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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. Is it just me or does it seem like the driver that normally starts an accident is the driver with the least amount of damage on their cars? I always find that odd and annoying. LOL.

    Pheonix and Homestead are left...gulp. I wish I could flash forward to see where Gordon finishes at the end and then watches these two races. LOL. Two more races before I fall into withdrawl...no baseball and no NASCAR! What am I going to do?!! LOL I still have a hard time believing that we are at this time of year again.

  2. It was odd on how many people stalled and ran out of gas. I felt bad for Jr. Has had good races, just bad luck to not show it. Though it is lucky all them people had troubles iwth gas - it helped move Gordon up. Though I found it ironic that Texas is a 1.5 mile track and yet only nine drivers were on the lead lap at the end of the race.

  3. I felt bad for his new crew cheif...knowing how Kyle is, I am assuming he probably took it out on him and blamed him for it. But I shouldn't say that, because I could be wrong. But he looked really defeated when they interviewed him. Kyle knows as much as his crew cheif of where his gas is and how his car feels and so forth, he could have came in for gas just as Gordon had done. . .

  4. The announcers were really annoying yesterday...it was them and the dang commercials! It is annoying when they keep cutting the ticker thing off at top like that...they've done that to me too with Gordon. But what you said made me think of something else...my mom watched the end of the race with me. She is right, the announcers didn't say one word of Kyle Busch after he ran out of gas. Kinda ironic, ain't it? LOL (I am so looking forward to the races being back on FOX with Darrell, Jeff, and Mike)

  5. I felt horrible about Carl. He looked so frustrated after the accident and the interviewer person didn't help much by stating that he won't be the first one across the finish line. They can be so insensitive sometimes and asks such improper questions...my opinion at least. But yeah it was obvious he was frusterated

  6. Fans at NASCAR.com that write on the articles seem to think that Gordon should get a new crew cheif and that would help him out. I like Steve Letarte so i would be sad to see him go...I don't know if that is what he needs or if there is something else that he is missing. Gordon always credits Steve and his crew...

  7. I love Jimmie, but sadly, I was relieved to see him have a bad race...shame on me! But for Gordon's sake because it did help with the points. Though according to people at NASCAR.com he didn't capitalize on it as he should have -which he really didn't, but he is still way closer than what he was before.

  8. I'd love to go to Daytona...but maybe it is because of all the hype that goes with it and the three months of looking forward to it that makes it so exciting for me. Texas is a fun track, but according to Gordon he is never good there so t hat would discourage me from going. Knowing my luck, if I ever got to go to a race, it'd be the race where he crashes a and gets a DNF or is way in the back. I'd be so frustrated - I get frustrated at home, can't imagine being t here and having to watch the whole race without him. I have a hard time watching the race if he is not in it.

  9. That is a total bummer about your Friday night! That would be so scary...once that settled, that is when I'd be upset and frustrated! I am glad that you are OK as well as everyone else. That is what is the most important, but still frustrating that people can be so rude and disrespectful of others! Though it would be neat to sit in the front seat of the patrol car and the spotlighting sounds neat. I did sit in the front seat of my cousin's patrol car years ago when I had dreamt of being a police officer,.

  10. OK I guess I will shut up for now. That is my two cents on the race as of now. The points has gotten a lot more exciting. I am still hoping for Gordon's fifth championship, but if he can't get that, I guess I will settle for second. Hopefully Gordon's and Edwards' luck will turn around in the next two races and they can at least get a top five or a top ten in both of them! I am looking forward to see what you thought of the race. . .I hope you have a great week!

  11. Secondly - I am horrible. LOL. I was almost relieved to see Montoya wreck because his points was getting close to Gordon. But that was before I saw him wreck Edwards and before I saw Gordon spun out. Then I felt bad for Edwards.

    I also got excited when Kyle Busch ran out of gas. Ironically I was just saying he should run out of gas when he just had. They all said he was going to be three laps short and I guess they have all made that gamble at one time or another. But is it really that worth of a gamble when his crew can gas his car so fast? I felt bad for his new crew cheif. He sure looked defeated when they interviewed him. Some of the questions they ask the drivers are very annoying...like asking Johnson how frustrating his day was? Like we can't guess that ourselves? LOL

  12. The announcers really got to bug me all day today. All they talked about was Johnon's accident on lap three and how Kyle Busch was out to make history by winning at all three races at Texas this weekend. You would have thought that Johnson and Busch was the only one out there. Between that and the fact that it seemed like there was more commericial breaks than there was racing.

    First Johnson - sadly I was almost relieved when I saw the accident, but only in thought that it would help Gordon get closer in points. But of course he really didn't capitalize on that today as he should have. I don't know what his deal was today other than his problem in pits that one time. Lucky for him several drivers at the end ran out of gas and he came home in thirteenth place. Not the best finish, but definatley not the worse and was better than where he was running all day - eighteenth. He is now only 112 points behind Johnson.

  13. Well it is I again...you surprised? LOL.

    I have a lot of mixed emotions on that race today...it definately was not the best race of the year so far. I almost cried for you when Juan Pablo took out Carl Edwards! I felt bad for Edwards, but worse for Gordon for a moment when I saw him spun out. Lucky for him he was able to recover...At least Martin had a respectable finish for you.

  14. The Cowboy Rides Away - George Strait
  15. Well you see who starts the race today? Gordon! YAY...to make it his seventeenth consecutive year that he at least got one pole in the season. I was afraid he was going to go without a pole this year to break that streak. I am glad to see his streak continuing this year. :) Though am also kinda worry about it as well. Gordon seems to do better when he starts a little ways back than when he does at the front...plus the fact that he worked his car for qualifying rather than the race. (Hope that makes sense). Hopefully he can have a great finish as well as a great start - since it is the finish part that is the most important. LOL. Hope all our drivers have a great race today - no more restrictor plates! YAY. Well I will shut up for now - at least until after the race. LOL Hope you are having a great weekend.

  16. Well Texas is today...I hope that you are able to watch it and if not, that you are doing something else that is fun and relaxing.

    Texas...I hoping Gordon can pull a repeat of last Texas race and end up winning again. I know Edwards needs a win and he deserves the win - if he does win, I will be happy for him and for you. He seems like such a great guy. But anyway, I am really hoping Gordon will get at least another win before the season is up - he only has three more chances to do that (including today's race).

  17. *Gasps* You'd rather go to a different race than the DAYTONA 500?! Did I hear you right? You wouldn't want to go to super bowl of NASCAR? LOL...I think it would be an exciting race to go to, but maybe that is because I highly look forward to it for three months. LOL. I'd love to go to Daytona...or Bristol...or ChicagoLand..or any race. LOL

  18. The DJ had also said, that under the old point system - Johnson would still be ahead in points, but only by seven points over Stewart and seventy-some over Gordon. That sure would make the championship more exciting over these next few races than how it is now. My opinion of course. Johnson may have it, but I am not going to give up on Gordon. GO GORDON! LOL

  19. Talledega was something else I guess you can say. As the Countary DJ at my radio station said yesterday - they might as well as make Talledega a 50 lap race with one pit stop - save the fans the time in the afternoon to do other things. ERRRR. I don't understand how Gordon can do so good and be upfront all day. It is too bad that all the excitement was big accidents - scary ones. I was so relieved when Newman got out of his car!

  20. That is a bummer about jury duty...they could have at least chosen you after the time you gave up for them! I am just glad that you were OK and that you were busy with something else. At least you got it over with. I have never been called for jury duty ...I better not say that too loudly! LOL :X

  21. (Me too Daisy!) Love you Goodbye - Tim McGraw (off of his new Southern Voice CD - great CD, but then again, what else would you expect from Tim? )
  22. One last thing...you see that Daytona 500 tickets start fifty-five dollars? Dang I could afford that if only it was closer and I had someone to go with or to meet up with. LOL - That would be a fun race to go to! Just caught my eye because we tried to go to chicagoland Speedway last year and the tickets were way expensive!

    OK I am done boring you with this long and probably repetive book I've wrote to you since you last logged in or at least your last message. HOpe all is well with you and that you are having a GREAT week!

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