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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. Fifteen minutes? That has gotta be the world's record for the longest fifteen minutes ever lived! I think you need to go back to elementary school and relearn how to tell time because I am real sure it has been way longer than fifteen minutes since you thrown me in to this dark hole. And of course I'm crying abuse...you're abusing me by the lack of food and the lack of my rights, the lack of my phone call...and lack of my lawyer! That all spells A-B-U-S-E! Though who needs a lawyer when I can do it all myself it seems. . . Though I am glad that you do see that I am something else. Oh and while you just confessed of my innocence that you also are full aware of my innocence, and yet I remain locked up for little to no reason at all...you are also seemingly abusing your authority! You sure do enjoy spreading the abuse around here, don't ya? *Eyes the tray of cookies as they reach the cell* They look and smell real good MaryAnne, but how I know I can trust ya? That'd be one easy way to clean out a cell for a new prisoner by posioning the old one...wouldn't have to deal with paper work or the fight over bail. Hmmm Bail, what's my lousy bail gonna be? *Shrugs before grabbing a cookie* Oh well might as well as risk death from a cookie than starving to death. *Takes a bite* They taste good too and so far the posion has yet to reach me. Thanks for the cookie MaryAnne...it does show that you do have at least a little bit of compassion within ya. Oh and BL...a nice warm plate from the cafe sounds great. Would really hit the spot after that cookie. It'll be kinda backwards eating the cookie or the desert before the main dish, but hey this place seems to be a little backwards at the moment. Afterall, aren't you suppose to be arresting people that you are thinkin' of being guilty?
  2. Still too bad about Sonny but at least you are going to go see John and you saw Fonzi...that is more than what I have to say for me for right now at least. You are going to love John! Lucky you! :D

  3. Well I'd much rather take the credit for dismantling a patrol car than to become someone's lesson they need to learn...did you learn your lesson? Whatever it is you were suppose to learn? Hmmm thanks for the offer BL...food or drink sounds pretty good about now. They've seemed to forget that little detail when they arrested me...that I may actually need to drink and eat something to survive.
  4. That is too bad that you didn't get to go. :( Maybe next time he comes around you you will be able to go. Hope you had a great day!

  5. *Rolls eyes at Lori* Glad someone is enjoying me being here...maybe I'll have ol' Cooter find soimething hard and streinous for you to do to keep you busy for a change. Roger - you sure know how to look at the up side of things, don't ya? Guess I ain't lookin' over my shoulder because I already know it's I that is their next innocent victim. What chipped beef cookies? They haven't given me no drink nor food since I got here, I think I'm gonna start to complain of abuse of prisoner since they are seemingly trying to starve and dehydrate me to death. Thanks for the sympathy GeneralleeGirl. Thanks for the offer...I may have to take you up on that. As for now, I'll have to think of my clever idea on how to escape. Shouldn't be too hard. . . Nah I ain't too mad BL...if I were you, I'd have done the same thing...though don't tell Brian or any other law officer. Though am still wondering how they seemingly got the impression that it was I that demantled Brian's patrol car. *Shrugs* Don't matter though, I'll be glad to take the credit for that one...bet you had fun doin' it. *finger to lips* Shhhh don't confess. You don't want a return visit back here...I can handle myself. Oh I'm sure there are ways that things could be worse, Brian and I am sure you of all people would be all glad and willing to tell or show me how they could turn worse. Though if you are going to threaten me, stop your muttering and tell me face to face as so I can defend myself rightfully. *Shrugs* By the way, sorry to hear about your patrol car, but that is maddening. Oh by the way, Brian, what's my bail? So I can excuse myself from this sorry place you call a jail.
  6. Eh don't feel so bad BL...someone's gotta be here. Might as well as be me. You had your turn and I suppose now it's my turn to rot in jail. You can enjoy your newfound freedom for me, how's that?
  7. *sits up on cot* Yeah well...I am guessing it could be worse. According to MaryAnne I am safer here so I suppose I should be grateful. Though I am finding it very difficult to think of how things could possibly be worse. Oh well...it is good to have visitors as yourself, Daney and BL.
  8. *Opens one eye* You've gotta lot of nerve coming over here after what you just done to me! I was here for you, I gave you chocolate milk and this is is what I get in return. Your friendship is very costly if you don't mind me saying so. Though at least you are willing to take credability for your own actions that should at least give you some credit. As for what you can get me...just seeing a friendly face as your own is good enough for me. How does it feel to be free, BL? You in here long enough you start to forget what freedom feels like.
  9. *Watches the cell door close and lock* Well I'm surprised at ya MaryAnne...arresting me out all them other people that are way more worthy of this treatment than I. I mean what have I done to anyone that deserves to be locked up for? And Brian's car? I understand him being upset...heck I'd be more than upset if anyone did something like that to Spittin' Cobra...but I had nothing to do with it! Honest! Afterall what I'd have to gain by dismantling his car? Nothing! *Shakes head in disagreement while taking a seat on the cot* I'm surprised ya'd sink this low as to arrest me, MaryAnne. I'd expect somethin' like this from ol' Hogg or Rosco, but you? You're definately messing with the wrong Duke this time. No question about it. *Lays on the rough and hard cot and closes eyes in attempt to ignore everything.* Well at least it comes with a free bed and now I've got a whole lotta free time on my hands by the looks of it.
  10. Hey just see you are on. Don't have time to chat right now. I should be getting ready for bed. Was just wondering if you got to see Sonny today. I really hope that you did. If not, I hope you had a great day. Am still glad you got to see Henry though. At least you got to see a big name...more than what I got to see in person. ;) Hope you had a great weekend!

  11. Welcome to Hazzardnet:D.

  12. You liked it so much you wanted to return, huh?
  13. Just out of curiosity...Daney is a private investigator, right?

  14. Sorry B.L. I couldn't help myself. Can't blame yourself...afterall, how'd you know he'd take it out on a friend?
  15. Well BL you've gone and done it now and it seems as if one of your own friends are going to pay for what you did! Bet you're real proud of yourself now, huh? Guess I would be too...I mean afterall, it is only a friend that will pay and not you. Hopefully that certian friend will be a forgiving friend towards you after all this said and done by the looks of it.
  16. My week was very long. Am glad that week is over with. Had a work Christmas party to go to today that was fun. They picked names for the gifts and my original one was a gift card for a message. I don't really do that so the on-site supervisor traded me so I got the free paid day off! :D :D am very happy with that - I can always use a day off. So far, so good. I hope you get to go to Canton tomorrow...

  17. OK that was odd...I posted my last message before I read yours. Posted mine and then saw I had a message! LOL...I posted mine after reading your post on the Sonny Shroyer link. That is awesome that you got to meet Fonzi! :D...even though he wasn't Fonzi on Numb3rs...can't recall his name at the moment he had on Numb3rs. He did good on Numb3rs...he was a law agent officer in head of bank robberies who ended up getting kicked out when he began stealing money to help his sister or his sister's kid. Something like that...then he came back later to try to catch a serial bank robbers by himself. Don and his team didn't like it too much (though Colby sympathized with him.) Anyway...am glad to hear you had a good time!

  18. You get to meet Henry Winkler or see him? He was on two episodes of Numb3rs!!!!!! LOL...he may be better known as the Fonze or whatever he was called on there, but now you say Henry Winkler I think of the two episodes he was on in Numb3rs...KHee...how pathetic am I? I was gonna say that after your posts, but I guess it is better only you thinking I'm crazy instead of everyone. :D

  19. Hope things will get great for you soon. ;)

  20. Who are you? ;) How've you been?

  21. I am sorry that you are unable to go now Redneck girl.
  22. There You Have it - Black Hawk I just looked under BlackHawk and still don't see that song you are talking about. I am sorry that I am little help here. You finally stumped me! It keeps coming up with Natasha Bedingfield and a rap singer . . .
  23. Maybe they haven't arrested the right Duke yet? Or maybe they have some kinda scheme that they are workin' on and are trying to fool the law by trying something different? Guess we may never know...
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