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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. Welcome to Hnet Bo77! Am always glad to meet another Duke fan!
  2. Glad to know why you supposedly like me so much * Sarcastic voice as eyes the court house before looking back at Brian.* I am sure you do have your reasons behind what you are doing. Whatever you are doing. Just thought I'd ask. *Falls back into silence.*
  3. Living Fast Forward - Kenny Chesney
  4. *Glares over at Brian* I'm behavin', ain't I? *Inhales deeply to control emotions to take attention away from Brian and out through the window.* As for your question *goes silent for a moment, thinking of Brian's question.*why should I answer that? Just so you can use it against me or him? *Shakes head* Look, I'm sure Chet messed up with what he done to you and I can understand why you would be upset at him for what he done, but I ain't too happy about the situation either. Not that that matters any right now. *Looks back at Brian* Let me ask you something. If all this is over some title, wouldn't it be easier to go ask MaryAnne for it just as Chet had done while you were in jail? Let him rot in jail for what he had done, take the dang title. No one has to get any more hurt than what they already are. Guess MaryAnne may not be too happy to see out like this, but I'm sure she'd rather it be that way than to see y'all fight it out. . .*Looks back out window* Just a thought.
  5. *Silently listens into conversation, wondering what the plan may be with worry of where I may fit into his plans while worrying about Daney despite Luke's response to Brian's inquiry over their 'guest'.* (Don't know how much I'll be able to be on tonight (if at all) or this weekend due to being busy, but will try my best to keep up or check in as much as possible. Sorry for the inconvenience.)
  6. Yeah, OK *Hand goes to pocket routinely for cigarette before remembering they're no longer there. Goes back to looking out the passenger window.* (Well, off to bed for me. Try to check back tomorrow night. )
  7. *Nods silently while moving to the passenger side of Diablo before getting in and closing the door behind me. Glancing over at Brian, think of what he had just said before breaking the silence.* Well we may not have always seen eye to eye on things or been on each other's sides in the past, but I do know how it feels to part ways from someone you trust. *Goes silent to look out the window, sorting through thoughts and emotions, before switching subjects.* Nice car.
  8. *Watches the argument between the two quietly in corner, keeping thoughts to self, before silently following Brian out the front door as was motioned to do.*
  9. *Takes a step back while shaking head slightly towards Brian's remark, though remains silent. Takes a look at Alex and then at Brian, silently questioning what's going on or what may happen next.*
  10. Hope your day was a good one! Happy birthday

  11. Lizzy I have heard that song and I do agree, he sounds a lot like George Strait. It's a great song.
  12. How do you like me now?! - Toby Keith (Sorry, think it has been used already, but had to use it again myself since it is my favorite TK song. )
  13. Congratulations Pendragon on being the fan of the month! You are very well deserving of it!
  14. Ladies love Country Boys- Trace Adkins
  15. *Eyes Brian questionably for a short moment before stiffly standing up to walk over to a closet to find plenty of rope. Taking it over to Alex, I forcefully sit him down onto a sturdy chair and begin to tie him tightly onto it. His legs tied to the legs of the chair while his hands tied tightly behind his back and onto the back of the chair, making tight knots.* Hope ya know, I'm only following instructions. *Whispers into Alex's ear* Though can't say I feel too bad about doing so either. *Small grin while taking in my art work upon Alex before taking a step back and looking at Brian.* How's that?
  16. Well I hope you have a great three day weekend! I sure could use a three day weekend...know exactly what you were talking about negativity and all taht a week or two ago. Hope you returned relaxed and reenergized! Hope you enjoy the race and all your drivers do great in it!

  17. As I said, I didn't even know at the time why he was calling Kyle an idiot for. Just heard that part on the radio of him calling Kyle and idiot (atl east I took it to be him since they were showing his car while playing it) then his crew cheif calming him do wn. Idiot must have been a popular word in Las Vegas. Guess in the Nationwide Series Havick's crew messed up (Don't know how) but he was calling his own crew idiots. But then ended up winning the race anyway. As I said, just surprised me coming from Edwards.

  18. Though Carl surprises me...he always seems so laid back and positive and all that. But then last year he had that run in with Harvick where he was strangling Harvick and then a year or two before that he threatened to punch Matt Kennseth. (Not complaining, am not a fan of either one of them) just surprised me hearing it come from Carl. That incident with Carl and Kyle a year or two surprised me too!

  19. I have to admit, Kyle don't bug me as much either - he seems to have grown up so far. But like you said, he may be saving that part of him until later. Am not a fan of his, but don't get that feeling about him as I use to. He was kinda funny before the prerace show on Sunday (las Vegas) He was talking to DW and Hamlin and I guess Kyle had finished 13 or 14 in both Daytona and California races. Kyle said at least he weas being consistant. HA HA. But yeah, him and ol' Carl never really see eye to eye. Carl was the one that I remember standing up to Kyle in the past. SUrprised more drivers didn't do so.

  20. Thank-you for all your messages and for putting up with my talk of Gordon. :) It is interesting to hear other people's perspectives on racing and drivers. I really really really want Gordon to get his fifth before Johnson - just so he can prove it that he still has it in him to win, plus it'd look better. :)

  21. OK I will shut up about Gordon and all that. Feel free to tell me to shut up, I know you aren't a fan of his so I don't want to bore you to death with talking about him and all that. Your message made perfect sense to me.

    Onto Atlanta...hopefully another good race for all of our drivers. Wonder if the newness of his daughter has worn off and reality sank in for Edwards yet. Bet he'll be a great father. I also thought of you during the race...don't know what Kyle Busch did to upset Edwards in Las Vegas, but they played Edwards' radio talk and Edwards was calling Kyle an idiot...LOL> Didn't udnerstand much else, but understood the idiot part of the statement. HA HA.

  22. Well I am sorry for boring you to death with Gordon and the article. Just thought of you when the writer was saying how upset the letter was and that she was going to quit on NASCAR due to being tired of Johnson. Just remembered you saying the same thing and I don't blame you. Love Johnson to death, but it does get tiring to see the same person win year after year, race after race. Doubt I'd feel teh same way with Gordon, but who knows. Someone needs to learn from team 48 and what they do to try to beat them at their own game. Gordon would probably be in the best seat to to dthat owning his car and sharing the garage and notes and all...

  23. *Nods slightly back at the newcomer before going still, silently listening into Alex's instructions for the stranger.*
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