may slow Johnson down...I guess we will see. I hope that you have a great Friday and a great weekend if I don't get to talk to you before hand. Hope Edwards has a great race Sunday! (As well as Gordon ;) )

  10. Well what I had began to say in my last post was that I love Jimmie and hope him the best, but I have to agree with you. (sorry I got side tracked there with Gordon. LOL.) I don't want to wish him bad luck...obviously since I like him...but in order for Gordon to catch up with him, he's going to have to run into something. This whole chase suits Johnson so perfectly because the races in it are races he is great at...they need to put in Bristol and a road race to put a crinkle in it for him since he doesn't excell at those places as he does Lowes or Martinsville where he is great at. Though Gordon is great at Martinsville as well. . .it will be interesting.

  11. I love Jimmie...but not as much as I do Jeff. No one will ever be rated higher than Gordon in my books. Guess I shouldn't say never, but I don't see it happening, even if/when he retires, it will be hard to root solely on Johnson and not to have Gordon out there. I know I'll have Johnson to go for, but I always have a hard time watching a race when Gordon is knocked out out of it so to have him permanantly out is going to be hard for me. I hope I don't have to worry about that for awhile. *crosses fingers*

  12. I felt bad for you Saturday with Edwards DNF and Martin finishing where he did (though it helped Gordon having Martin back there...sorry :) ) But yeah, Edwards kept his sense of humor. Maybe it was the news...am very happy for him. That would be cute to see his girl playing with Ella. I always love it before the race when they show her. She is getting so big!

    That is neat that you can do that with the points! That will be interesting to follow and all. Perhaps if I find the time, I'll have to google it or something!

  13. Thank-you for your messages. Having a close family I bet helps when things like this happens. I am very sorry for your loss and you will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.

  14. I know you are not ignoring me...I was only joking. Bet school is keeping you busy. Keeps you outta trouble ;).

  15. Long time no see...you ignoring me? Hope all is well with you and that school is going well and that you are enjoying it!

  16. "When the Sun Goes Down" - Kenny Chesney with Uncle Kracker
  17. Redneck woman - I am sorry to hear about your uncle. You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.

  18. Was happy to see Johnson win, though was really excited there for a while when Gordon was leading with only a handful of laps left. Though he got fourth place...though I could have dealt with another second place finish ;) though Johnson had four fresh tires and Gordon only had two so I guess I will deal with fourth especially since Lagono was threatening to take the fourt place away from him. Though Gordon moves up to third in position from fifth, though is now 138 points behind Johnson...don't understand how he can be getting farther away in points with his good finishes he has been having and leading laps and all that. Then again, Johnson did win and he is the point leader...Well I will let you read my novel I have left you before saying any more. Hope your party was well and that you had a good weekend.

  19. Well also thought of you with Martin as well. A lot of chase guys got hit in points last night...guess I should wait and hear about if you actually saw the race before going and telling you all about it. You may want to watch it for yourself if you didn't. . .lol.

  20. Well I know I already left you a novel to read but I couldn't help but to leave a couple of messages (at least) about the race. I thought about you a lot during the race and felt bad for Edwards. Talk about having a bad night though through his frustrations that he must have felt, at least Edwards was able to put a smile on when interviewed after his engine blew. Liked how he said it was a mercy killing of his engine - at least he held onto some sense of humor through it all.

  21. Thanks for thinking of me and I will do the same for you. I hope Edwards will put on a good race and a great finish for you. Every driver has a rough year and I guess this is his...but being in the top twelve, that is still pretty great! I know two or three years ago, Gordon didn't make it into the top ten(that was when there was only ten in the chase) and came home in eleventh at the end of the year. Hope all our drivers have a great race and that you are having a fun b-day party and a great weekend!

  22. But onto tonight's race, I am very excited and am hoping to watch it. We are watching my two year old niece this weekend so I guess we will see how much I will see it. It was cute. I still have a room at my parents' houe that I stay at during the weekend. Well I got a plaque at Wal-mart last month or so of Gordon/ picture on one side and stats on the other side of it. Well Peggy (my neice) was in the room with me last night and she pointed to it and said "Gordon's Picture". I guess I am teaching her something ;). LOL. Hopefully she will cheer him onto a win tonight.

  23. So it saved a lot of people from not being on the road when it happened. Plus they were working on the sstadium and I guess construction had been ahead of progress...which I guess is pretty unheard of in construction...and if they hadn't gotten done what they did the stadium, the stadium would have caved in on it. As it is it did little damage to the stairs, but only two people were injured and both cases was due to heart attacks. Which is lucky for a lot of people. I don't know, something of Carl's accident and how lucky it was for everyone made me think of that for some reason.

  24. Kinda reminds me of what I heard today on ESPN they were talking about the 1989 World Series between the Oakland A's and the San Fransisco Giants in California. It was at 5:00 their time and they had a big earthquake that lasted 15 seconds. They showed footage of bridges and roads breaking and people falling int hem and all that. Well it being rush hour, the World Series saved a lot of people from either being at the field or staying late at work to watch the game or leaving early to watch it.

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