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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. Live like You Were Dying -Tim McGraw Well I can't think of the song you are talking about at the moment so I am currently looking it up and keep up coming up with an Natasha Bedingfield and one by Carlene Carter. Is it her you are thinking of?
  2. YAY BL on your newfound freedom...take a deep breath in, don't the fresh air of freedom have a sweet smell about it?
  3. OK Texas Daisy...I sadly have to admit you stopped me for a moment there...I knew I knew who sang it, just couldn't think of it so I searched it (which did me little good since most searches didn't do much) and I came up with the answer before I got the correct answer. LOL. Anyway, Alabama sings "Love in the First Degree". "Only You can Love me This Way" Keith Urban
  4. Glad to be of some help BL:)...I knew I could trust ya!
  5. There ya go Chet... a bounty hunter or a private investigator. You'd probably be able to carry a gun with those titles as well. (Didn't know you were out lookin' for a career change, did ya bro? Wish you the best o' luck! )
  6. *Slips tall glass of cold chocolate milk through the bars to BL* There ya go. . .just don't let 'em know it was me that gave it to ya.
  7. Too lazy? If I were you, I'd motivate your lazy behind to run as far away from the jail as you can so they can't arrest you too! Then again, I haven't gone very far myself so I have very little room to talk.
  8. LOL...well I'll sign in, but don't know how long. Gonna have supper pretty soon.

  9. No milk and warm water? Well I guess that must be their way of trying to discourage you from returning to their so called nice motel here once you make bail. *Whispers through the bars* Not a big milk fan, but maybe I could smuggle it in for ya if you want.
  10. Take this Job and Shove it -Johnny Paycheck
  11. Well it is I again...I really hope that all is OK with you and that you are just really busy or something happened to your internet. Sorry I tend to worry a lot at times. . .Hope all is well with you.

    Daytona 500 is now less than a month away...and the shootout a week before that. YAY...I am sooo excited. It still seems too long away though. Hear any NASCAR news? Not much here other than Kyle Busch signed a lengthy contract with Gibbs (Poor Gibbs!) LOL...sorry that wasn't very nice. They are changing the rear wing to a spoiler whatever that means.

    You having a Daytona 500 party like you did at the end of the season? I think it would be fun, but having no one to invite. Guess it will be me and the dogs! HA HA. Hope to hear from you soon!

  12. *Sighs* Well BL...you just had to go and remind me, huh? HA HA. How could I forget that...being a Duke myself? Guess I just assumed it was only I that trouble followed! As for if it is possible to keep a Duke outta trouble...hmmm. I highly doubt that is possible seeing how often we seem to find ourselves into trouble and having to find a way out.
  13. A nap sounds nice. LOL. A day off and you spend it at a library? ;) Enjoy the kids!

  14. Nobody said it would be Easy - Alan Jackson
  15. That is OK, just thought I'd offer. My day was Ok other than being extremely tired for some reason. One day down, four more to go. LOL. How was yours?

  16. YAY! I really hope you get to go to both events! :) I am on if you wanna chat, though I don't know for how long.

  17. I agree...if Chet can't do all them things being a deputy, why be a deputy? I don't think you're giving Chet enough credit, Roger...he'd make a great deputy. Plus being a deputy may be Chet's calling...may even keep him outta trouble. Give him some meaning to life. Then again, Chet, you may make a great fire fighter as well.
  18. Wow you get the real deal...lucky you! Well I suppose not so lucky at seeing the predictament you seem to be in at the moment, but hey, it could always be worse. Enjoy the cookies! You get any milk with it?
  19. Glad to hear you are in a good mood! No wonder why...I would be too if John was coming any where around me. He did once a few months back but I didn't hear about it until a day or two afterwards. :( Talk about disappointing ...the one time one of the cast comes to Iowa, I miss it! EERRR. Anyway. I really hope you get to go to see Enos...fingers crossed...and especially to see John. That'd make a great birthday present!

  20. Sorry to have missed you! I left it on while I was away, but am back for a minute or two...sorry to miss a chat. Hopefully some other time...some of us actually have to work tomorrow! Lucky you to get it off! :D I hope you enjoy it!

  21. Not a problem, I'm here to help. As for ol' Cooter, it'll be good for him to do all the work by himself for a change. It'll keep him outta trouble, plus he may have more sympathy for you once you bail yourself outta here. There's always a positive side to things, just sometimes, the postive side seems to be hidden behind all the negativity of the situation.
  22. Who me? *Innocent look* I was just making an observation is all.
  23. Deputy Chet...or Deputy Cowboy? It does seem to have a nice ring to it. Don't you think?
  24. Well I for one am relieved to see the switch from Duke and Davenport. Though sorry it has to be you BL! At least this way, ol' Cooter won't have you running around and doing all his work - now he's gonna hafta do it all himself and then do your work as well! So perhaps you can enjoy the rest...if only they had softer and more comfier cots to sleep on. . .
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