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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. Garrett Duke


    Now isn't that a pestimistic way of looking at it? It only shows they have room for improvement, something they can work on. You can't give up on them a half week into the season, can you? The Cubs are now 0-2 for wins/losses and I'm still sayin' this is the year. Then again, I say that every year. If the Cubs can do it, your Pirates can do it. I guess if I'd go for another team it would be for the Indians since the Cubs traded Kerry Wood to the Indians. Am still upset at their decision to get rid of Kerry Wood. Guess I can see why they did it because he has so much troubles with his arm and being on the DL due to his arm, but still, I really like Kerry and am sad to see him to another team. Guess it gives me another team to go for, though looks like Kerry is on the DL again due to his arm . . .
  2. Bo 23 Luke 22 Daisy 10 Jesse 20 Cooter 19 Rosco 1 Enos 5 Took a point from Enos and gave it to Bo
  3. Garrett Duke


    I just got done reading a post on Jeff Gordon's fanforum or a link that was posted there. At the Bristol race the drivers were able to select their own music that they wanted to play when they are introduced and the site listed the songs they picked. Don't know if it means anything or if he just liked the song, but Kurt Busch picked "Good Ol' Boys" as his song. http://www.sbnation.com/2010/3/17/1378189/bristol-songs-driver-introductions-list-nascar-food-city-500 Here's the link to the list if anyone is interested in any other driver and what song they picked out.
  4. OK I was going to give you a sarcastic line about you driving, but I can't do that to you. I'll be nice. LOL. That's exciting! You driving everywhere now? LOL. Eh school and sleep huh? Hope you like school and sleeping then. HA HA. Not much is going on here. Same old, same old type of thing. Am fighting with Garrett right now (my muse) in trying to make him write, but he's not being too cooperative. But what's new? LOL

  5. Garrett Duke


    GLG - Well second place does count for something...though first is always better. LOL! Glad to know someone likes them and will root for them. (GO CUBS GO!!!!!!!) Hope your Jays are doing good so far...better than the Cubs - then again, you can't do any worse than them. They are now lost both games that they played. Hopefully they'll get their first win tonight. It is probably a good idea to go for random drivers and get a feel for the sport that way when you do pick a "favorite" driver you know who you are going for. Know their attitude, their strengths, their weaknesses. You are a lot more thorough when you chose a favorite than I ever was. When I picked Gordon, I knew little about him other than he drove a Chevy and won two championships. I was lucky that he was/is a driver that is to my style. If that makes any sense, can't think of any other way to word it at the moment. Pick who ever you want to pick...I'll try not to give you too hard of a time. LOL. Lucky for you, GLG...it is on Saturday night. 7:30 ET on Fox. Racing in the desert...Phoenix. Racing under the lights...am excited for the first night race. Though am excited for any race.
  6. Garrett Duke


    Oh I love your method for chosing your favorite drivers...you and Roger has a very unique ways of picking out your favorite driver. LOL. Guess everyone has their ways and reasons...if everyone's were the same, everyone would be going for Gordon. Would love to see it, but would feel bad for the 42 other drivers out there. So I guess for those 42 other drivers, they are lucky everyone is unique and has their own likes and dislikes. LOL! Number 2? You have to go for Kurt Busch? *Shakes head*Well I guess he has to have some fans out there to support him. Too bad your number wasn't 24 or 48 or perhaps 88...Well if you have to go for Kurt and the number 2 car, then I guess that's what you have to do. Just remember, it's going to be Gordon and his number 24 car that crosses the finish line first Saturday night and will be in victory circle at the end. (You do know I am giving you a hard time? Right? Please don't hate me...) (Seriously, I will stop if you want me to, I don't want to create hard feelings or anything like that.) So, when baseball is all said and done, who will you root for then? Seriously, I do like to hear how people chose their favorite drivers. As I said, everyone has their own likes and dislikes and their own ways of doing it. I don't think I seen that part on my DOH DVD's though do think I seen it on the cover. I'll have to check it out. Would be interesting to see either way. Anyone interested...Jeff Gordon is going to be on Extreme Home Make overs (hopefully that is the correct title. LOL) on ABC Sunday night. I think 8:00 ET, but you may want to check the time to make sure. Am hoping to either tape it or watch it.
  7. Roger - you never said anything about the dirt bike being for you...always room for negotiation; as long as it is within reason. Oh well, it was worth a thought at least.
  8. Go Cubs Go - Steve Goodman (Sorry Roger, I had to use it. They sing the song at Wrigley Field every time they win at home. Am hoping to get to hear that song a lot this year. (Imagine that, right?) )
  9. Garrett Duke


    You trading on your Pirates for the Cubs, Roger? I'm surprised, but I'm definately not complaining...the Cubs can never have too much fans. Especially now when they just lost their one point lead to be down one point with one inning left to go...(GO CUBS GO!! LOL)
  10. Well I thought I would stop by and say hii since it has been awhile. Saturday night racing this weekend...are you ready? LOL. I am. Dang it's only Wednesday...feels like it should at least be Thursday if not Friday. I hope all is going well with you and that you are having a good week. Did you see that there is a NASCAR thread on hnet under the hobbies section?

  11. Bo 22 Luke 21 Daisy 11 Jesse 20 Cooter 19 Rosco 1 Enos 6 Took a point from Enos and gave it to Bo
  12. Not me. *Questionable look* What gave you such a silly idea as that?
  13. *Questionable look* Why would I give half the money to the orphanage for? They didn't do anything to help get the money. *Shrugs* Guess it'd make good charity though. And that's where you went wrong, Roger...you assumed because of my last name that I was like the boys or that I was raised by Jesse. Well you assumed wrong. I grew up in Knoxville TNN, where I spent most of it causing trouble. Didn't know Jesse until I was over twenty, so no, he didn't bring me up better than that. (My character that is...LOL) *Sarcastic laugh* A dirt bike? You gotta be kidding. *Serious look* I'm talking about getting myself a new Harley. One like my old one, but newer with more options. Of course I'd keep my old one, I'd just have two Harley's to chose from. Hmmmm...thanks Roger for the idea. Think it sounds like a fun idea to me.
  14. Ready, Set, Don't Go - Billy Ray Cyrus
  15. Garrett Duke


    GLG - I know what you mean. I like to give people a hard time when they don't go for my teams or for Gordon. But if that is your stand point, perhaps I should point out that #48 (Jimmie Johnson) is my second favorite driver so you go for him we'd be going for the same guy. Though I would much rather see Gordon win it than him. Gordon needs it A LOT more than Johnson. Hmmm perhaps I'll go for number eleven Saturday then if you are going to root against me...perhaps then you'd root for Gordon. Nah...that'd be against everything I stand for. I can't go against Gordon. I have a random number for you to pick for Saturday night's race...how about number 24? Sounds like a great number to me! HA HA. Sorry GLG - hope you know I am giving you a hard time about it all. You are free to chose your own driver, but like I said, I tend to give people a hard time when they don't go for Gordon or the Cubs. HA HA.
  16. Garrett Duke


    Well Roger...I hope you have some time on Saturday this weekend as well to watch the race. The race is at Phoenix and will be the first night race of the season...so it'll be on Saturday night instead of Sunday afternoon. Am looking forward to it - I love when they race under the lights. Well actually I look forward to all of the races, but it is something different about night racing. I wish I knew which drivers liked the Dukes the most or at all. Truth be known, I don't know if any or who likes the Dukes. It would be interesting to find out. Am sure at least some has watched the Dukes. And picking a driver for his last name isn't the worst way to pick a driver...trust me. HA HA. Just something different. Hopefully Phoenix will bring everyone a fun and exciting, yet safe race! I know y'all will disagree with me, but am really hoping Gordon gets his first win of the season...especially since he was robbed of it a week and a half ago at Martinsville. Anyone else has a favorite driver they wish to root for Saturday night?
  17. HA HA. I'm sure you don't care how it happened...me on the other hand care a lot of how it had happened. Because it could have been Gordon in victory circle instead of your Hamlin if not for Kenseth's cheap shot (As Gordon calls it. HA HA) ;)

  18. Bo 20 Luke 19 Daisy 12 Jesse 19 Cooter 20 Rosco 4 Enos 6 Took one from Enos and gave it to Bo
  19. Is it too quiet, Roger? I think I may have a solution to make it more loud for you...at least to your liking. *Whispers into Roger's ear* I'll just sneak quietly into Hogg's bank tonight when everyone is asleep and find me some a few bags full of money. I'm sure once they wake up and see what has happened, that'll make some noise for you. You'd have your noise and I'd have money to buy me a new set of wheels. Perhaps another motorcycle and some expensive new boots to go with it. *Steps back and speaks up* How 'bout that? Sounds fun to me.
  20. Soul of a Sailor - Kenny Chesney GLG - what happened to sticking to Lady Antebellum songs? LOL
  21. Garrett Duke


    Denny Hamlin is number eleven, GLG, but by now you already know that, don't ya? Sorry didn't see these posts until today. You're right...I'd tell you to go for Gordon...so why didn't ya? Perhaps he'd have won last Monday instead of Hamlin...trust me, Gordon needs that win way more than Hamlin did. I need that win more than Hamlin did...*Shakes head* What have I ever done to you to make you go against me like that? HA HA HA. Oh well, GLG, you may have won this race, but wait til the end of November when they're handing out the championship trophy to JEFF GORDON...then you'll see who's the driver to go for. (Sorry I couldn't help myself. After my Cubs losing so badly, I had to give someone a hard time and since you went against Gordon, that made you the likely canadite for it. )
  22. Garrett Duke


    Well Roger, I apologize. I totally didn't see the last few posts here so I missed it! Don't know how that happened. . . Today is the opening day for baseball...the day I have been looking forward to and counting down to since the start of NASCAR (since it follows NASCAR's season opener). Anyone have any thoughts to share? I thought of you Roger, saw your Pirates won BIG time today. LUCKY them and LUCKY you. As for me and my Chicago Cubs...what a sad and disappointing game it is. Their ace pitcher pitched his shortest game yet with pitching only 1 1/4 innings to give up eight runs. Another pitcher gamve up six runs in one inning. Now in the bottom of the eigtth, they are losing 15-5 to the Atlanta Braves. Guess Cooter would be happy to sit back and watch this game, bet he'd be celebrating it. Me on the other hand, think I'll go off and cry somewhere. I really hope this isn't any sign of what their season will bring them this year. The Cubs offense and defense seems to be OK...not a lot of runs or hits, but they seem to be pretty good on the field, though with a few errors. Mainly it's the pitching and the lack of control. They had a couple of relief pitchers that did awesome at keeping the Braves' bats silent, but for some odd reason, they pulled them out after a couple of innings! Well they just lost 16-5. Ol' Cooter's headin' to the Boar's Nest to celebrate I'd imagine. Well Roger, at least your team did their job to win BIG time. (GO CUBS!) Am now really looking forward to NASCAR's next race in Phoenix on Saturday night.
  23. Garrett Duke


    You liked Jimmie Johnson only for his last name, Roger? Now I think I heard it all. LOL. Ah well, JJ needs all the fans he can get so you picked the right guy, Roger. He is no underdog that is for sure, but there are a lot of people that hate to see him win and that root against him. Though, I still don't understand why...I am a JJ fan, but a bigger Gordon fan, so I am really hoping Gordon will break through JJ's drive for five with his own drive for five to win the championship this year. (If all that makes sense. LOL) Sorry to disappoint you Roger. I know...I am going through NASCAR withdrawl right now. Lucky for me baseball season starts today so perhaps that will help me get through this drought. Though am very looking forward to Saturday night where they'll be racing under the lights for the first time this season. Five days to go...
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