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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. *Bo feels himself nodding slightly at his uncle while giving him another small smile as he sets down the spatula that he had been holding while checking on his food. It wasn't his normal routine to make breakfast even if Daisy wasn't home, so he was slightly worried and over protective of what he was doing in order for it to be just right. Turning back around he freely gives his uncle a hug before stepping back to say* "Well thank-you Uncle Jesse. I feel the same about you," Bo goes silent for a moment, "who knows where I'd be without you." *Bo offers a nervous smile at his uncle before he turns around to check on his food and the smells of a fresh breakfast that would normally make him hungry now seems to only make him feel nausaus due to his fear and anxiety over what today will hold. He had went to bed late last night after talking to Cooter and showering and spent most of the night twisting and turning in his bed plagued with nightmares after nightmares of some huge beast attacking and eating his uncle with him watching nearby with nothing to do to stop the beast. So finally he decided enough was enough and that there was no way he was going to get a decent night sleep, he got up with hopes of surprising and helping his uncle out with breakfast.* "Well," Bo states as he fights back a yawn. Despite the fatigue that seems to linger over him, he knows good and well that there was no way of him going back to sleep no matter how hard he tried. He was up for the long haul and hopefully they'll be returning tonight with the whole thing done and over with. "you're up just in time. Breakfast is ready."*
  2. Take the Long way Home - John Schneider
  3. How Do you like Me now?! - Toby Keith
  4. *Bo watches his uncle leave the kitchen and once again Bo's mind falls upon Luke's absence and what that means for him. Luke would have known what to say to Jesse in an attempt to help him feel better or at least supply some comfort. Luke would go into tomorrow with a plan that would help Jesse and his friends out of the trouble or the predictament that they are now in. But Bo? He had no idea what he was in for or what he should do or say. *Once again, Bo reminds himself that this is his time to prove himself to everyone that he is more than what everyone sees or thinks of him. Sighing heavily, he slowly walks over to the phone and after picking up the handle, he dials the phone number he could dial in his sleep.* After three rings a groggy voice comes on the line, "Davenport." "Cooter?" Bo questions, surprised to hear his friend sounding so tired. "You in bed already?" "Well hey Bo," Cooter's voice awakens before going silent, "I guess I could lie to you and tell you I wasn't in bed, but truth is, I was in bed. Sleeping good before you had to go wake me up. Just been a little bored around here lately. Ever since Luke left business has been slow since you haven't wrecked any patrol cars and all and you seem too busy for little ol' me or either that or you just put up with me because Luke hangs out with me. So I've been a little bored, so figured why not go to bed and catch a few more z's than normal." *Bo lends Cooter a small laugh.* "Honestly Cooter, I've been busy. I've got my own chores to do plus Luke's chores. Someone's got to do laundry," Bo pauses, realzing just how much Luke and Daisy adds to the household. "I ain't got no time for anyone other than the farm. By the time I'm finished, it's already dark and I'm tired and I've got to wake up early to start it all over again. Besides," Bo goes silent, staring into the dark living room, "figured I was doing you a favor." "Yeah?" Cooter questions, "How's that?" "Well y'all know how I get or how I am when I get tired and all," Bo slowly answers only for Cooter to interrupt him. "Yeah. Grouchy," Cooter answers, "so thanks for sparing me." He pauses to laugh a moment. "Though I do realize that you have time to be calling me as of now and not any other night. Which makes me wonder what exactly you are wanting." *Bo inhales deeply, feeling his exhaustion growing within him and he slowly sits down on the old chair as he attempts to ignore all thoughts of what tomorrow might hold.* "Well Cooter. I have a huge favor to ask you," Bo pauses again to sort out his words, "you see something has come up in the swamp. It's got Jesse acting weird as well as a couple other people. Jesse has the mind to go up there tomorrow to see what all is happening in the swamp and see if he can be of some help -" "And you're figuring you have to tag along to be of some help yourself," Cooter once again interrupts him and Bo finds himself rolling his eyes at his friend in the dark, "but that'd leave the farm open and unattended. So you are calling me to see if I could stop by and keep tabs of it and take care of all them rowdy animals of your's? Is that it?" *Bo sighs and nods before answering aloud, "Something like that. The animals will have extra food so unless we are gone for more than a day, they should be fine. I just need someone to stop by once or twice a day to make sure all is as it should be and all." "That's all, huh? Well I suppose I can handle that," Cooter finally responds, "that is if you don't want me going with you and helping out. We all know how dangerous the swamp may be and the more people you got, the better." "Nah. Don't think Jesse would think too much of that," Bo is quick to turn him down though deep down wanting to tell him to come along. "Thanks for the offer. I'll owe you big time." "Damn right you will. Better hope you aren't gone too long, because the longer you're gone, the more time I'll have to think of what I am going to ask you in return," Cooter laughs which only seems to make Bo more anxious and tense than what he already is, "I'll be glad to stop by and take care of the farm while y'all are away. You just promise me one thing, OK buddy?" "What's that?" Bo asks fighting off a yawn. "Y'all be careful. Don't want to hear about you and Jesse dying out in the swamp or anything. Luke would be sure to have my hide if something were to happen to either one of you. Plus I'll be bound to live a life of boredom if the farm is left for Luke and Daisy to take care of. They'd for sure be too busy for little ol' me," Cooter goes silent momentarily, when he speaks up, his voice is full of worry and concert, "but seriously, y'all take care. You'll need to be present in order to pay me back for what I'm doing for y'all." "I'll do my best Cooter. I really don't know what I am up against," Bo goes silent as his fear crawls within him of what tomorrow will hold for him, "that's all I'll promise you. I'll do my best. But I better get going. I have a feeling Jesse's going to be wanting to leave nice and early and I am assuming I'd do better with at least a little sleep. I'll give you a call if," Bo catches himself quickly, "when we get home." "When you get home sounds a lot better. I'll have my radio up and handy if you need me, just give me a call. Be careful Bo," Cooter repeats himself. "Yeah OK. Thanks again, Cooter," Bo slowly says, "night." He then hangs up before finding himself staring into space through the thick darkness before realizing it and slowly gets up to move towards his room. *
  5. I would assume that the million dollars would go to the driver and his pit crew that got the thirteenth spot.
  6. *Bo inhales deeply.* "I imagine something like that would whether or not you could do something about it. But knowing you, you did everything you could do not for something as horrible as that to happen." *Bo hangs his head momentarily and looks back up at Jesse.* "I'm going to the swamp to do all that I can do to be of help to you and everyone else out there. Whether you want me to or not." *Bo pauses to wait for Jesse's anger or his attempt to stop him. As Jesse continues to be silent, Bo continues* "Once you are off, I'll call Cooter and see if he can stop by the farm to feed and check on the animals as well as the farm. He owes me a favor or two, so I'm willin' to bet that he'll be more than glad to be of some help." *Bo slowly stands up himself, his own exhaustion weighs upon him.* "I'll be sure to be ready whenever you are wanting to leave. Night Jesse."* With that, Bo makes his way past his tired uncle and to the phone with thoughts of calling Cooter.*
  7. Everyone is treated equal w/in the chase, I think. Just they reset the points...can't remember to what number. But just for example, lets say they start everyone at zero. Right now both Johnson and Hamlin have five wins so they will be both at fifty points when it starts, Kyle has three wins so he'll have thirty points. Since Gordon hasn't had a win, he'll be at zero. Johnson and Hamlin will have fifty points on him, which he can gain in one race if he has an awesome race and they finish below him. I don't think they get bonus points once they are within the chase already. If I remember right, everyone's points is reset, just the top twelve has the chance at the championship. Everyone else is fighting for thirteenth where they'll take home a million dollars. Now for Hamlin going into the chase, right now he is tenth, so he'll be going from tenth to I believe second since Johnson is higher in points right now...I could be wrong about that though. I hope that answers your question Roger.
  8. That's the Night the lights went out in Georgia - Reba
  9. Well after the Atlanta race yesterday, the top ten point positions are locked into the chase. Meaning the only positions that may be available is eleven and twelve points. (Greg Biffle and Clint Bowyer) There is only one race left to go before the chase starts (is soooo hard to believe we are at this point already! Boy does the season goes by fast...why can't the off season go by this fast? LOL) Here is the top fifteen point positions: 1. Kevin Harvick 2. Jeff Gordon (-219) 3. Kyle Busch 4. Tony Stewart 5. Carl Edwards 6. Jeff Burton 7. Jimmie Johnson 8. Kurt Busch 9. Matt Kennseth 10. Denny Hamlin 11. Greg Biffle 12. Clint Bowyer 13. Ryan Newman (-117) 14. Jamie McMurray 15. Mark Martin This is what the chase would look like if it were to start today...at least I think it would, with the points reset. Though if Ryan Newman got into the chase next week, he would be number eight since he has a win to push Gordon to nineth, Edwards to tenth, Burton to eleventh, and Kenseth to twelve. I could be wrong, but this is what I kinda predict it looking like...that is unless Gordon or someone else within the top twelve gets a win next weekend or they move in points position! Don't quote me here, was just playing around to see what it would look like now and this is what it looks like. 1. Jimmie Johnson 2. Denny Hamlin 3. Kevin Harvick 4. Kyle Busch 5. Kurt Buscsh 6. Tony Stewart 7. Greg Biffle 8. Jeff Gordon 9. Carl Edwards 10. Jeff Burton 11. Matt Kenseth 12. Clint Bowyer
  10. Did anyone other than I watch the race last night in Atlanta? It was a wild one. It started out kinda dull with going a hundred and thirty or so laps under green, but it proved that cautions bred cautions. Once they got a caution more came it seemed last night. The first one was for some debri that they didn't show or talk about and then Denny Hamlin who had been dominant the whole race til then, his engine blew to take him out of the race. Then Greg Biffle who had a fast car went down on the track to run into Ryan Newman sent him crashing into Elliot Sadler who also was having a good race til then. Took Sadler out and Biffle was in the garage for over an hour before he return only to go back to the garage a few laps later with no power. The only good thing for Biffle was, was that he was able to come back out and finish the race for twelve points. Scott Speed who was having a decent race, later on, his engine blew as well which had caused fire under his car. Ironically, Speed didn't even know his car was on fire and had his crew yelling at him to just get out of the car once he was in the pit lane...he was even standing near his car afterwards. While the reporters were talking to him, he just saw the footage to see his car was on fire and admitted he didn't know his car was on fire or why his crew was so urgently telling him to get out. Kyle Busch and Kurt Busch both started out with a bad race with Kyle getting caught speeding in pits in the first pit stop then had to go in with a vibration. Kurt had a horrible car and did all things possible to get it fixed. Lucky for them, they both turned it around to have top ten finishes. Jimmie Johnson was back to his normal style and I think finished third. Tony Stewart won his first race of the season to score him ten extra bonus points for the chase. Gordon's daughter was at the race and even said a few words to the reporter in the prerace show and his car looked pretty good (even in pink. Not a fan of the color pink, but it was a good paint scheme) but his daughter didn't bring him the good luck I was hoping for...or he most likely. He fought with his car all day and didn't do much of anything with it all day and had fixed it with each pit stop. At one point it did look like he was getting better, but only for a little big. He finished thirteenth. Kasey Kahne was at one point leading the race for a few laps towards the end of the race, he fell back a few spots when Ryan Newman bumped him from behind to give him a flat tire. He then brought on a caution when the tire blew completely. Kasey let Ryan know he was upset at him when he came back out to run in to him from behind to get him sideways. After the race, they showed them having a discussion. Think Ryan was trying to bump draft Kasey and Kasey didn't see it that way. Points leader Kevin Harvick failed to finish the race after his tire blew half way through the race to bring on a caution. He locked his tires when he missed pit road which gave him the flat. He kept going in and around to do fixes and then go out before the pace car as to not lose a lap. He later brought it into the garage...it tore the front end up pretty good. Here is the top ten drivers of Atlanta: 1. Tony Stewart 2. Carl Edwards 3. Jimmie Johnson 4. Jeff Burton 5. Kyle Busch 6. Kurt Busch 7. Clint Bowyer 8. Ryan Newman 9. Juan Pablo Montoya 10. Marcos Ambrose
  11. The black looks pretty sharp, so IF I had to chose, it'd be black. But I'd much rather have the orange. It'd just be wrong to have a General Lee any other color than orange.
  12. Nice artwork, Hoss! I do like Lady A and Charlie Daniels may look good as Uncle Jesse, but to me, nothing would ever compare to the original cast and original series. My opinion of course.
  13. Well Roger, I hope you weren't surfing the channels looking for it tonight. It is tomorrow night that they'll be racing in Atlanta since it is a long weekend and all. Would be great to see the Duke Boys there...I can see them attending a race or two there. I put this in another thread, but I do believe that John Schneider sang the National Anthem before a race one year...might have been Atlanta. But I could be totally wrong on both accounts so don't go quoting me there. Hope you and everyone can at least catch the end of the race.
  14. *Bo remains silent for a long moment, taking it all in and trying to digest all that his uncle had told him. Jesse seldom confided in him like this which only seems to bring weight upon all that he had said. But what shook Bo the most, wasn't what Jesse had said or how he said it, but the emotion and the pain and horror his uncle seems to be trapped in after so many years. Only to leave him speechless and feeling hopeless of what he should say or do next.* "Well now I know why you were so upset earlier," Bo hears himself slowly speak up before going quiet once more as he attempts to gather his thoughts. "I didn't mean to question you or Andrew. . ." Bo lets his sentence hang, feeling awkward and useless. Breathing in deeply, he states, "Just let me know how I may be of help. I'll be glad to do anything I can do to help you and everyone out."*
  15. Well they will be racing in Atlanta tomorrow night. I think it is 6:45 central time and will be on ESPN. Here is the top ten starting positions: 1. Denny Hamlin 2. Ryan Newman 3. Kyle Busch 4. Carl Edwards 5. Tony Stewart 6. Martin Truex Jr 7. Jimmie Johnson 8. Juan Pablo Montoya 9. David Ragen 10. Kasey Kahne
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