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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. *Eyes Brian for a moment before nodding slightly * Guess it'd mean he at least cares for me *pauses, inhaling longly on cigarette* though wouldn't go as far as to say he'd go outta his way to save me if need be. Talking of which, what Daney have to do with any of this? *Eyes my two captors, expecting an answer.*
  2. I love Johnson, but have to agree, it is tiring seeing him get the win over Gordon all the time. Wish it was the other way around. WHere Gordon was winning all the time. HA HA HA. It was a good article...saw what the writer was talking about on Gordon's own forums where Gordon's fans think that he should fire Letarte and how they are all mad at Letarte for the call. Gotta feel bad for him. I guess maybe I am the only one that likes Letarte and don't see it as all his fault of the lack of luck Gordon has been having. If Gordon could get Everanham back in the pits, I'd probably go with them...Evernham or Knaus. Though I don't see Johnson giving up Knaus too easily. Gordon likes and trusts Letarte and that should go a long ways...though I do admit, that something seems to be missing in Gordon's car or pit or what not that Johnson and maybe a few other drivers seem to have. Though I don't knwo what. Maybe it is Letarte and I just dont' want to think negatively about him...

  3. Well am unsure how much sense I made yesterday. Was sorta in a hurry while writing those. Sorry :(. Though I just read an article on NASCAR.com about Gordon's decision on Sunday and it said soemthing that made me think of you (though I hope you wouldn't go this far!!!!!!!) It was talking about how Gordon went w/ the two tires in order to try to beat Johnson and how everyone is tired of seeing Johnson winning. Said that NASCAR or someone within got an letter from some woman in Texas saying that she is sooo weary of seeing the number forty-eight on top of the scoreboard that she is giving up on NASCAR all together!!!!!!!!!

  4. Dunno how long I'll be on for...and I'm not mad at you. Unless you want me to be. HA HA. YOu are fine. Glad you got to go see John...even if you did say hi for me, he wouldn't have thought much of it. I was only giving you a hard time.

  5. Very mad...don't even know where to begin at!!!!!!!!!!!!! HA HA. Why would I be mad at you? Well other than for forgetting all about me when you saw John...LOL

  6. *Inhales deeply on cigarette before breathing out over shoulder. Before nodding slightly to make brief eye contact with Brian.* I doubt it. *Goes silent in thought.* (Well gotta get to bed, catch up with y'all tomorrow night.)
  7. *Lets out a breath of air in relief while taking a seat before taking the offered cigarette. After getting it lit, nods in appreciation towards Brian while pondering his question with curiosity.* Honestly, after his horse, don't know what else or who else Chet would love next.
  8. *Raises eye brow at Brian before nodding slightly. After a moment of hesitation, finds self speaking up despite my own arguments.* You stole his horse, Brian. The one thing he loves most in life. *Sighs heavily before coughing slightly in pain. Searches pockets for cigarette to come up empty.* He'll do whatever it takes to get to the person responsible for his horse disappearing. Namely, you.
  9. *Taking a cautious step away from Brian and Alex before stopping to eye Brian and listen in to his plans he has for Chet. When he finishes, opens mouth to speak before closing it and remaining silent. Figuring Brian would already be aware of the obvious; Brian being hurt compared to a strong and healthy Chet.*
  10. I am excited for Bristol for you! I would love to go to Bristol with you...that would be so fun! And Charlotte for only 25 dollars? Is taht the Sprint Cup race or Nationwide? How could anyone say no to that! It is odd how all of a sudden that all these tracks are lowering their prices and so low! It's great. Maybe one of these days I'll make it to a race...one could hope.

    So far so good for this week. How about you? Hope you are having a great one!

  11. Knaus is an awesome crew cheif...Gordon needs him. HA HA. I like Steve Letarte, Steve just needs to review Chad's notes and follow his actions or something like that. I don't know. Everone on Gordon's fanforum is all about getting rid of Steve, but don't know if that is the answer or not. He had it won until he went with the two tires on Sunday. Oh well, I guess, I hope he learns for next time. Yeah I wouldn't count Jimmie to fizzle out - at the end of the season is when he's the hottest if hyou know what I mean.

  12. Glad to hear you are having better weather...so are we and am very excited about it. It would be good for a new track in the schedule. Though Rusty Wallace has a new track here in Iowa that I guess he wants to make it to the SPrint series. I guess I shoudl want it to pass, but not really. It is only an eightth of a mile. To me that don't cut it, am surprised Wallace went with such a small track. Bristol is one of my favorite tracks on the circuit and is smaller than that, but it has history and all the emotion. Am sure sooner or later Wallace's track may have it, just wish it was a mile or even a mile and a half if all that makes sense.

  13. I'd assume Chet would know about it *finally answers before coming to a halt, for a brief moment, in surprise and relief at Brian's response.*
  14. *Looks up at Brian and Alex, thoughts turn from Daney to their question to struggle the urge to resist them or anything they want.* Well, I kinda came to Hazzard after their so called famous moonshine days *Pauses to look out the window. Instead, cooperates with them for the time being.* Though I think I remember Jesse sayin' something of shack they hid out once somewhere in them woods over there. *Glances ahead towards the right where a large area of woods lie.*
  15. Well I am gald to hear that you had a good time...and got sooo many hugs. LUCKY YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HA HA. Guess I should be careful saying that - it's bound to give Garrett a bad name. That is from his author which is female. So no worries there. HA HA. Well you keep forgetting to tell me...did you tell him hi for me? I think I'm gonna take your lack of an answer as a no. ;) Glad to hear you had a great time...bet he did love the nails!

  16. http://www.nascar.com/drivers/list/cup/dps/ That should take you to the page I was talking about. Just click the drivers picture and it should go to their page. How's that? Hope that works for you.
  17. Sorry. Most of the drivers I would think have personal sites as well. Like Jeff Gordon is www.jeffgordon.com and so forth. You could probably google it in a search or something. But I usaully go to NASCAR.com for all my NASCAR info. It does have a drivers page and you can click on their names for more info on them . . .

  18. Well there are probably a lot of websites out there about NASCAR. I normally go to NASCAR.com every time I'm on to check out news and stuff. They have a link for drivers on the top of the page in one of the drop down menus. :)

  19. ooohhhh Yikes! I don't think I would want that, so I guess I'm gonna keep him. :) I'll just have to find a way to control him...if there is a way. HA HA. Well I hope you have a great afternoon. Have to get going. May stop by later tonight to check on things, but have class tonight so it'd be afterwards if I do. :) It's been great talking to you again - it's been forever

  20. Well thought I'd send you a hello, but looks like I missed you. Though I guess you'll get this next time you're on. :) Hope all is well with you. BTW...you pick out a favorite driver yet? HA HA. Just joking, though I'll shut up before you think I'm serious about it. Hope you had a great weekend!

  21. Happy birthday! Lucky you, you share your day with our very own Catherine Bach...also known as our Daisy. :) Hope it was a great day!

  22. Well normally I wouldn't know what to say to that, but with Garrett, I will say thank-you. HA HA. Never thought I'd have the character that anyone would say frustrates everyone, but guess I do. But if you think he's worth frustrating everyone over, I guess I'll keep him...if I have to. ;)

  23. Happy Birthday Daisy/Cathy! Hope it was a great one! Found it ironic. Had the radio on at work this morning and in the mornings the local Country station says birthdays....local people's birthdays that are called in and then celeberty birthdays. Well working at a day care and with all the kids talking/playing could barely hear it, but out of nowhere I swear I heard him say something of Daisy Duke and 56 or something like that. Took me a moment for it to sink in at the moment that it was her birthday and that is what they must ahve been talking about. Funny how your ears will pick up on certain things like that. Anyway, Happy Birthday Daisy!
  24. Yes it would be...very classical. Can totally see Garrett laughing at her and frustraing her even more -We all know he frustrates me! HA HA. :D

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