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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. Nothing on, but the Radio - Gary Allen
  2. Garrett Duke


    I agree Roger, it is great that they continue to say a prayer before each and every race no matter what the government and all that has to say about it. That they will stand up and do it no matter what. Uncle Jesse would full heartedly agree with it as well.
  3. Hey happy late anniversary to HNET! Two years, where they time go?

  4. Hi Redneck Girl...how's it going? Hope all is well with you.

    Now that I am here ...I have to ask what are you talking about with your celebrity guests mentioned below? HA HA.

  5. Garrett Duke


    Talking of baseball, the Cubs season starts in fourteen days and nineteen hours according to their homepage. I guess I'd assume the rest of baseball would start then too. (I'm excited for baseball to start, can't you tell? LOL) Am hoping for a great season this year...you know, this could be their year. Am really excited that NASCAR had started up a month and a half ago...talk about a long three months (the end of November to the second weekend in February) from the end of NASCAR to the beginning of the NASCAR season - three months of no baseball or NASCAR. At least NASCAR is a longer season so I don't have to wait so long for one of my sports to start up again. HA HA. I'll have it made come two weeks when I have Jeff Gordon and the Cubs to follow.
  6. Bo Duke 12 Luke Duke 11 Daisy Duke 10 Uncle Jesse 11 Cooter 10 Boss Hogg 7 Sheriff Rosco P Coltrane 11 Enos 10 Cletus 9 Coy and Vance Duke 9 I took a point away from coy and Vance Duke and gave it to Bo.
  7. Well I will shut up with what I thought of the race...how little that matters. HA HA HA. It was a good race, just didnt' get as good of a finish as I was hoping Gordon would get. Though one of my two favorite drivers won, so I should be happy. But like I said, I wish the one that did win the race, would lend Gordon a helping hand here and there. HA HA...give Gordon some of that great luck he seems to have. (I'll give Johnson his due...he and Knaus holds a lot of talent with all that luck as well!) :D

    Anyway, I am looking FORWARD to hearing all about the race and what you thought of it and to hear all about your trip! I hope you enjoyed the race despite the deal with Martin and all. Edwards finished in the top ten, didn't he? I can't remember. Some of your drivers seemed to do well. ;) Hope you have a safe drive back home and that you'll have a great week ahead!

  8. Almost felt bad for Kurt Busch...I say almost, because I am not a fan of his, but when they interviewed him after the race, you could tell he was highly disappointed with third place finish after how strong he was throughout the whole race. Almost look like he was ready to break out in tears over it, but maybe that was just me who thought that. I don't know. Kept thinking he should be happy with third, it could be worse, but I know if that was Gordon (like in Las Vegas) I'd be disappointed with third over the win. That would be disappointing.

    Carl and Brad seemed to race each other nicely...then again for the most part, for Bristol, they were pretty nice to everyone. Didn't see much of drivers getting into each other on purpose or getting upset. I thought it was a calm race compared to past Bristol races where emotions seem to flare up.

  9. Then that dang thirteen car pile up or accident or whatever you call it. Thought of you too with Martin, he was doing so good when that happened. Guess wrong place wrong time. Caught Gordon up in it, but not as bad as other drivers so I should be happy about that. Though I am sure my fantasy team has plummetted with this race seeing how I picked Gordon, Ambrose, Lagono, and Menard as my starter drivers. Guess I got points for Lagono's pole position, but that was about it I am guessing. Too scared to look. HA HA.

  10. Jr finished seventh today and McMurray was up there somewhere, though I can't remember where. So that was good for you. Glad for Jr. Though am starting to know how his fans and him must have felt during all of his bad luck. I don't understand what Gordon's deal is...he is either having car trouble or he is in an accident with something. It is always something. I think there is something missing either with the car, him, or in his team. I don't know. Just frustrated at the moment I guess.

  11. Hi RedneckWoman - The race just got over so I had to send you a message to say I was thinking about you all the way through. Especially when I saw your drivers and where they were at in position. And who all finished the race. Which also made it hard for me...part of me was excited to see JJ get his first win there at Bristol, but then I thought of you and how you don't like him and all that. Plus the fact that he has won three out of the five races thus far and Gordon has yet won one....ERRRR!!!!!!!!! LOL. Love Johnson to death but at the same time, wish he'd let Gordon win a few here and there too. ;)

  12. Garrett Duke


    Rosco playing football? That'd be interesting to see.
  13. Party All Night Long - Lionel Richie
  14. Welcome back cuz ;) Great to see you again!

  15. Sorry to hear things aren't going so well for you Emy I hope that everything will get a lot better for you. Once again, am glad to see you back.
  16. Garrett Duke


    Didn't Cooter wear an Atlanta Braves hat in the show or an episode or am I thinking of another time? Don't recall any baseball in the Dukes, but I bet Bo could hit the ball hard if need be. Bet Luke would make a good catcher or pitcher...strategy wise I'm thinking. Bo use to play football in highschool and there was plenty NASCAR talk but that is about all that I can remember in the show. Oh yeah the basketball team they managed or something like that.
  17. Bo Duke 12 Luke Duke 10 Daisy Duke 10 Uncle Jesse 10 Cooter 10 Boss Hogg 9 Sheriff Rosco P Coltrane 10 Enos 10 Cletus 9 Coy and Vance Duke 10 I gave a point to Bo and took one away from Boss.
  18. (Thank-you Roger for taking care of that for me. I guess I did have another song with cry in it, but I think I already used it a few days earlier and didn't want to reuse it and so soon.) I'm Workin' - Tim McGraw
  19. Garrett Duke


    Eh I'll give you permission to brag, Roger. Especially about your hero. It is neat to think of what he had accomplished and was able to do. Never realized or noticed that they retired Jackie Robinson's number from all of baseball, that was neat. So maybe one day they will do that for number 21 for your Clemente. Hopefully...baseball and all of entertainment today need more people like that, like the example Clemente seemed to be when he was a live and played baseball. As I said earlier, Ryne Sandberg is my all time favorite baseball player and was my hero growing up...he played second base for the Cubs for all of his professional career. Was a good hitter and field player and a team player. The Cubs retired his number 23 when he retired...not trying to compare him to Clemente because as far as I know of he didn't go out and save people when he wasn't playing baseball. But was a great player and all that i have heard of him and seen of him, seems to be a good person too. He too is in the hall of fame, though I think he waited the five years at least to get inducted into it. I think a little more so. Thank-you Roger for all this info - I find it all very interesting! My baseball knowledge pretty much stays with the Cubs with a few from other teams and top players, but not a lot. I mainly stay with my Cubs, so it is always interesting to learn about about other teams and other players...especially the ones from the past. I only know a little about some of them. So it is all very interesting to me. I knew Clemente's name and that he was a good player before this thread, but that was it.
  20. Saw you had a page on MA's submitted page and wanted to say it is great to see you back. :) A late congratulations on being the fan of the month - you know what they say? Better late than never, I guess.

  21. Glad to see you back, Emy. Welcome back!
  22. Garrett Duke


    Wow Roger...he sounds like an awesome baseball player and person! What a great role model he was to all those that looked up to him and watched him. Thank-you for the info. As I said, I knew he was a good baseball player but that was about it. LOL... yeah if ol' Banks himself thought it was a long time since the Cubs won the World Series, it'd be ages now since they last won the World Series. Over a hundred years. 2008 was said to be the Cubs year...a hundred years later and all. They had a great season that year...won 97 games and was on top of their division. Went to the play offs only to lose the first three or four games to get out of the play offs all together. Great season and poor off season. Then they were plagued by injuries last year and didn't do much of anything. As I always say, there is always next year...this is the year! LOL I agree...all the more reason to go for the Cubs. But I am biased there since I'd root for them to win the World Series every year...
  23. Ah it's you. :D

    I'm doing OK.

  24. What a Crying Shame - The Mavericks (OK I know it is Crying and not cry. Let me know if I have to go find another song title. It is the only one I could think of on teh top of my head.)
  25. Garrett Duke


    The last time the Cubs won the World Series...this is going to be painful to admit...is 1908. I use to remember the last time they were in it...want to say sometime in the fifties, but could be wrong about that. But the last time they won it was in 1908. They do have a salary cap if I remember right, but can't remember what it is. They have some good players playing for them, so I don't know what's the deal is. Last year they had someone on the DL all the time it seems - once one player got healthy another got hurt and so forth. Hopefully this will be their year (as I say every yeary). I just hope that I will at least be able to experience them winning the World Series before I die...It'd be great if they'd do what the Red Sox did. I agree...the teams willing to pay top dollar for each player is the teams that are the ones always in the World Series. Be nice to see a new team in there every other year or so...like the Cubs...or the Pirates. Roberto Clemente? Know he's a baseball player but that is about it. HOw he rescue people off the field?
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