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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. Just thought of something...tomorrow is the duals. You going to be able to watch them since they are on Speed? I probably won't be able to unless I go to my parents...even then I won't be able to really. They have them in the afternoon when everone is at work...how irritating is that?! I get off at 2:30, but by the time I get to my parents' house even if he is in the second race, I miss most of it and only catch a few minutes of it. ERRRRR. Can't they have them on Friday night or Saturday? I mean how many people will be able to watch it? I guess I could record it if I thought that far ahead on Sunday,...which I didn't. *Sighs* Oh well...hopefully Gordon wins his and Edwards races the other race to win his.

  2. I can see Jr keeping it just to irritate people...does he know though that it has the potential to irritate his fans as well? Hmmm maybe he should keep it, that way, Gordon could have a chance to be the most popular driver of 2010! :D HEE HEE. He is the main story on NASCAR.com and has a picture with the beard and mustache on it and it doesn't really look like him so it does make a good disguise, though it also almost makes him look like a caveman or something. I don't know...it's just not Jr and I hope he shaves it before Sunday.

  3. Wow I bet he is getting nervous...about being a dad and about Daytona. That would be a hard race to miss. I know two years ago in June, Gordon had Mark Martin in reserve to drive his car for him if Ingrid went into labor that weekend. Luckily she had Ella sometime during the week...wanna say Wednesday or Thursday. Hopefully little Carl will wait a few days to be born after Daytona or either that is being born now, tomorrow, or Friday. That way he won't have to worry about it.

  4. (((Hugs))) Sorry to hear that work is rough for you right now. I know how that goes...it seems to go in spurts where it is fine and then a rough spot and so forth. It does drain you and it does make it hard to stay positive about anything, especially anything associated with work or the people you work with. I hope your day off next week will work wonders for you - you deserve it.

  5. Eh you didn't dissapoint me about it at all. take your time or if you chose not to pick one out either is probably fine. I just get curious as to who is everyone's favorite driver that they follow. As I said, it is good that you are looking into it and taking your time.

  6. As for writing...be yourself and write what you are comfortable writing. Just keep writing and practicing and it will work it's way out. Sometimes writing exercises may work or help out as well. One thing I came to realize with my character or muse Garrett, you follow him where he takes you otherwise he'll stop cooperating - that is if he is cooperating with me at all. (In other words, follow your muse to where it takes you - as long as it is somehwere you are comfortable going in your writing. Sometimes that means leaving your original plots and ideas as well). Well hope that helps a little bit. :) Hope you are having a good week.

  7. Hi TD...sorry it took me so long to get back to you. Hope all is well with you and your family. Things are OK here. Am tired of the snow though (am ready for spring!) Glad you got to watch the race and that you seemed to like it. It is a good idea to tak eyour time on choosing a driver - they all have different characteristics and attitudes you'll find out. There are drivers out there that you either love or love to hate (Some say that about Gordon, but I can't see how anyone could love to hate him...hmmm. LOL) Anyway, you'll have to let me know when you pick out your driver to follow if you do pick one out. I am sure there are some out there that watch it w/out a favorite driver. You are a lot more thorough when picking a driver than what I was when I began to get into the sport. Don't know if I'd chose anyone else though if I were. Who knows. Though I do know one thing, I am not going to change drivers now (I've got too much invested in Gordon. LOL)

  8. Sorry to have missed you yesterday. Can't see how someone could love the snow...but I guess someone has to. I say bring on Spring and SUmmer. I am done with Winter...then again, I think I was done with it before it even began. LOL.

  9. Sorry I am only on for another minute or so and then I am off to bed. I should be there already. Anyway...I am sorry about your dance. Dang weather...hate all this snow. Though you sound excited about it. I hope ou get to see John again. Good luck with that.

  10. Well I will end my book of messages here by saying that I am glad to see you back and once more really am hoping things will get better for you. Perhaps Edwards will win Daytona for you :D...though sorry to say, I'll still be going for Gordon all the way! HA HA. Heres to hoping they both have GREAT races on Sunday! :D Have a great day!

  11. I am sorry to hear about Edwards...that is too bad about him. He was doing so good and it looked very promising. That is one reason sometimes it is better to see him start out back tahn in front, so he can work himself up and not back. I feel bad about that -he was doing so good.

    I like McMurray. I can't say where he finished or how good he ended up, I was too concerned with Gordon and how Johnson finsihed in teh back...pluse I was watching my neice while watching the race as well...(she kept going Go Gordon! At least I taught her something :D)but I agree. I always thought he was better than how he finished his races. Same with Casey Mears. Just some drivers don't have the best luck I guess.

  12. when they said that at the beginning of the race about it being ok to Bump draft and all and that it was up to them, I thought it was going to start problems. Though was hoping it wouldn't affect Gordon any. (which luckily it didn't. He finished sixth, which isn't too bad. But still don't like it that he helped start it.)

    Sorry that is one thing I like about Gordon is that he don't start the accidents...well not on purprose at least. (One of the things...LOL) That he can win and do good without getting all aggressive as some of the other drivers feel like they ahve to, if you know what I mean. Not that he is a goody two shoes or anything like that, I don't see him as one. Just that he races everyone cleanly that will race him cleanly.

  13. ROFL...you had me laughing with your response to Jr's beard. I thought the same way. I did not go for it at all. I hope he shaves at least some of it off before the Daytona race this weekend. I was surprised to see it on him like that. He always seems to be clean cut and so forth. Felt bad for him. He sounded so disappointed in the break when they talked to him. He starts second Sunday so hopefully he will have a better race.

    Well I think you are right about the ending with Gordon and Biffle. I just hate thinking Gordon would do something like that on purprose, but I can't see him doing it on purpose. He said something on his site about how they OKed bump drafting and how that is what it was going to take to win it...

  14. It is totally awesome to hear them all having babies...well their wives at least. ;) I bet they all are esctatic about it. Sounds like Jeff's and Jimmies will be born around the same time. When is Edwards' wife due, you know? They all will be great dads I bet. Surprising to see that Jimmie's and Jeff's wives are expecting around the same time and all. At least to me it was. I am sure they will have stories to exchange. Kids/babies are great! I know I enjoy seeing Ella at the track.

  15. (((HUGS))) I am sooo sorry to hear about your job. I know you said earlier you wanted a job closer to home - which I completely understand. I live only ten minutes from my parents. - But it is still a worry for you and isn't the way you want to go. But at least you have some leeway or warning of it so you can go out and search for a job now ahead of time. Good luck finding a job, I hope you can find a better one closer to home for you.

  16. As for your apology for worrying me, don't be. I am glad you took time away for yourself and to deal with whatever it was you are dealing with. I just hope that things are better for you and will continue to get better for you. LIke I said, I tend to worry a lot about things especially if I don't know and that is when my imagination gets a hold of me. I use to have a Duke/NASCAR fan who liked Jr and in fact raced herself. Use to send e-mails back and forth (this was when I first started getting into NASCAR and would ask her questions about it) well one day I stopped hearing from her all together. I still don't knwo what had happened...but was worrying about the same with you and that something bad had happened. I am just glad to hear back from you. As I said, I hope that things will get better for you.

  17. Redneck Woman- I understand completely what you are saying about negativity breeding negativity. I feel the same way...especially around people who tend to be negative and I myself have to reign in my own attitude with or without help of others if you know what I mean. It is a horrible thing to start because once you go down that road, it's hard to turn around to go positive and all that. A lot of things in life are what you make of them so I understand completely where you are coming from. Your solution sounds like a good one and one I may try to do as well. (If you don't mind me copying you ;) )

  18. Well what ya think of the race? You hear that Kyle Busch proposed to his girlfriend Samantha and will be getting married sometime...hopefully in the off season him and his brother state. Edwards did pretty well the first half of the race. Don't know where he finished off, but he started off great. Was disappointed with the endinga nd really don't know whether it was all Gordon's fault or what happened. Hopefully not. He finished eightth which isn't too bad, but not the greatest either. But he moved up quickly from starting 23rd (almost last) which is a good hint of the future...hopefully. Just thought I'd see what you thought of it. . . Seven mroe days until the big race:D!

  19. Thanks! It means a lot to hear what people have to say about my writing. As for pointers...hmmmm. If I think of anything, you'll be the first to know. Right now I am too tired to think. If you have any questions, I'll be glad to listen.

    What you think of the race? Which driver do you go for? LOL. My driver finished eightth which isn't too bad and a whole lot better from where he started off at in 24th. I am a huge Jeff Gordon fan. I thought it was an alright race and am looking really forward to next Sunday. :D

  20. Thank-you everyone who commented on my story...it was a fun story to write. I am surprised that I was able to write it within a week, especially seeing on how long it takes me to update my series story (Dang muses anyway). Thank-you. (Sorry it took me so long...I was without a computer for a week due to it being sooo slow and taking it to my parents' house to have it updated. Hopefully it'll be back and up and running sometime soon. )
  21. *Walks over to the jail window* Pssttt MaryAnne. I got kinda mixed feelings seeing you in here all locked up and no where you can turn to to get out. I mean you are a nice enough person and I'd hate to see almost anyone in there. *Sarcastic smile* But I do see some irony in all of this. First of all, it was you who threw me in there a couple of weeks ago and locked the doors behind me. Now how does it feel? You know what my ma use to tell me? Do to others as you would like done to yourself. So I guess it's only fair seeing you locked in there. Secondly it is always ironic to see one in uniform and with a badge being locked up and thrown in jail. But being one who don't hold any grudges, after all, you did accept my story and seemed to like it enough to use it as my bail. So all in all, I do feel bad seeing as how your own kin put you in there after you let me out. So I brought you a little something. *Shoves bag carefully through the bars* Didn't know what you liked, so I kinda guessed. It's coffee and a couple of donuts. If you don't like them, you can always throw them at Brian whenever he get a chance to give you a visit. Not to give you any ideas or anything. . .
  22. I missed the race you were talking about...didn't really pay that much attention to it. It probably was a good race though. Heard Lagano won it.

    Other than that no racing news here...perhaps I'll write you after tonight's race. Glad to hear from you again!

  23. Ok Jeff Gordon sent me an e-mail with breaking news...well I'm sure his web design people did, but none the less it came from Jeff (Since I joined his fan club) *Scream!* LOL I am sooo excited for them. I just got done telling you about Johnson, but I think I am even more excited for Gordon and for Ella! LOL...it's not racing, but still. Am very happy for Gordon. He is so devoted to Ella - he seems like a great dad! Thank-you for the hint...though I am sure I would have gotten to the e-mail sooner or later. Since I've been gone I have a whole list of unread email to catch up on.

  24. Did I hear about Gordon? Hmmmm I have been without my computer all last week since it was at my parents' house getting it's update since it was soooo dang slow and couldn't do it at my apartment. I'll have to go check it out...though by what you said, it sounds good so I am hoping it is great news. LOL...Talking of Gordon, call me pathetic or obsessive...I joined his fan club for the first time! I am now on his message boards and can read his extra stuff on his site. Am excited about that!

  25. I think what I read about Kyle was only multiple years...I don't know though, because it seems like they had said six but I could be completely wrong about that as well. It was a while ago and I pretty much skimmed the article...afterall, it was Kyle Busch. LOL. They say Denny Hamlin's gonna win it? He won like three or four races, but I can't say I'd put his name in as my guess. Then again, I'm going for Gordon all the way. He's going on his drive for five...he's gonna get his fifth championship this year. HEE HEE...I can only hope. Other than that, I don't have an honest guess to put in there. Love Johnson, but really hope Gordon can break his run of championships this year.

    Talking of Johnson...his wife Chandra is going to have a baby in July. Am very happy for them. They will be great parents and with their looks, the baby will have to be very cute. LOL Then again, I think all babies are cute. ;)

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