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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. If the Whole World were a Honkey Tonk - George Strait
  2. :D Thank-you Roger! I almost forgot about it! Woo Hoo! I finally got to the thousand mark post. Now if only you'd stop posting and creating all them fun threads you do, I just may catch up with you. ;)
  3. *Questionable look* Who are you? You look very familiar, but...

    HA HA. How are you Emy? Long time no hear ;).

  4. Little Miss Honkeytonk - Brooks 'N' Dunn
  5. Oooo I will be watching the race and looking for the pink Aflac hat!!!! Too bad that it isn't like baseball where they do show the fans, not too often do they show the stands during a race. Up close at least. At least Cubs game, they have a fan cam where they show the fans in the stand from time to time. But I will be watching / looking for you.

    I really hope that you have a GREAT trip and enjoy EVERYTHING about it. Hope your race is exciting and that Edwards will win for you - cast aside all the drama from Atlanta. I am looking forward to hearing all about it! I am very excited for you and happy that you get to go. I love the Bristol races! (I love them all, but Bristol is one of my favorites of them all...:D)

  6. You are way more positive than the movies than I am or ever will be. You are not the only person that said Burt didn't do a good job with Boss. I like Burt so maybe my opinion with him was biased when I went in there. (Afterall my favorite movie is the FIRST Smokey and The Bandit. What's your's?) The most disturbing character for me was Willie as Uncle Jesse. . .(all of this about the movie is my opinion. Of course.)

    But yeat perhaps if I got past the fact that they were suppose to be the Dukes, I would think a little better of it. But that isn't my normal taste in movies I guess you would say. I'm more action/police type movie. Like I said, if they did the movie perfectly based on the Dukes, I'd still have a hard time liking it. Though I probably would have enjoyed it, it is still not the DUkes without John, Tom, Cathy, Denver and so on. If you know what I mean...

  7. Once again, thank-you for listening into him (hope you don't spend all the time listening to him (though I think I would. HA HA eh him and Johnson) anyway, just time to time or what not. Anything is fine here.) Cant' wait to hear what you have to report! Then again, I can't wait to hear about your whole trip...and to see the pictures you post! :D Consider yourself in my thoughts this weekend!

  8. Thank-you! :D I have always thought it would be interesting to listen into the drivers and to hear what they say. Well sometimes. LOL. You ever see that Coca-Cola commercial? Where at the beginning all the drivers are upset and mad and then they drink their Coke and they all begin singing even though they're crashing? I find it funny...dont' knwo why the whole listening into the drivers reminded me of that, but it did.

    I bet Jr and Edwards are interesting to listen into as well. Liked hearing it during the race at Daytona for Jr. Hopefully Edwards will win the race for you, though I am going for Gordon to win. HA HA. I am counterdicting myself this Sunday I guess.

    I've heard Gordon get upset on teh radio from what the announcers play from time to time as well. Though nothing he said made him sound bad or anything.

  9. That is neat that your mom pegged what you will be or do. And that she was pretty close if not correct in them. Eh your muse is shy is he/she? I have a shy or quiet muse in Kristy while Garrett is just plain ol' mean, stubborn, and ornery. Oh well...don't know what else to do with him other than keep him. Though I've threatened to tie him to a rail road tracks before. HA HA. Don't think that'd last too long.

  10. Wow...today's your last day of work...lucky you. I am really happy and excited for you.I hope you have a great trip and get to watch an exciting race. You aren't rubbing it in...I was only giving you a hard time. I am happy to hear about your trip and do want to hear ALL about it when you return. Understand? LOL. And three cars in a row, I would think would be convoy.

  11. You're gonna miss me when I'm gone - Brooks 'n' Dunn
  12. (Thank-you to all who allowed me to perticipate in this RR and not telling me to get lost. It has been a long time since I last had participated in an RR and it was nice to be in one again. I had a lot of fun of writing and reading other people's posts and to see where it had led. Thank-you!)
  13. Rose in Paradise - Waylon Jennings
  14. Well my favorite originally Duke character is Bo, but Luke is shortly after him on my list and then Jesse. I agree with you, they all make the show. You miss one, it ain't right. But Bo has always been my favorite...Hmmm favorite episode. I like the first five episodes of the Dukes, The Ghost of General Lee, Ten Million Dollar Sheriff, and like yorus, the list goes on and on. I am sure I will later think of others to add onto the list that I am not thinking of right now. Though I have to admit, sadly, it's been forever since I watched an ep. Hopefully sometime soon I will change that. . .

  15. You really want my opinions on the Duke movies? Well I strongly dislike them and disagree with them. OK I'll admit, I only watched the first one and that wtas only because I wanted to at least give it a chance and am sorry I had. To me it was everything the DUkes weren't. The only thing that reminded me of the old Dukes was the plot behind it and the only character I thougth stayed the same wy as the old was Boss. I thought Burt Reynolds did a great job with him. Other than that...it wasn't the Dukes. I didn't even attempt to watch the other one.

    OK I will shut up about it before I go any farther. I apologize if you do like them...do you?...it is just how I feel about them. Then again, even if they did everything perfect, it still wouldn't be The Dukes I love. But I was willing to give the first move a chance at least. What you think of them?

  16. Yeah yeah, rub it in. You're going to Bristol. HA HA. I am happy and excited for you. Hope your drivers have a great race. Hey talking of you going to Bristol...can I ask you a favor? Do you get those things you can listen into the drivers and their crew talking to each other? If so, could you listen into Gordon/Letarte for a bit or so...I want to know how they talk to each other. If that makes sense. At the end of last year on NASCAR.com fans were saying how Gordon kept cussing and talking rudely or so to Letarte during the race and it has really bugged me since. If you don't want to, that is OK too. ;) Just thought I'd ask.

    Oh yeah, Gordon's gonna win. HA HA. Forget Busch...maybe they'll wreck each other out. SOrry I couldn't help myself with that one. NOt a fan of either one of them, though can stand Kurt a little more than Kyle. Though if Edwards wins for you, I'll be happy for you. :D

  17. Oooo I never knew you wrote. :D I guess I do learn something new everyday. I would love to see what kind of character you create! All you said makes a lot of sense. My created characters aren't the best and the only one that I seem to know or is somewhat alive is Garrett and he is stubborn and ornery. I am sure you got a muse, you just need to find it and a NASCAR story may just be the place to look! I understand how the whole three stories going and no ending...LOL. I have three Duke stories going on now, though only one I am really concentrating on and that's the one I worked on SUnday on. Plus a Numb3rs fic!

  18. Garrett Duke


    Well Roger you may have gone and done it...once I get started talking about baseball and NASCAR, I can't stop! HA HA HA. I am a huge NASCAR fan (if y'all haven't guess yet) and my all time favorite driver is and always will be Jeff Gordon with my second favorite driver being Jimmie Johnson (Gordon owns part of his car, so to me it's common sense to have him be my second favorite ). As for the NASCAR thread...hmmm. I can't think of it off the top of my head right now Roger, but if I think of it, I'll let you know. I use to post there too so maybe if I go back to my posting history I can find it. Am excited that the season has finally began and am looking forward to Bristol on Sunday (am always looking forward to the next race). Anyway, it is all thanks to Bo, Luke, and The General Lee taht I am a NASCAR fan...before '97 when I got back into the Dukes, I thought racing was a senseless sport - just a bunch of men chasing eachother in circles, might as well as watch the dog chase his tail. (HA HA) Now look at me...I'm a huge fan that very seldom misses a race (All thanks to Bo and Luke.) As for baseball...I have been a Chicago Cubs fan since I was four so now I am a die hard Chicago Cubs fan. GO CUBS!!!!!!!!!!! C'mon Roger, have a little faith and pride in your Pirates! At least they aren't tagged with "The Loveable Losers" as the Cubs are. Ryne Sandberg will always be my favorite baseball player and am very excited to see him be promoted up to be the new manager for the Des Moines AAA Cubbies with his next promotion he'll be back in a Chicago Cubs uniform. Though Derrek Lee is my favorite current active Cub player who is their first baseman. If that makes any sense. I am slowly getting into football and the Chicago Bears, but still have a lot to learn about them or a long ways to go before I get as excited about football as I am about baseball and NASCAR. As I said earlier, am glad that it is finally NASCAR season and am highly looking forward to baseball season to start up in a couple of weeks. I love this thread, Roger. Way to go starting it...am looking forward to hear what everyone else has to say.
  19. Whose Cheatin' Who - Alan Jackson
  20. Tonight I wanna cry - Keith Urban
  21. How was your day? Hope it was a good one.

  22. wish I did...I have to go home now. Work went well and smooth, then again we had barely any kinds today. All in all it was an OK day.

  23. OK now that you have thoroughly confused me with how you are doing...I'll just wish that things will get better for you.

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