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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. Garrett Duke


    Well was that a race or what? What an exciting finish to a great race...it'd be a whole lot more exciting if Gordon would have been able to hold on to his lead to win the race, but second isn't so bad. A lot better than I thought he had with a hundred or so left to go when he was eleventh or twelveth. Two races in a row though now that he had the lead dangling in front of him on the finishing laps only for it to be snatched away. Oh well, as he said in the post race interview, at least he is up there at the end competing for the win. Kyle Busch had the race won if not for that caution and he went with four tires while seven or so drivers went with two. Kyle went from leading the race with four or seven laps remaining to finish in eightth place - only to show, not to give up or to be sure one driver is going to win it just because they are close and he's in the lead. Jeff Gordon went with two tires to get out of pits the leader with Ryan Newman in second. Gordon spun his tires to give Newman the lead who went on to win the race. Newman, Gordon, and Johnson were the top three drivers. Matt Kenseth may have came in fourth, not sure right now. Jr who had a pretty bad night finished twelveth after all his problems which was a good finish with all things considered. As for points Johnson is ahead of Kenseth and then I think Biffle, Harvick, and Gordon moves up from seventh to fifth in points. Next Sunday they will be racing in Texas where Gordon won his last race at (was his first time to win at that track) it will be 2 ET on Fox. (Sorry for all the info on Gordon, hopefully I am not boring anyone out there. I just know more of his statics than some of the other drivers.) It should make for another fun race.
  2. Garrett Duke


    Me like volleyball or basketball? Well we are all entitled to our likes and dislikes and I'd hate to disappoint you GLG, but I am not a fan of either one. If I had to chose, I'd go with basketball since I did follow it a little bit for awhile. But for now it is mainly NASCAR and baseball. Besides you are just going to ditch the WHOLE sport of NASCAR just because your chosen driver didn't win? What kind of fan are you? (I tried tellin' you to go for Gordon, but you didn't listen to me, now did you? He may not have won, but he came in second. LOL )Gordon has yet to win a race all season, in fact next week's race will mark a full year since he last won a race. If I decided not to like NASCAR due to Gordon not winning the race, I doubt I'd be a fan of NASCAR at all. They all have their good races and their bad races, GLG, you just need to hang in there. HA HA Well I'm glad y ou don't mind or care of me buggin' you...just had to make sure as to not feel so guilty about doing so. LOL
  3. *Finding the bag with the sticker on it, I slowly bend down to pick it up just as I hear my walkie talkie start going off. Lifting the bag and walking out of the vault, I take the walkie talkie out of my inner pocket.* I got it and am on my way out. See anything out there? That...um...explosion was louder than expected. *Bag of money thrown over shoulder, I quickly walk over to the door through the shadows.*
  4. Garrett Duke


    Kurt Busch is Kyle Busch's older brother. Kurt was involved in an accident on lap fifteen or something like that that took Kasey Kahne out for a hundred and one points. Though Roger, I can't believe you would just ditch on Jimmie Johnson like that for Kurt Busch. LOL. Poor JJ. Though Jamie McMurray who drives the number one car is a reddish orange color tonight. Thought that was neat - he's having a pretty good race seeing how he spun out and has been to pits several times so far to fix it up. AJ Allmindinger got his first pole for today's race and is still in the top fifteen so far which is pretty good for him. JJ has led a lot of laps tonight and is still on top, Juan Pablo Montoya who is in second led a lot of laps as well.
  5. Thank-you for the information. :) Never knew it was a book as well until now.

  6. It would make for a good book. :D

  7. *Unaware of what's going on outside, I await a moment as my eyes adjust to the darkness before walking farther into the bank and behind the teller's counters to where the big bolted door rests. Eyeing it momentarily before I pull out a thick wad of explosives out of my inside pocket that I had been carrying before I tightly tight it onto the lock part of the door. Eyeing the dark room, I take several steps back before I am across the room before I silently count down before a loud blast comes from the explosives to enlight the dark building for a long moment before it fades away. Breathing in deeply, I quickly walk back to the bolted door to tug harshly at the door and breath out heavily in relief as the door easily slides open. I eye the large closet walk in room full of shelved bags of money to send excitement through me at all I could do with all the money, only to remind myself that I am only here for the stickered bag that belongs to Boss. With an ornery smile on face, I step into the room to look through the bags, looking for the bag I had been instructioned to get.*
  8. Glad to hear you enjoyed the part of the Blind Side that you saw. I thought it was a good move.

  9. Bo 24 Luke 23 Daisy 8 Jesse 20 Cooter 20 Rosco 1 Enos 4 Enos gave a point to Cooter (thought I'd be nice to someone new for a change;) )
  10. *Takes cro bar and nods* Thanks. *Turns walkie talkie on and places it back inside my coat before taking my own look up and down the street.* Keep your eyes open and keep me posted on any movement. I'm trustin' you, Roger. *Gives confident nod again at Roger before I slowly step away to slowly walk up the steps of the bank. Take another long look around before turning back around to face the closed door. Holding cro-bar tightly in hand, smash it against the large window and watch as the glass shatter at my feet before switching hands with the cro-bar and carefully place my hand in through the open hole. Feeling around on the inside of the door, I breathe in deeply as I unlock the door and remove my hand from the glass to open the door a few inches to disappear within the dark building of the bank.*
  11. What I need to do - Kenny Chesney
  12. Garrett Duke


    Thank-you Roger for the information! I know very little about basketball or the history behind it. I use to watch or follow it, but it has been awhile. Though I think even when I did watch it, I didn't get into it as I do baseball and NASCAR. That was very interesting to know. I'm learning all sorts of new things today. Watching the Cubs game earlier today, the Cubs announcers were talking about how long the Reds has been in Cinncinnati (Sp? LOL). Can't remember the year it was 18__ something and how they were the Cinncinnati Red Stockings and how they won their first game 43-9 or some big number like that against another Cinncinati team and how they won their first hundred games plus in a row that year. Maybe it is just me, but found that interesting as well.
  13. Well Texas Daisy haven't seen you around for a while. Thought I'd send a hello your way. Hope all is well.

  14. *Nods* Ok. You give me the word and I'll go... As for the dirt bike - it's only as fancy as you make it. Might make it more fun to get the fancy dirt bike muddy just to see how it'll handle.
  15. Garrett Duke


    Being a Cubs fan, Roger, I have to be optimistic. As I said, this is gonna be their year! Haven't watched or followed basketball in a long time. Though did go for the Lakers a little bit a few years ago. Shaq's with a new team it looks...last I knew he was in Orlando. See how little I know. HA HA. Use to like him with the Lakers but then he had to go and leave. It is baseball and NASCAR that I follow. Started to get into football a little at the end of this season, hopefully I'll learn more about it next season; as for now, it seems a bit complicated.
  16. Bo 25 Luke 22 Daisy 9 Jesse 19 Cooter 19 Rosco 1 Enos 5 Daisy gave a point to Bo
  17. Happy Birthday MaryAnne! I hope your day was a special one! :D

  18. *Questionable look* You are asking a whole lot of me to break in there and to give it all away afterwards. Afterall, the whole plan of this was so I could buy me that new Harley I saw on sale in Atlanta. *Shrugs* Oh well it is for a good cause and I'm sure Jesse'd be real proud to know I gave it to his favorite charities in Hazzard. Plus it'd be fun to slip back into a life of crime to see the reaction it'd bring. *nods* OK Roger it's a deal...Just the bag with the Confederate sticker and to give it to the charities you listed. I'll need something to break in with and for you to guard it while I'm in there. That way if you see someone you can give me a signal of some sort to get out or to hide. Then maybe later to help distribute the money. Well they had a pretty fancy looking dirtbike on sale next to the Harley, bet Miz Tisdale would be real impressed with that.
  19. When the Sun Goes down - Kenny Chesney w/ Uncle Kracker (Bet y'all are real surprised I went with a Kenny Chesney song. Huh? )
  20. Garrett Duke


    Well I'd have a heck of a time if they were in the same division and they had to play each other on regular basis...though I guess I'd go for the Cubs no matter what. Last year the Cubs played the Indians in interleague games and was so torn especially at the last inning because the Indians had Kerry Wood close for them. The Cubs hit off him real good and I'd get excited about it (in fact my favorite current player, Derek Lee hit a home run off of him) until I realized it was Kerry Wood that they hit it off. Luckily I don't have to worry about that too much since they are in a different division and all. Well Roger, I still think you need to be positive about your team, but that is good to have other teams to go for and to follow. I was just at the Cubs web site to see how their game was going (bottom of the nineth and they are ahead 2-0. Now if only they can finish without any damage...)and saw the central division standings. Your Pirates are in second place! That is something to celebrate and to be happy for. The Cubs on the other hand are fourth...the Astros are just below them in fifth. So far your Pirates are off to a better start than my Cubbies.
  21. *Whispers to GLG* Well if it all is due to my last name...perhaps I'll change my last name before breaking into the bank. Then maybe I'll be having pizza tonight instead of chipped beef.
  22. *Puts finger to mouth* Shhhhh. Not so loud. . .someone may be listening. *Glances around and then whispers* Well there is a lot of money in there askin' me to take them all away. *Shrugs* Might as well be me who does the takin', otherwise we all know it'd be Boss doing the taking. You interested in helpin' out, Roger?
  23. Time Marches on - Tracy Lawrence (Sorry to use this one again...it is the only one I can think of on the top of my head.)
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